英文投诉信:手提电脑毛病(prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)

Alex Lin


(Phone #)

(email address)

July 3, 20XX

Customer Service

Best Buy Canada Ltd.

Consumer Relations Dept.


Dear Sirs/Madams:

Re: Alex Lin Reward Program #: 1234567890


a long-time loyal customer of Best Buy where we have purchased over

70% of our computers and other electronics, we are writing to you

to lodge a complaint respecting a faulty Axxx laptop computer which

cost me over 10 hours of time.


am seeking some token compensation from you for such


Also please note that on the positive side, I have brought

the problem and solution to the attention of your store technical

staff which could save you further trouble and lost sales in

selling the existing stock of laptops of that model.

Here are the facts:


June 26, 2009, I purchased an Axxx laptop and other accessories

which totaled $1,009.94 including taxes from your Scarborough Best Buy store.

After spending no less than 10 hours installing programs

and updates, I found out I could not burn the recovery


The Axxx registration screen instructed me to go to a Best

Buy (see attached) and I went back to the Scarborough Store. A

technician went through the process and concluded it was a rare

case where the recovery partition was corrupt, and gave me a new

laptop. He also gave me the website address of Axxx.


went back home and loaded the new laptop, but the same problem

occurred and I could not burn the recovery disk. Before deciding to

return the computer for full refund, I wrote to the Axxx technical

assistance hotline. After several tries and few more hours, they

finally instructed me to download a patch which resolved the

problem. I related the experience to the Best Buy store technician

that helped me.

The question is why Axxx is selling faulty laptops without

properly advising retailers how to fix them? It cost me over 10

hours and Best Buy an open-box laptop.

Please note that I did contact Axxx for compensation and

they refused. My transaction was conducted with Best Buy and I hope

you can consider some token compensation for this fiasco so that I

know I am well taken care of in dealing with you.

Yours truly,

Alex Lin.

(Follow-up: I can’t remember what happened. I could have received a

$25 of gift certificate from Best Buy for my trouble.)


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