
by Manas Kulkarni

通过玛纳斯·库尔卡尼(Manas Kulkarni)

我分析了736天的幸福感。 这是我学到的。 (I analyzed my happiness over 736 days. Here’s what I learned.)

“And it only takes a minute, dude. Sometimes I do it when I’m using the bathroom.”

“这只需要一分钟,老兄。 有时候我在洗手间时会这样做。”

It was December 2014, and I was at dinner in Santa Cruz with one of my best friends. I can’t remember why, but somehow we were on the topic of “routines” and he was telling me about a daily journal he’d been keeping.

2014年12月,我和我最好的朋友之一在圣克鲁斯共进晚餐。 我不记得为什么,但是不知何故我们在“例行程序”这个话题上,他告诉我他一直保留的每日日记。

“It’s simple — I just write down at least one dope thing that happens every day.”


When he suggested I try it, I was immediately skeptical. I’d always categorized journaling as one of those “it’s-probably-good-for-me-but-realistically-I’m-not-going-to-keep-it-up” ideas (See “flossing”, “meditation”, and “watching only one episode of The Office at a time”).

当他建议我尝试时,我立即表示怀疑。 我一直将日记归类为“可能对我有好处,但实际上我不会继续坚持”的想法之一( 请参阅“牙线清洁”,“冥想”)。 ”和“一次仅观看The Office的集” )。

But after hearing how much he’d genuinely enjoyed doing it — and more importantly, how easy it was to do — I thought I’d give it a shot. I can now proudly say that, after a little more than two years, I haven’t missed a single day.

但是,在听到他真正喜欢这样做的乐趣之后-更重要的是,这很容易做到-我想我会尝试一下。 我现在可以自豪地说,在两年多一点之后,我从未错过任何一天。

What I’m more excited to share, however, is what I’ve found by digging into all of the entries. (*Note* I’m a former statistics teacher who had way too much free time in India last month.)

但是,我高兴与大家分享的是我通过深入研究所有条目而发现的东西。 (*注*我是前统计老师,上个月在印度有太多的空闲时间。)

Below are three things I learned from the process and my analysis.


要点1:实际上很容易做到 (Takeaway 1: It’s actually pretty easy to do)

I was initially worried about staying consistent, since my track record for maintaining habits is laughably poor. But taking my friend’s advice, I used free moments in the day to make my daily entries: during my commute, on my way back from the gym, or on the porcelain think tank.

最初,我担心保持一致,因为我的习惯养成记录很差。 但是,在朋友的建议下,我在一天中的空闲时间进行日常输入:上下班途中,从健身房返回途中或在瓷质智囊团中。

Originally, I kept my entries in an Evernote doc, but eventually the file got too large and slowed my phone down. I switched to Day One, which is a beautiful app for daily journaling that allows you to tag entries, add photos, and even set daily reminders so you don’t forget.

最初,我将输入内容保存在Evernote文档中,但最终文件太大,从而降低了我的手机速度。 我切换到Day One ,这是一个用于日常日志记录的漂亮应用程序,它使您可以标记条目,添加照片,甚至设置每日提醒,这样您就不会忘记。

I won’t lie, I’d often miss an entire week’s worth of entries and would have to go back later to make it up, which was a pain. But when I’d forget what had happened on a particular day, I’d just look through texts or emails from that day to jog my memory. Even if the post was something as simple as “that amazing pasta with the spicy meatballs,” I didn’t mind — I just wanted to make sure I was making an entry.

我不会撒谎,我经常会错过一整周的参赛作品,并且不得不稍后再进行弥补,这很痛苦。 但是,当我忘了某天发生的事情时,我只会翻阅那一天的文字或电子邮件,以唤起我的记忆。 即使发布的内容很简单,例如“带有辣肉丸的意面”,我也不介意-我只是想确保自己能入职。

要点2:您的美好日子比您想象的还要多 (Takeaway 2: You have more good days than you think)

Not only was it great to scroll through all of these positive entries on a bad day and think “cool, life is not as terrible as it seems today,” but I also used a feature in Day One to “star” days that I thought were especially fantastic. This allowed me to do two things:

不仅在糟糕的一天翻阅所有这些积极的观点,并认为“酷,生活并不像今天看起来那么糟糕”真是太好了,而且我还利用第一天的功能“标记”了我认为的日子特别棒。 这使我可以做两件事:

1.我计算了一次“踢屁股”一天(又称“加星标”)的频率 (1. I calculated how often I had a “kick-ass” day (a.k.a “starred” entry))

I had 211 “kick-ass” days out of 736 total entries…


So basically I now have two years’ worth of evidence to confidently say “at least two days this week will be pretty dope.” Of course, it’s subjective in that it depends on my definition of a “kick-ass” day (see below), but since I’m predicting for my own life anyways, that bias is less relevant.

因此,基本上,我现在有两年的证据可以自信地说:“本周至少两天会很不错。” 当然,这是主观的,这取决于我 定义为“踢屁股”日(见下文),但由于我还是要为自己的生活做预测,因此这种偏见就不那么重要了。

b)我能理解为什么这些天确实是“踢屁股” (b) I could understand why these days were indeed “kick-ass”)

I exported all of the entries into a spreadsheet and manually tagged each day — yeah, it was totally exhausting — with the specific reasons why that day was “kick-ass.”


Below are the 10 most common reasons:


And for those of you wondering what counts as a “special activity,” here are a few examples:


要点3:日记不仅仅是“好习惯” (Takeaway 3: Journaling is more than just “a good habit”)

I mentioned earlier that it’s great to “scroll through happiness” on a rainy day, but I’d already expected that benefit when I started.


What I didn’t expect was an improvement in my memory. By virtue of writing down and rereading details, I could easily answer questions like “hey, what was that restaurant we went to over the summer?” or “There was someone I met recently who knows a lot about X,Y,Z. Who was that again?”

我没想到的是我的记忆力得到了改善 。 通过写下并重新阅读详细信息,我可以轻松回答诸如“嘿,我们夏天去哪家餐厅?”这样的问题。 或“最近遇到的某个人,我对X,Y,Z了解很多。 那又是谁?”

I also didn’t expect my journal to give me prescriptive information. I already knew that “meaningful conversations” and “laughter” make for pretty good days, but it’s great to have concrete data to remind me what I should be doing more of (like calling the family in India or planning more weekend trips).

我也没想到我的日记会给我规定性信息。 我已经知道“有意义的对话”和“笑声”可以度过一段美好的时光,但是拥有一些具体的数据来提醒我应该做的事情很棒(例如打电话给印度的家人或计划更多的周末旅行),这真是太好了。

Many of us already spend hours in spreadsheets for our employers, and some of us meticulously track data on our physical health. Why don’t we do the same for our happiness?

我们中的许多人已经为雇主花费了数小时在电子表格中,并且我们中的一些人精心跟踪了有关我们身体健康的数据。 我们为什么不为幸福做同样的事情?

I think that’s the kind of “data driven decision-making” that doesn’t get enough attention.


结论 (Conclusion)

In retrospect, I think the main reasons why I’ve been able to maintain this habit more sustainably than any other is that it had immediate and visible benefits in a very short period of time and gave me a tangible record of my progress to analyze.

回想起来,我认为我之所以能够比以前更可持续地保持这种习惯的主要原因是,它在很短的时间内就立即产生了明显的好处 ,并为我的分析进展提供了切实的记录

That said, I do want to be clear that the point of journaling was NOT the analysis; it took me 10 hours to dissect all of this data, and had that been the end goal when I started, I never would have done it in the first place. (Though it was definitely fun to make this infographic — thanks, Infogram).

就是说,我确实想明确一点,日记的目的不是分析;而是 剖析所有这些数据花了我10个小时,而这正是我开始时的最终目标,但我从来没有做过。 (尽管制作此信息图绝对很有趣 —谢谢, Infogram )。

The real motivation was way simpler: just chronicle as many great memories as possible because, frankly, it’ll be great to read them every now and then. And that was true :)

真正的动机要简单得多:只记载尽可能多的美好回忆,因为坦率地说,不时阅读这些回忆会很棒。 那是真的:)

I want to thank you for reading this and would love to hear your feedback, your ideas, and your own findings if you’re doing / will do something similar.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-i-learned-after-documenting-736-days-of-happiness-e23e406bde04/


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