
mkdir -p /usr/local/fping && cd /usr/local/fping

2、下载 fping3.15 安装包

wget http://fping.org/dist/fping-3.15.tar.gz


tar -zxvf fping-3.15.tar.gz && cd fping-3.15


./configure --prefix=/usr/local/fping && make && make install


sed -i '1i\export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/fping/sbin' /etc/profile && source /etc/profile


echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/fping/sbin" >> /etc/bashrc


fping -v


常用: fping -Asg  #以IP显示是否在线,并打印出报告

Usage(用法): fping [选项] [目标...]

-a    显示目标地址是否在线
-A    以IP地址显示,并判断是否在线
-b n   发送ping的数据包量,以字节为单位 (默认 56),n写成数量,以下参数同此
-B f    设置指数回退因素为f
-c n   计算要发送到每个目标的ping信号 (默认发送 1 个包)
-C n  功能同-c,报告结果更详细
-D   在每个输出行打印时间戳
-e   显示返回包的运行时间
-f file 从文件中读取目标列表 ( - means stdin) (only if no -g specified)

-g   生成目标列表 (only if no -f specified)
   (在目标列表中指定开始和结束IP, 或者提供一个IP网络掩码)
   (ex. fping -g or fping -g

-H n  设置IP TTL值(Time To Live hops)
-i n    发送ping包之间的间隔 (in millisec毫秒) (default 25)
-I     如果绑定到特定接口
-l     loop sending pings forever永不
-m   ping目标主机上的多个接口
-M   设置Don't Fragment标志
-n    按名称显示目标 (-d is equivalent等效的)
-N   为网络数据输出兼容(-l -Q are required必须的)
-o   显示累计停机时间 (lost packets * packet interval 间隔)
-O n  在ICMP包上设置服务类型(tos)标志

-p n   ping包到一个目标之间的间隔 (in millisec)
    (in looping and counting modes, default 1000)

-q    安静模式 (don't show per-target/per-ping results)
-Q n   功能如同 -q, 每n秒显示摘要
-r n    重复次数 (default 3)
-R   随机分组数据 (to foil阻止 link data compression压缩)
-s    打印最后的统计数据
-S   设置源地址
-t n    单个目标初始超时 (in millisec) (default 500)
-T n   忽略(for compatibility兼容性 with fping 2.4)
-u    显示目标不可达
-v    显示版本
要检查的目标列表 (if no -f specified)

English Version

fping: Version 3.15

fping: comments to david@schweikert.ch

Usage: fping [options] [targets...]
-a  show targets that are alive
-A  show targets by address
-b n  amount of ping data to send, in bytes (default 56)
-B f  set exponential backoff factor to f
-c n  count of pings to send to each target (default 1)
-C n  same as -c, report results in verbose format
-D  print timestamp before each output line
-e  show elapsed time on return packets
-f file  read list of targets from a file ( - means stdin) (only if no -g specified)
-g  generate target list (only if no -f specified)
(specify the start and end IP in the target list, or supply a IP netmask)
(ex. fping -g or fping -g
-H n  Set the IP TTL value (Time To Live hops)
-i n  interval between sending ping packets (in millisec) (default 25)
-I  if bind to a particular interface
-l  loop sending pings forever
-m  ping multiple interfaces on target host
-M  set the Don't Fragment flag
-n  show targets by name (-d is equivalent)
-N  output compatible for netdata (-l -Q are required)
-o   show the accumulated outage time (lost packets * packet interval)
-O n   set the type of service (tos) flag on the ICMP packets
-p n   interval between ping packets to one target (in millisec)
(in looping and counting modes, default 1000)
-q     quiet (don't show per-target/per-ping results)
-Q n  same as -q, but show summary every n seconds
-r n number of retries (default 3)
-R   random packet data (to foil link data compression)
-s    print final stats
-S   addr set source address
-t n  individual target initial timeout (in millisec) (default 500)
-T n ignored (for compatibility with fping 2.4)
-u  show targets that are unreachable
-v  show version
targets list of targets to check (if no -f specified)


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