
Emerging from the sewer, Baldric found himself in the basin of a dry fountain. In its center was a marble statue of a massive fist which appeared to be composed of many entangled bodies. Employees, by how they were dressed. There were holes in various mouths and eyes that were apparently meant to be channeling water. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Baldric muttered. Shaking off his fear along with the sewage, he climbed out of the fountain and proceeded across the polished granite floors of the otherwise empty, high-ceilinged room towards a particular pair of iron-reinforced doors. They were unlocked, and with a heave, he pulled one open and started down the dim rock-wall passage. It seemed to be sloping downward.

E会从下水道合并,佩饰发现自己在一个旱喷泉盆地。 在它的中心是一个大理石雕像,拳头巨大,似乎由许多纠缠的尸体组成。 员工,通过他们的衣着。 各种嘴巴和眼睛上都有Kong,显然是要引导水的。 “对此我有一种不好的感觉,”鲍德里克喃喃地说。 他摆脱了污水带来的恐惧,从喷泉中爬出,穿过原本空旷的高天花板房间的抛光花岗岩地板,朝着一对特殊的铁加固门前进。 他们被解锁了,他举起头来拉开一个,开始沿着暗淡的岩壁通道走。 它似乎向下倾斜。

1室 (Chamber 1)

After a time the passage opened up into a small, unadorned stone chamber, the first of six according to Cassandra. Two arched doorways leading out of the chamber stood in front of Baldric. Carved into the rock above the leftmost doorway was the expression 157 * 211. Above the other doorway was carved 37 * 919. On the ceiling of the chamber was the “greater than” symbol >.

过了一会儿,通道通向一个没有装饰的小石室,根据卡桑德拉的说法,这是六分之一。 从房间出来的两个拱形门口站在波德里克的面前。 157 * 211刻在最左侧门口上方的岩石上。 在另一个门口上方刻有37 * 919 。 在房间的天花板上是“大于”符号>

“Based on what Cassandra said, I need to take the doorway with the greater result. I’ll bet I can weave some magic to figure that out.”

“根据卡桑德拉所说的,我需要走出更好的结果。 我敢打赌,我可以编织一些魔术来解决这个问题。”

>>> 157 * 211 > 37 * 919

“So Door 1 is not greater than Door 2, which means that Door 2 is in fact the greater door, and so I should take Door 2. But what is this new thing I’ve produced? Is False a string?”

“因此,门1不大于门2,这意味着门2实际上是更大的门,因此我应该选择门2。但是,我生产的这件新东西是什么? 是字符串吗?”

“That’s right, comparisons become booleans, which can take the form of either True or False. Interesting. Anyways, these comparisons are supposed to get more difficult, and Cassandra mentioned that death and worse lurks in the incorrect passages, so I’d better see if I can weave Magic that’s a little easier to read and understand.”

“That’s right, comparisons become booleans, which can take the form of either True or False . Interesting. Anyways, these comparisons are supposed to get more difficult, and Cassandra mentioned that death and worse lurks in the incorrect passages, so I’d better see if I can weave Magic that’s a little easier to read and understand.”

>>> door1 = 157 * 211
>>> door2 = 37 * 919
>>> door1 > door2
“That’s more readable, but I wish I could have it just tell me which door to go down so I don’t even have to think about it…oh yeah, I forgot! That Book of Magic had a section on conditional statements.”
“That’s more readable, but I wish I could have it just tell me which door to go down so I don’t even have to think about it…oh yeah, I forgot! That Book of Magic had a section on conditional statements.”
# notice the code's structure here, how it is indented
# try using a single tab (equivalent in length to 4 spaces) as your standard indentation
if 1 > 2:
print("It's True!")
print("It's False!")

It's False!
“I remember now, conditional statements use booleans to determine which branch of code gets executed. 1 is not greater than 2, so that first if branch’s condition is False. Therefore, the else branch gets executed. Let’s see if I can get them to work in the case of this little puzzle…”
“I remember now, conditional statements use booleans to determine which branch of code gets executed. 1 is not greater than 2, so that first if branch’s condition is False . Therefore, the else branch gets executed. Let’s see if I can get them to work in the case of this little puzzle…”
# note that the code is now written in 'script mode'
# and the result of the code is shown in a separate window
door1 = 157 * 211
door2 = 37 * 919
if door1 > door2:
print('Proceed through Door 1')
print('Proceed through Door 2')
Proceed through Door 2
“There we go, much harder to mix up.” Baldric happily strolled through Door 2 and once again proceeded down a dimly-lit passage before arriving at a second chamber.
“There we go, much harder to mix up.” Baldric happily strolled through Door 2 and once again proceeded down a dimly-lit passage before arriving at a second chamber.
Chamber 2(Chamber 2)
In this chamber were a total of three arched doorways.
In this chamber were a total of three arched doorways.
  • Above Doorway 1:     661 * 691
  • Above Doorway 2:     61 * 7331
  • Above Doorway 3:     41 * 83 * 131
  • On the Ceiling:           == 445793
  • 门口上方1:661 * 691
  • 门口上方2:61 * 7331
  • 门口上方3:41 * 83 * 131
  • 在天花板上: == 445793

“I see there’s a third branch to our decision now with that third door. And I have to find the result that equals 445793. Shouldn’t be a problem. elif statements can be used to fill in extra branches between the initial if and ending else. The first branch with a True boolean gets executed, and the rest of the branches are then ignored. If none of the other conditions are True, then the else branch gets executed.”

“我看到现在有了第三扇门,这是我们做出决定的第三分支。 而且我必须找到等于445793的结果。这应该不是问题。 elif语句可用于填充初始ifelse else之间的额外分支。 执行带有True布尔值的第一个分支,然后忽略其余的分支。 如果其他条件都不为True ,则执行else分支。”

door1 = 661 * 691
door2 = 61 * 7331
door3 = 41 * 83 * 131
# notice that = is used for variable assignment
# while == (two equals signs) is used to test for equality
if door1 == 445793:
print('Take Door 1')
elif door2 == 445793:
print('Take Door 2')
print('Take Door 3')
Take Door 3

Baldric took a step towards Door 3, then stopped in thought.


“Wait a second, I didn’t actually check to make sure that the calculation for Door 3 equals 445793. I just assumed it did if the other two doors weren’t equal to 445793. It’s probably a pretty safe bet, but I’d better make a little change to my Magic just to make sure I didn’t make a mistake.”


door1 = 661 * 691
door2 = 61 * 7331
door3 = 41 * 83 * 131
if door1 == 445793:
print('Take Door 1')
elif door2 == 445793:
print('Take Door 2')
elif door3 == 445793:
print('Take Door 3')
print('Is there a mistake?')
Take Door 3

“Same result, excellent. I’m very curious about these booleans though. Are they similar to numbers? Or strings? Or lists?”

“相同的结果,非常好。 我对这些布尔值很好奇。 它们类似于数字吗? 还是弦乐? 还是清单?”

>>> True + True
>>> True + False
>>> False + False
>>> True == 1
>>> False == 0
# True and False can behave like 1 and 0, and vice versa
>>> True[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "python", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'bool' object is not subscriptable
# they can't, however, behave like strings or lists

“So True and False are very closely related to the integers 1 and 0. Intriguing.”

“因此, TrueFalse与整数1和0密切相关。有趣。”

3室 (Chamber 3)

Baldric soon came to a third chamber, similar to the others, though this time it had five doors, and the following jibberish text on the ceiling:


  • Doorway 1:     “laksjdflf”
  • Doorway 2:     “aowiejflk”
  • Doorway 3:     “wopidnsks”
  • Doorway 4:     “ufkasidhu”
  • Doorway 5:     “paoiwmqnk”
  • Ceiling:            in “aiuhmxijfhmsioduyweniahuewiauehrnuaghfjskalfhwiaeunhsdfhksjaueyrukasenfhkdjsfhasneuinakheiuarsdgnfudhlfauneyhuiasgnfkdhuauerhnasihafsuiehnsdjfhmauefhnyuhnkausdkfhmskaldfhmaskdufkasidhufiuwoeumopasienroiaweuroiawenruiaweynroiafuioshfnouisdgbuiozfhmniozsuerynosuihnfrsdioufhosiaueyhnasduifhnsuiafbyioausenyrunsaerbuaysdbni”
  • 门口1:“ laksjdflf”
  • 门口2:“ aowiejflk”
  • 门口3:“ wopidnsks”
  • 门口4:“ ufkasidhu”
  • 门口5:“ paoiwmqnk”
  • 天花板: “aiuhmxijfhmsioduyweniahuewiauehrnuaghfjskalfhwiaeunhsdfhksjaueyrukasenfhkdjsfhasneuinakheiuarsdgnfudhlfauneyhuiasgnfkdhuauerhnasihafsuiehnsdjfhmauefhnyuhnkausdkfhmskaldfhmaskdufkasidhufiuwoeumopasienroiaweuroiawenruiaweynroiafuioshfnouisdgbuiozfhmniozsuerynosuihnfrsdioufhosiaueyhnasduifhnsuiafbyioausenyrunsaerbuaysdbni”

“Looks like I have to determine which of the shorter strings appears in the longer one. I think I know just the trick.”

“看起来我必须确定较长的字符串中出现了哪些较短的字符串。 我想我只知道诀窍。”

text = """
subtext1 = "laksjdflf"
subtext2 = "aowiejflk"
subtext3 = "wopidnsks"
subtext4 = "ufkasidhu"
subtext5 = "paoiwmqnk"
# in statements are simple and very useful
# they can be used to test for substrings (i.e. >>> "fire" in "fireball")
# and they can also be used to test for membership in lists (i.e. >>> 2 in [1,2,3])
if subtext1 in text:
print("Door 1")
elif subtext2 in text:
print("Door 2")
elif subtext3 in text:
print("Door 3")
elif subtext4 in text:
print("Door 4")
elif subtext5 in text:
print("Door 5")
print("Was there a mistake?")
Door 4

“Door 4 it is.”


“Ah, Door 4, I never would have guessed,” said a deep, hearty voice from behind Baldric.


Baldric spun around to see a hulking figure emerge from the shadows. A Human, tall even by Human standards. He was wrapped in a dark gray cloak, beneath which Baldric could make out white plated armor. Despite his snow-white hair and beard, the man gave the impression of a boulder, powerful and implacable. As he approached, his armor clinking, Baldric’s mind raced with what he should do. “This guy could rip me in half with his bare hands,” thought Baldric. “Maybe it’s time to try out some more Fire magic, or maybe just make a run for it, or…”

秃头转过身,看到一个笨拙的身影从阴影中浮现。 一个人,甚至达到人的标准。 他被包裹在深灰色的斗篷中,在此之下,Baldric可以辨认出白色的盔甲。 尽管他的雪白的头发和胡须,但该人给人的印象是一块大石头,有力且坚强。 当他走近时,他的盔甲叮叮当当,Baldric的思想与他应该做的事情竞争。 “这个家伙可以赤手把我撕成两半,”鲍德里克想。 “也许是时候尝试更多的Fire魔法了,或者只是尝试一下,或者……”

Baldric almost sighed with relief when he saw the man smile and offer his hand. He shook it, grimacing from the man’s iron grip.

当鲍德瑞克看到男人微笑并伸出手时,几乎松了一口气。 他摇了摇头,从那个男人的铁腕上做鬼脸。

“The name’s Bill, Bill Johnson from Maintenance. The team got a message about a leaky faucet in the HR Manager’s office, but I’ll be damned if I can find it!” he said, throwing back his head and roaring with laughter.

“名字叫Bill,来自维护部门的Bill Johnson。 团队收到了有关人事经理办公室水龙头漏水的消息,但如果发现我,我该死的! 他说,甩开头,大笑起来。

“Maintenance? Pardon me for asking, but where are your tools?”

“保养? 请原谅我,但您的工具在哪里?”

“Tools? I’ve got my trusty hammer right here,” said Bill, motioning behind his back. For the first time, Baldric noticed a shape resembling the head of a massive hammer bulging beneath Bill’s cloak, and a thick metal haft sticking up over his shoulder.

“工具? 我在这里放着我可信赖的锤子。 鲍德里克(Baldric)第一次注意到它的形状类似于在比尔(Bill)的斗篷下凸出的巨大锤子的头部,以及一根厚实的金属柄在他的肩膀上伸出来。

“That’s quite the hammer Bill. I’d hate to be the leaky faucet.”

“那真是锤子比尔。 我不想成为漏水的水龙头。”

Throwing back his head in laughter once again, Bill roared, “Well said Master Dwarf, well said! I think we’re going to get along just fine. What did you say your name was?”

比尔再次大笑起来,咆哮道,“小矮人大师,说得好! 我认为我们会相处得很好。 你叫什么名字?”

“Baldric Hightower, under-clerk of the Most Glorious Empire, may it be busy forever, ID# 61837…”

“最光荣帝国的幕僚鲍尔德里克·高塔(Baldric Hightower)可能永远忙着,ID#61837…”

“Baldric! A fine name for a fine fellow. Well lead on Master Baldric. You seem to know what you’re about, and I assume you’re heading towards the HR Manager’s office like myself. Let’s not dawdle now, my hammer and I are eager to get this problem solved.”

“肩带! 好人的好名字。 好在鲍德瑞克大师身上。 您似乎知道您要干什么,我想您将像我一样前往人力资源经理办公室。 现在让我们不要混为一谈,我和我的锤子都渴望解决这个问题。”

The two proceeded through Door 4.


4室 (Chamber 4)

The fourth chamber had nothing on the ceiling, just the following text above 4 different doorways:


  • Doorway 1:     2 > 1 and 3
  • Doorway 2:     2 > 1 and 3 > 4
  • Doorway 3:     2 and 3
  • Doorway 4:     2 and 3 > 4
  • 门道1:2:> 1 3
  • 门口2:2> 1 3> 4
  • 门口3:2和3
  • 门口4:2和3> 4

“Gah, more accursed puzzles. Which way this time?”

“啊,更令人困惑的谜题。 这次是哪个方向?”

Baldric, thinking back to the Book of Magic, remembered that the and operator requires the expressions on both of its sides to be true for the whole thing to evaluate to true. If one or both expressions are false, then the whole thing evaluates to false.

Baldric回想《魔法书》,想起了and运算符要求它的两边的表达式都为真,以便使整个事物评估为真。 如果一个或两个表达式为假,则整个结果为假。

>>> True and True
>>> True and False
>>> False and True
>>> False and False

This was a simple enough puzzle, but he wove some Magic just to be sure of himself.


if 2 > 1 and 3 < 4:
print("Door 1")
elif 2 > 1 and 3 > 4:
print("Door 2")
elif 2 < 1 and 3 < 4:
print("Door 3")
elif 2 < 1 and 3 > 4:
print("Door 4")
Door 1

“Looks like Door 1 this time, Bill.”


Walking along the passageway to the fifth chamber, Baldric noticed that part of Bill’s cloak had been torn, and it appeared as if a portion of it had been burned away. From glimpses beneath the cloak, the head of Bill’s hammer seemed to be coated in a dark-reddish substance.

沿着走廊进入第五个房间,鲍德瑞克注意到比尔斗篷的一部分被撕裂了,好像它的一部分被烧掉了。 从披风下面的瞥见中,比尔的锤头似乎被暗红色的物质所包裹。

“Bill? Eh hem…Bill?”

“法案? 哼哼……比尔?”

Bill looked at Baldric in confusion, then said, “Oh yes, excuse me, I was uhh…deep in thought. What is it, Master Baldric?”

Bill困惑地望着Baldric,然后说:“哦,对不起,我是……沉思。 是什么,鲍德瑞克大师?”

“I couldn’t help but notice that your cloak has seen better days.”


“Oh, this? Yes, I made the mistake of wandering through one of these doorways at random. They’ve got some nasty critters down here to take care of any trespassers. But don’t you worry, if we take a wrong turn I know just the trick to dealing with them.” Baldric decided not to inquire any further.

“哦,这吗? 是的,我犯了一个错误,那就是随意在其中一个门口徘徊。 他们有一些讨厌的小动物在这里照顾任何侵入者。 但您不用担心,如果我们走错了路,我知道与他们打交道的诀窍。” Baldric决定不再进一步询问。

5室 (Chamber 5)

They arrived in the fifth chamber, and Baldric noticed that it was now noticeably warmer, hot even. This chamber had four doorways again, above which were the following statements:

他们到达第五个房间,而鲍德瑞克注意到现在明显更热,更热。 这个房间又有四个门口,上面有以下陈述:

  • Doorway 1:     2 > 1 or 3
  • Doorway 2:     2 > 1 or 3 > 4
  • Doorway 3:     2 or 3
  • Doorway 4:     2 or 3 > 4
  • Ceiling:            not
  • 门道1:2> 1 3
  • 门口2:2> 1 3> 4
  • 门口3:2或3
  • 门口4:2或3> 4
  • 天花板:

Baldric thought he remembered that the “or” operator required just one of its expressions to be true for the whole thing to be true. He quickly ran a test to verify this.

鲍德里克(Baldric)以为他记得,“或”运算符只要求其中一个表达式为真,就可以使整个事情成为真。 他Swift进行了测试以验证这一点。

>>> True or True
>>> True or False
>>> False or True
>>> False or False

Just as he suspected. This was similar to the previous chamber, but he also needed to take into account the not operator stated on the ceiling. “That not operator should reverse the results, and so the not needs to apply to the entire expression. If I enclose the main expression in parentheses it will get evaluated first, and then the not should appropriately reverse the truth value of that expression.”

就像他怀疑的那样。 这类似于之前的会议厅,但他还需要考虑天花板上注明的操作员。 那个运算符应该反转结果,因此, 不需要将其应用于整个表达式。 如果我将主表达式括在括号中,它将首先被求值,然后not将适当地反转该表达式的真值。”

if not (1 < 2 or 3 < 4):
print("Door 1")
elif not (1 < 2 or 3 > 4):
print("Door 2")
elif not (1 > 2 or 3 < 4):
print("Door 3")
elif not (1 > 2 or 3 > 4):
print("Door 4")
Door 4

“Door 4 this time, Bill. Bill?”

“这次是4号门,比尔。 法案?”

Bill was muttering to himself, seemingly lost in thought. “…doesn’t make sense…adding cabbage to gibberish…but if they were somehow all converted to numbers…”

比尔自言自语,似乎陷入了沉思。 “……没有道理……把白菜加到乱七八糟的东西上……但是如果它们都以某种方式全部转换成数字……”

“Bill, you all right?”


“Huh? Oh! Yes, forgive me. Just thinking about a dream I had. Lead the way, Master Baldric. I trust we’re almost there.”

“ Hu? 哦! 是的原谅我 只是想着我的梦想。 鲍德里克大师,带路。 我相信我们快到了。”

“I hope so, I’m sweating like an elf in a goblin cookpot.”


6室 (Chamber 6)

They arrived in the sixth and final chamber to find a cloaked and hooded figure seated behind a desk.


“Good evening gentlemen, how can I help you?” said a voice like a sword unsheathing.

“晚上好,先生,我能为您提供什么帮助?” 像剑一样的声音传出。

Bill whispered to Baldric, “Quick man, figure out which door’s the one.” Then turning back toward the hooded figure, he said, “Hi there, I’m Bill Johnson with Maintenance, and we got a report about some water leakage in the HR Manager’s office. Would you mind pointing us in the right direction?”

Bill对Baldric轻声说:“快人,找出那扇门是那扇门。” 然后回头朝那个蒙面的人物说,“你好,我是维护的比尔·约翰逊,我们得到了一份有关人力资源经理办公室漏水的报告。 您介意为我们指明正确的方向吗?”

After a moment of silently studying Baldric and Bill, the figure said, “Why certainly, the second doorway from the left is where you want to go.”


Despite the hooded figure’s foreboding aura, Baldric got the feeling that under its hood was a smile.


Turning his attention back to the doorways and ceiling, Baldric saw the following.


  • Doorway 1:     99
  • Doorway 2:     77
  • Doorway 3:     66
  • Doorway 4:     55
  • Doorway 5:     33
  • Ceiling:            in and a divisor of 998877665544
  • 门口1:99
  • 门口2:77
  • 门口3:66
  • 门口4:55
  • 门口5:33
  • 天花板: 英寸和998877665544的因数

“Hmm, which door is it this time…”


Once you have computed the answer, click here to continue.计算出答案后,请单击此处继续。
nmain = 998877665544
n1 = 99
n2 = 77
n3 = 66
n4 = 55
n5 = 33
if (str(n1) in str(nmain)) and (nmain % n1 == 0):
print("Door 1")
elif (str(n2) in str(nmain)) and (nmain % n2 == 0):
print("Door 2")
elif (str(n3) in str(nmain)) and (nmain % n3 == 0):
print("Door 3")
elif (str(n4) in str(nmain)) and (nmain % n4 == 0):
print("Door 4")
elif (str(n5) in str(nmain)) and (nmain % n5 == 0):
print("Door 5")
print("No matches?")
# if this structure seems repetitive and inefficient, that's because it is
# you will see how to do this more efficiently in future chapters

Door 3

“Bill, it’s Door 3,” whispered Baldric. Bill turned to look at him.

“比尔,这是3号门。”鲍德瑞克小声说道。 比尔转身看着他。

“You’re sure about that?”


“By my father’s axe, I swear it.”


After frowning for a moment, a big smile suddenly split Bill’s face. “Door 2 huh? You know what pal, I’ve got a better idea.” In one fluid motion Bill drew his warhammer and cast off his cloak, revealing a heavy set of gleaming white plate mail. He handled the massive hammer as if it was light as air.

皱了皱眉后,一个灿烂的笑容突然张开了Bill的脸。 “门2是吗? 你知道什么朋友,我有个更好的主意。” 比尔以一种流畅的动作抽出战锤,脱下了披风,露出了一堆沉重的闪闪发光的白板邮件。 他操纵着那把巨大的锤子,好像它像空气一样轻。

Startled, the hooded figure jumped up from its seat. Its hood fell back to reveal a demonic face filled with far too many mouths and beady black eyes, all of them burning with hate. After a moment of surprise the demon began weaving Magic, and though Baldric didn’t recognize the patterns, he got the feeling it was something nasty.

吓了一跳,戴兜帽的人从座位上跳了起来。 它的引擎盖掉了下来,露出一张恶魔般的脸庞,嘴巴张开,黑眼圈般的珠光,都充满了仇恨。 片刻之后,恶魔开始编织魔术,尽管鲍德瑞克不认出这些图案,但他还是觉得这有点令人讨厌。

But charging forward with unnatural speed, Bill suddenly leapt through the air and with a roar brought his hammer down on the demon before it could finish its spell, and it disappeared in a shockwave of dust and desk fragments. Bill stood up, brushed the dust off his armor, and walked back to Baldric.

但是比尔以不自然的速度向前冲,比尔突然跳了起来,咆哮着把锤子砸向恶魔,直到魔咒结束,它消失在尘土和桌上碎片的冲击波中。 比尔站起来,拂去盔甲上的灰尘,然后回到波德里克。

“Thank you for your guidance Master Baldric, but I’ve got an appointment with the HR Manager now, so regardless of your plans I recommend you clear out, and fast. May you find peace in the Light.”

“感谢您对Baldric大师的指导,但是我现在已经与人事经理进行了约会,因此无论您有什么计划,我都建议您尽快清理。 愿你在光明中找到和平。”

And with that, Bill set off charging through Door 3.


“Oh, shave my beard and dull my axe, what have I gotten myself into now?” Baldric looked longingly back at the way he had come. But, reminding himself of his mission, he turned around and ran through the door after Bill.

“哦,剃掉我的胡须,钝化我的斧头,我现在已经陷入什么困境了?” 鲍德里克渴望地回头看他的来路。 但是,让他想起自己的使命,他转过身,在比尔之后冲过大门。

Congratulations, you earned 245 experience and 87 gold! You are now a Level 3 Dwarven Journeyman! (cue victory music)

恭喜,您获得了245点经验和87金! 您现在是3级矮人旅人! (提示胜利的音乐 )

Here are the Python topics you covered (and may want to DuckDuckGo for further inquiry):


  • conditional statements
  • booleans (True, False)
  • if, elif, else
  • equality comparisons (>, =,
  • in
  • and, or
  • testing for divisibility (x % y == 0)
  • multi-line strings
  • 条件陈述
  • 布尔值(True,False)
  • 如果,否则
  • 相等比较(>,=,
  • 和,或
  • 测试除数(x%y == 0)
  • 多行字符串

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