: I don't work on TypeScript. I am not involved with that team and this is all my own opinion and conjecture.

免责声明:我不使用TypeScript。 我没有参与该团队,这是我自己的观点和推测。

UPDATE: After this post I sat down with Anders in Denmark at the GOTO 2012 Conference sin Aarhus and asked him bunch of questions about TypeScript. That recorded audio podcast is now available.

更新:发布这篇文章后,我在2012年GOTO会议上与丹麦的安德斯(Anders)在奥尔胡斯(Sing Aarhus)坐下,并问了他一系列有关TypeScript的问题。 录制的音频播客现在可用。

TypeScript was announced and folks are saying "TypeScript is clearly Microsoft's answer to Google's Dart" or "So TypeScript is Microsoft's answer to CoffeeScript."

TypeScript被宣布,人们说“ TypeScript显然是微软对Google Dart的答案”或“所以TypeScript是Microsoft对CoffeeScript的答案”。

I was chatting with Jez Humble today about the intense interest and some little gnashing of teeth around TypeScript and he offered this little gem of a quote:

今天,我与Jez Humble聊起了有关TypeScript的浓厚兴趣和一些咬牙切齿的事情,他提供了这个报价的小宝石:

It's disappointing when smart people display a profound ignorance of computing history. - Jez Humble

当聪明人对计算历史表现出极大的无知时,这真令人失望。 -杰兹·汉布尔

TypeScript has been out a day. It's way early to see if it has legs, but it seems initially promising.

TypeScript已经一天了。 现在来看它是否有腿还很早,但最初似乎很有希望。

TypeScript和Dart (TypeScript and Dart)

People have compared TypeScript to Dart. That's comparing apples to carburetors. TypeScript builds on JavaScript so there's no JS interop issues. Dart is a native virtual machine written from scratch. Dart interops with JavaScript...but it's not JS. It doesn't even use the JavaScript number type for example.

人们已经将TypeScript与Dart进行了比较。 那是将苹果与化油器进行比较。 TypeScript基于JavaScript构建,因此没有JS互操作问题。 Dart是从头开始编写的本地虚拟机。 Dart与JavaScript互操作...但是不是JS。 例如,它甚至不使用JavaScript数字类型。

TypeScript和CoffeeScript (TypeScript and CoffeeScript)

I'm a huge CoffeeScript fan although it is a different language with a syntax of its own to learn. What I like about TypeScript - so far - is that TypeScript’s static typing could enable better tooling with warning squiggles, easy statement completion, plus smart refactoring. You also get easy navigation around code, as well as find references, rename, and more. You don’t currently get that in CoffeeScript.

我是CoffeeScript的忠实拥护者,尽管它是另一种语言,具有自己要学习的语法。 到目前为止,我对TypeScript的满意之处在于TypeScript的静态类型可以通过警告字形,轻松的语句完成以及智能重构来实现更好的工具。 您还可以轻松浏览代码,以及查找引用,重命名等。 您目前没有在CoffeeScript中得到它。

那么什么是TypeScript? (So what is TypeScript?)

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript and you write it like you write JavaScript which I like. Any existing JavaScript is already TypeScript. One argument has been made that TypeScript is for people who don't want to learn JavaScript. I don't buy that. As Ward Bell said in an email:

TypeScript是JavaScript的超集,您可以像编写我喜欢JavaScript一样编写它。 任何现有JavaScript已经是TypeScript。 有一种说法认为TypeScript适用于不想学习JavaScript的人。 我不买正如Ward Bell在电子邮件中所说:

TypeScript is not a crutch any more than JSLint is a crutch. It doesn’t hide JavaScript (as CoffeeScript tends to do). - Ward Bell

TypeScript不是拐杖,而JSLint是拐杖。 它不会隐藏JavaScript(CoffeeScript倾向于这样做)。 -沃德·贝尔

I think Ward says it well. Folks rail against static typing but they don't complain about JSLint. TypeScript offers optional type annotations - it's hardly a perversion of JavaScript.

我认为沃德说得很好。 人们反对静态类型,但是他们没有抱怨JSLint。 TypeScript提供了可选的类型注释-几乎不是JavaScript的变种。

From what I can see after using TypeScript for a few days is this. It gives you type checking, explicit interfaces and easier module exports. In fact, it's a little like getting some of tomorrow's ECMAScript 6 early in a way that's compatible with today's JavaScript. ES6 won't be out for at least a year but we can play with some of those features today.

从使用TypeScript几天后可以看到的是这个。 它为您提供类型检查,显式接口和更轻松的模块导出。 实际上,这有点像以与当今JavaScript兼容的方式及早获得明天的ECMAScript 6。 ES6至少会发布一年,但是我们今天可以使用其中一些功能。

Things that I like about TypeScript:


  • It's Open Source and under the Apache 2.0 license 它是开源的,并且在Apache 2.0许可下
  • You can install the tools easily with


    • npm install typescript -g npm安装打字稿-g
  • You can git the source


    • git clone https://git01.codeplex.com/typescript  git clone https://git01.codeplex.com/typescript
  • You can play with it online at http://www.typescriptlang.org/Playground


Things I don't like about TypeScript (these are mostly implementation things)


  • No splitscreen editor like Visual Studio's existing CoffeeScript editor

    没有像Visual Studio现有的CoffeeScript编辑器那样的分屏编辑器

    • UPDATE: While this isn't "official" support, Mads has updated Web Essentials 2012 with a splitscreen editor. The two teams are going to work together on a more official solution.

      更新:虽然这不是“官方”支持,但Mads使用分屏编辑器更新了Web Essentials 2012 这两个团队将共同努力,寻求更正式的解决方案。

    No splitscreen editor like Visual Studio's existing CoffeeScript editor

    没有像Visual Studio现有的CoffeeScript编辑器那样的分屏编辑器

  • Doesn't generate .js on save, requires a build.


    • UPDATE: The Web Essentials extension does this for us.

      更新: Web Essentials扩展为我们完成了此任务。

  • You have to add a BeforeBuild target to your ASP.NET application's CSPROJ: 您必须向ASP.NET应用程序的CSPROJ中添加一个BeforeBuild目标:
<Target Name="BeforeBuild"><Exec Command="&quot;$(PROGRAMFILES)\Microsoft SDKs\TypeScript\\tsc&quot; @(TypeScriptCompile ->'&quot;%(fullpath)&quot;', ' ')" /></Target>

I will continue to use TypeScript and evaluate it, but I think the fact that it's open source, it creates JavaScript and it feels comfortable to me as a C# programmer means it will fill a useful niche.


This quote from Luke Hoban, co-creator of TypeScript really hits the spot.

TypeScript的共同创建者Luke Hoban的这段话确实很引人注目。

"CoffeeScript is to Ruby as TypeScript is to Java/C#/C++." - Luke Hoban

“ CoffeeScript适用于Ruby,而TypeScript适用于Java / C#/ C ++。” -卢克·霍班(Luke Hoban)

If you love Ruby, you'll enjoy CoffeeScript as it makes the JavaScript more like the Ruby. The same is true with TypeScript. It brings useful features into JavaScript in an ultimately compatible and syntax-friendly way using language constructs you're comfortable with.

如果您喜欢Ruby,那么您会喜欢CoffeeScript,因为它使JavaScript更像Ruby。 TypeScript也是如此。 它使用您习惯的语言构造以最终兼容且语法友好的方式将有用的功能引入JavaScript。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/why-does-typescript-have-to-be-the-answer-to-anything


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