
1. Clinical Medicine submissions

2. Research

3. Brief Report



Research and Brief Report submissions: Unstructured abstract of no more than 200 words stating the rationale, objectives, findings, and conclusions of the manuscript. (这里要求200词的摘要,in one paragraph)

Clinical Medicine submissions: Structured abstract of no more than 250 words providing trial information under the following sections:

Background. Provide context or background for the study and state the study’s primary objective or hypothesis in 1–2 sentences.


Methods. Describe the basic procedures used during the study, including selection of study subjects and observational and analytical methods. Define the primary outcomes that were measured for each group of subjects.

Results. Summarize the main findings, including specific effect sizes and their statistical significance, if possible. Include (if relevant) the number of participants in each group, the primary outcome for each group, and any significant adverse events or side effects.

Conclusion. In 1–2 sentences, state the principal conclusions, emphasizing new and important aspects of the study or observations.


Trial registration. List the public registry and trial registration number, e.g., ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00950003.

Funding. List all sources.







Author contributions



全文+figure legend 是900个英文单词

Submission fee: 0 $


Required documents:

First-time submissions

PDF file of the entire manuscript, complete with figures, figure legends, and tables, prepared as described in Manuscript preparation. The preferred format for the presentation of figures is to show each figure together with its corresponding legend on the same page.

PDF file of any cited reference that is in review or in press at another journal, or is publicly unavailable.


Revised submissions

PDF of the complete manuscript (as above) prefaced by a point-by-point response to reviewer comments.

In addition, provide a Word or RTF file of the manuscript with text only (no figures); the file should also include tables in Word format.

Publication-quality figures in TIFF format will be requested from corresponding authors. See detailed instructions for figure preparation.

If the submission includes any cropped gels, upload a separate PDF, PPT, or PPTX file (distinct from any other supplemental material you provide) that displays the entire unedited gel. Clearly indicate which bands were used in the figures.

Clinical Medicine submissions ONLY

For clinical trial manuscripts, upload a PDF of the appropriate reporting checklists (for example, CONSORT, STROBE); see Clinical trials.


Title page





Author contributions



Figures and figure legends

Tables (if applicable)

Note: The recommended length for Research and Clinical Medicine submissions is 9,000 words; the maximum allowable length of an accepted manuscript is 12,000 words, including the text of legends, tables, and references.

Title page

The manuscript title should be clear, concise, descriptive, and limited to 10 words including conjunctions. 简明扼要,10个字(包括连词)


References are cited in the text by sequential numbers in parentheses (do not use superscript).

In the References section, references are numbered in the order in which they appear in the text.

References are in AMA style (AMA Manual of Style, 10th edition, pages 39–79), with journal names abbreviated according to the NLM catalog. The JCI strongly encourages authors to use EndNote in Microsoft Word to ensure that the format is correct.

Figures and figure legends

1. Figures

Figures are cited sequentially in the text using Arabic numerals (for example, Figure 7).

Type appearing within figures (axis labels, for example) is in Helvetica or a similar typeface and is of sufficient size and contrast to retain clarity if reduced in size.

Avoid use of bold type in figure labels.

Scale bars are defined in the figure legends, not in the figures themselves.

Standard abbreviations are used whenever possible.

Avoid gratuitous use of color for decorative effect, boxes around graphs and figures, and small type and symbols on large graphs; avoid pairing red and green in graphs to ensure legibility for color-blind readers. Whenever possible, do not place labels over any part of a color figure.

Do not include tabular material within figures.

For submission to the JCI, compressed figure files should be included in the PDF of the manuscript. Authors will be required to submit high-resolution figures prepared according to the JCI figure instructions.

2. Figure legends

Limited to 300 words each, including a short title and an explanation in brief but sufficient detail to make the figure intelligible without reference to the main text (unless a similar explanation has been given in a preceding figure legend).

Include a key to any symbols used.

The exact number of samples (n) is included for each figure panel presenting multiple samples.

The statistical test used is described in each figure legend.

Each figure (including all parts, if applicable) with corresponding legend must be presented on its own page.


Tables are self-contained and self-explanatory.

Tables are accompanied by brief titles.

Footnotes are assigned as superscript capital letters starting with A and continuing in alphabetical order.

Tables with sections (for example, Table 1A, 1B, 1C) are not acceptable.

Each table must be presented complete on its own page.

Supplemental data

Authors of accepted manuscripts may provide related supplemental data to be posted online along with the published manuscript. This may include figures, tables, videos, or appendices but excludes large datasets. All Supplemental Data information (except videos) should be combined into a single PDF file. Before submission, carefully review all files; they will not be checked by a copy editor. The JCI is not responsible for any errors contained in data supplements.

Accepted file formats

PDF files should be used for any submission of the complete manuscript; supplemental data (except for long tables in Excel format or videos); and, if applicable, unpublished references, ICMJE uniform disclosure forms, and reporting checklists.

PDF, PPT, or PPTX files showing the full, unedited versions of any figure instructions).


Main text

The manuscript includes the following sections: Abstract; Introduction; Results; Discussion (combined Results and Discussion in the case of Brief Reports); Methods; Author contributions; Acknowledgments. 所有杂七杂八的东西都要组装到这里,摘要,介绍,结论,讨论(如果是Brief Report类型的文章要求把结论和讨论放在一起写),方法,作者贡献,感谢。大体这7个部件。

Nonstandard abbreviations are defined at first mention, with the abbreviated form appearing in parentheses. Thereafter, they should be used without definition. Standard JCI abbreviations do not need to be defined. 文章中可定少不了缩略词,如果是非常规的缩略词在正文第一次出现的时候写出完整的词,随后不必再作强调。点击蓝体字查看哪些是在JCI里不需要你写出完整格式的。

Methods of statistical analysis are summarized in a stand-alone paragraph titled Statistics. 统计要在方法里单独列出一个。

Authors must fully describe all statistical tests used during the analysis in the methods, and the statistical test used must also be reported in the relevant figure legend. 描述出methods里所有的统计检测,figure legend里要报道这些统计方法。

We encourage authors to describe methods used to assess whether the data met the assumptions of the statistical test utilized (e.g., normal distribution). Authors must specify whether statistical tests are one-sided or two-sided. When making multiple comparisons on a single data set, authors should choose statistical tests that account for multiple groups (such as ANOVA rather than a series of t tests).

The statistical analysis should also correct for repeated measures when comparing multiple measurements within subjects. A statement describing inclusion/exclusion criteria must be included in Methods if any samples were excluded from the analysis.

Error bars must be defined, either in Methods or in the legends themselves; e.g., “Data represent mean ± SEM.” Variance around the mean and statistical analysis should not be presented if fewer than 3 independent samples are included.

A specific declaration of approval of human and animal studies by the appropriate institutional review board(s) must be made in a stand-alone paragraph titled “Study approval” at the end Methods; in the case of human studies, this includes a statement indicating that written informed consent was received from participants prior to inclusion in the study. Participants should be identified by number, not by name. Manuscripts without declaration of ethical approval for experiments will not be reviewed.


Author contributions

Provide a paragraph titled “Author contributions” specifying how each author (identified by initials) contributed to the manuscript. Examples include designing research studies, conducting experiments, acquiring data, analyzing data, providing reagents, and writing the manuscript. Multiple contributions may be listed for a single individual, and more than one individual may be associated with a single contribution.Author contributions

Provide a paragraph titled “Author contributions” specifying how each author (identified by initials) contributed to the manuscript. Examples include designing research studies, conducting experiments, acquiring data, analyzing data, providing reagents, and writing the manuscript. Multiple contributions may be listed for a single individual, and more than one individual may be associated with a single contribution.

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