
距离, stiffness, landmark

Optimal Step Nonrigid ICP Algorithms for surface registration相关推荐

  1. [论文阅读][Point-Plane ICP]Object Modeling by Registration of Multiple Range Images

    Object Modeling by Registration of Multiple Range Images 文章目录 Object Modeling by Registration of Mul ...

  2. 点云配准论文阅读笔记--(4PCS)4-Points Congruent Sets for Robust Pairwise Surface Registration

    目录 点云配准系列 写在前面 Abstract摘要 1 Introduction引言 2 Background研究背景 RANSAC Randomized Alignment 3 Approximat ...

  3. 【论文阅读】4- 4-Points Congruent Sets for Robust Pairwise Surface Registration

    [论文阅读]4- 4-Points Congruent Sets for Robust Pairwise Surface Registration 1.基础知识回顾 2.算法理解 2.1.算法综述: ...

  4. 4-Points Congruent Sets for Robust Pairwise Surface Registration——4PCS阅读笔记

    4-Points Congruent Sets for Robust Pairwise Surface Registration--4PCS阅读笔记 2018年03月08日 10:18:14 Voda ...

  5. Go-ICP: A Globally Optimal Solutionto 3D ICP Point-Set Registration(2016)

    Go-ICP:三维ICP点集配准的全局最优解(截至目前谷歌学术引用419) 1. Problem Formulation 配准问题是非凸的.范数最小二乘容易受离群点(outlier)的影响 2. Th ...

  6. [论文阅读][经典ICP] A Method For Registration Of 3D Shapes

    A Method For Registration Of 3D Shapes 目录 A Method For Registration Of 3D Shapes Abstract Introducti ...

  7. Hybrid Skeleton Driven Surface Registration for Temporally Consistent Volumetric Video

    这篇文章主要讲给定不同视角下的一组人的视频, 然后如何重建出整个人物的动画 大致流程是, 先根据不同视角重建出不同时刻的三维模型 然后detect每帧的2d pose, 重建出3d pose, 可以算 ...

  8. 【点云配准-4PCS(2008)】4-Points Congruent Sets for Robust Pairwise Surface Registration

    文章目录 1 背景 1.1 问题描述 1.2 相似性测度(Similarity Measure) 1.3 随机采样一致性(Random Sample Consensus,RANSAC) 1.4 Ran ...

  9. 非刚性配准(Non-rigid ICP )

    原文https://blog.csdn.net/linmingan/article/details/79270874?utm_medium=distribute.pc_relevant.none-ta ...


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