Multi-source Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation

[NeurIPS 2019] [2020: MADAN: Multi-source Adversarial Domain Aggregation Network for Domain Adaptation] [github]


Multi-source Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation


Problem Setup



Dynamic Adversarial Image Generation

Adversarial Domain Aggregation

Feature-aligned Semantic Segmentation

MADAN Learning


Simulation-to-real domain adaptation for semantic segmentation has been actively studied for various applications such as autonomous driving. Existing methods mainly focus on a single-source setting, which cannot easily handle a more practical scenario of multiple sources with different distributions. In this paper, we propose to investigate multi-source domain adaptation for semantic segmentation. Specifically, we design a novel framework, termed Multi-source Adversarial Domain Aggregation Network (MADAN), which can be trained in an end-to-end manner. First, we generate an adapted domain for each source with dynamic semantic consistency while aligning at the pixel-level cycle-consistently towards the target. Second, we propose sub-domain aggregation discriminator and cross-domain cycle discriminator to make different adapted domains more closely aggregated. Finally, feature-level alignment is performed between the aggregated domain and target domain while training the segmentation network. Extensive experiments from synthetic GTA and SYNTHIA to real Cityscapes and BDDS datasets demonstrate that the proposed MADAN model outperforms state-of-the-art approaches.



第三句,本文工作:一句话概括本文做的内容,即 提出研究语义分割的多源域适应问题。

第四-七句,算法介绍:本文提出的模型,Multi-source Adversarial Domain Aggregation Network (MADAN),包括三个部分:




第八句,实验结论:从合成的数据集 GTA 和 SYNTHIA 到真实的数据集 Cityscapes 和 BDDS 上的广泛实验表明,所提出的 MADAN 模型优于最先进的方法。

Problem Setup



Figure 1: The framework of the proposed Multi-source Adversarial Domain Aggregation Network (MADAN). The colored solid arrows represent generators, while the black solid arrows indicate the segmentation network F. The dashed arrows correspond to different losses.

Dynamic Adversarial Image Generation

Adversarial Domain Aggregation

Feature-aligned Semantic Segmentation

MADAN Learning

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