

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import cv2
import math
import image_slicer
import numpy as np
from PIL import ImageDraw, ImageFont, Image
from skimage.segmentation import slic, mark_boundaries
from skimage import morphologytiles = image_slicer.slice('sample.jpg',4,save=False) #Cut this pic into 4 pieces
image_slicer.save_tiles(tiles, directory='./tiles/',prefix='t',format='png') #save the 4 pieces pic in designated spot#The function of the follow 4 lines is the same with the previous line.
# for tile in tiles:
#   overlay = ImageDraw.Draw(tile.image)
#   overlay.text((5,5), str(tile.number), (255,255,255), ImageFont.load_default())
# image_slicer.save_tiles(tiles)# segmentating the 4 pieces pic one by one
for tile in tiles:tile_temp = np.array(tile.image)segment = slic(tile_temp, n_segments=600, compactness=20)segment_temp = mark_boundaries(tile_temp, segment)cv2.imwrite('t.png',np.uint8(segment_temp[...,0]))tile.image = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(segment_temp*255))#join the 4 pieces after dealed with SLIC
im = image_slicer.join(tiles)





感觉这个方法也不错,下面是一个命令行参数形式的代码,复制代码,在命令行输入:python .\Ncut.py 4 .\sample.jpg ./temp.jpg -norm 就会得到结果了,其中4是要分的类别数,需要自己指定。 链接https://github.com/gravins/image-segmentation,代码:

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import random
from PIL import Image
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import preprocessing
import sys
import skimage
from skimage import segmentation, color
from skimage.future import graph
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as npif len(sys.argv) not in range(4, 6):raise SyntaxError("You must specify 4 arguments value:\n\tnumber of cluster\n\tpath for input file\n\tpath for output file\n\tuse -norm to enabled normalization (default disabled)")try:cluster_number = int(sys.argv[1])# Open imageimg = Image.open(sys.argv[2])
except:raise SyntaxError("You must specify 4 arguments value:\n\tnumber of cluster\n\tpath for input file\n\tpath for output file\n\tuse -norm to enabled normalization (default disabled)")if len(sys.argv) == 5 and sys.argv[4] not in ["-norm"]:raise SyntaxError("You must specify normalization mode with \"-norm\". By default is not enabled")
else:normalize = True if sys.argv[4] == "-norm" and len(sys.argv) == 5 else FalseoutputName = sys.argv[3]def colors(n):"""Generate n random distinct rgb colors:param n: number of color to generate:return: list of rgb colors"""ret = []red = int(random.random() * 256)green = int(random.random() * 256)blue = int(random.random() * 256)step = 256 / nfor i in range(n):red += stepgreen += stepblue += stepred = int(red) % 256green = int(green) % 256blue = int(blue) % 256ret.append((red, green, blue))return retdef getAverageRGB(clrs):"""Given set of RGB colors, return average value of color as (r, g, b):param clrs: set of RGB colors:return: average between rgb color"""# no. of pixels in setnpixels = len(clrs)sumRGB = [0, 0, 0]for c in clrs:for i in range(3):sumRGB[i] += c[i]avg = (round(sumRGB[0]/npixels), round(sumRGB[1]/npixels), round(sumRGB[2]/npixels))return avg# Define random color for clusters
cluster_color = colors(cluster_number)# Create k-means model
kmean = KMeans(n_clusters=cluster_number)# Insert information of all pixels (rgb color and x,y position) into Pandas DataFrame
imageW = img.size[0]
imageH = img.size[1]# Convert image into Lab color space
LABimg = skimage.color.rgb2lab(img)data = {"r": [], "g": [], "b": [], "L": [], "A": [], "B": [], "x": [], "y": []}
for y in range(0, imageH):for x in range(0, imageW):rgb = img.getpixel((x, y))data["r"].append(rgb[0])data["g"].append(rgb[1])data["b"].append(rgb[2])data["L"].append(LABimg[y][x][0])data["A"].append(LABimg[y][x][1])data["B"].append(LABimg[y][x][2])data["x"].append(x)data["y"].append(y)df = pd.DataFrame(data={"r": data["r"], "g": data["g"], "b": data["b"]})
df_lab = pd.DataFrame(data={"L": data["L"], "A": data["A"], "B": data["B"]})
df_pos = pd.DataFrame(data={"r": data["r"], "g": data["g"], "b": data["b"], "x": data["x"], "y": data["y"]})
df_lab_pos = pd.DataFrame(data={"L": data["L"], "A": data["A"], "B": data["B"], "x": data["x"], "y": data["y"]})if normalize:# Standarize the values of featuresdf = pd.DataFrame(data=preprocessing.normalize(df))df_pos = pd.DataFrame(data=preprocessing.normalize(df_pos))df_lab = pd.DataFrame(data=preprocessing.normalize(df_lab))df_lab_pos = pd.DataFrame(data=preprocessing.normalize(df_lab_pos))# Run k-means
res = kmean.fit_predict(df)
res_pos = kmean.fit_predict(df_pos)
res_lab = kmean.fit_predict(df_lab)
res_lab_pos = kmean.fit_predict(df_lab_pos)# Average color for each cluster
j = 0
avg_color = [[] for _ in range(cluster_number)]
avg_color_pos = [[] for _ in range(cluster_number)]
avg_color_lab = [[] for _ in range(cluster_number)]
avg_color_lab_pos = [[] for _ in range(cluster_number)]
for y in range(0, imageH):for x in range(0, imageW):avg_color[res[j]].append(img.getpixel((x, y)))avg_color_pos[res_pos[j]].append(img.getpixel((x, y)))avg_color_lab[res_lab[j]].append(img.getpixel((x, y)))avg_color_lab_pos[res_lab_pos[j]].append(img.getpixel((x, y)))j += 1avg_color = [getAverageRGB(avg_c) for avg_c in avg_color]
avg_color_pos = [getAverageRGB(avg_c) for avg_c in avg_color_pos]
avg_color_lab = [getAverageRGB(avg_c) for avg_c in avg_color_lab]
avg_color_lab_pos = [getAverageRGB(avg_c) for avg_c in avg_color_lab_pos]# Save segmented image
image = []
for i in range(0, 8):image.append(Image.new("RGB", (imageW, imageH)))j = 0
for y in range(0, imageH):for x in range(0, imageW):# random color for:# rgbimage[0].putpixel((x, y), cluster_color[res[j]])# rgb + positionimage[1].putpixel((x, y), cluster_color[res_pos[j]])# labimage[2].putpixel((x, y), cluster_color[res_lab[j]])# lab + positionimage[3].putpixel((x, y), cluster_color[res_lab_pos[j]])# avg color for:# rgbimage[4].putpixel((x, y), avg_color[res[j]])# rgb + positionimage[5].putpixel((x, y), avg_color_pos[res_pos[j]])# labimage[6].putpixel((x, y), avg_color_lab[res_lab[j]])# lab + positionimage[7].putpixel((x, y), avg_color_lab_pos[res_lab_pos[j]])j += 1fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=4, nrows=2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(20, 15))j = 0
for i in range(len(ax)):for k in range(int(len(image)/2)):ax[i][k].imshow(image[j])if k == 0 or k == 2:name = "RGB "elif k == 1 or k == 3:name = "LAB "if i == 0:ax[i][k].set_title(name+"Without (x, y) position")else:ax[i][k].set_title(name + "With (x, y) position")j += 2j = 1for a in ax:for i in range(int(len(image)/2)):a[i].axis('off')plt.tight_layout()
plt.savefig(outputName, dpi=800)"""Run Normalized Cut segmentation
"""img = np.asarray(img)# Segment the image using SLIC algorithm
labels1 = segmentation.slic(img, compactness=30, n_segments=400)# Replace each pixel with the average RGB color of its region
out1 = color.label2rgb(labels1, img, kind='avg')# Crate the Region Adjacency Graphs
# Each node in the RAG represents a set of pixels within image with the same
# label in labels. The weight between two adjacent regions represents how
# similar or dissimilar two regions are depending on the mode parameter
g = graph.rag_mean_color(img, labels1, mode='similarity')
labels2 = graph.cut_normalized(labels1, g)
out2 = color.label2rgb(labels2, img, kind='avg')fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(6, 8))ax[0].imshow(out1)
ax[0].set_title("Superpixel view")
ax[1].set_title("NCut segmetnation result")for a in ax:a.axis('off')plt.tight_layout()name = outputName[:-4]
outputName = name + "_ncut.png"
plt.savefig(outputName, dpi=600)



import cv2 as cv
import  numpy as npdef water_image():print(src.shape)blurred = cv.pyrMeanShiftFiltering(src, 10, 100)    # 去除噪点# gray\binary imagegray = cv.cvtColor(blurred, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)ret, binary = cv.threshold(gray, 0, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY | cv.THRESH_OTSU)# cv.imshow("binary", binary)# morphology operationkernel = cv.getStructuringElement(cv.MORPH_RECT, (3, 3))mb = cv.morphologyEx(binary, cv.MORPH_OPEN, kernel, iterations=2)sure_bg = cv.dilate(mb, kernel, iterations=3)# cv.imshow("shape deal", sure_bg)# distance transformdist = cv.distanceTransform(mb, cv.DIST_L2, 3)dist_output = cv.normalize(dist, 0, 1.0, cv.NORM_MINMAX)# cv.imshow("distance transform", dist_output*70)ret, surface = cv.threshold(dist, dist.max()*0.6, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY)# cv.imshow("find seed", surface)surface_fg = np.uint8(surface)unknown = cv.subtract(sure_bg, surface_fg)ret, markers = cv.connectedComponents(surface_fg)print(ret)# watershed transfrommarkers += 1markers[unknown == 255] = 0markers = cv.watershed(src, markers=markers)src[markers == -1] = [0, 0, 255]cv.imshow("markers", markers)cv.imwrite("./markers.jpg",markers)cv.imshow("watershed segmentation", src)cv.imwrite('./temp.jpg', src)src = cv.imread("./sample.jpg")
cv.imshow("ori", src)

4.graph-based segmentation

class Node:def __init__(self, parent, rank=0, size=1):self.parent = parentself.rank = rankself.size = sizedef __repr__(self):return '(parent=%s, rank=%s, size=%s)' % (self.parent, self.rank, self.size)class Forest:def __init__(self, num_nodes):self.nodes = [Node(i) for i in range(num_nodes)]self.num_sets = num_nodesdef size_of(self, i):return self.nodes[i].sizedef find(self, n):temp = nwhile temp != self.nodes[temp].parent:temp = self.nodes[temp].parentself.nodes[n].parent = tempreturn tempdef merge(self, a, b):if self.nodes[a].rank > self.nodes[b].rank:self.nodes[b].parent = aself.nodes[a].size = self.nodes[a].size + self.nodes[b].sizeelse:self.nodes[a].parent = bself.nodes[b].size = self.nodes[b].size + self.nodes[a].sizeif self.nodes[a].rank == self.nodes[b].rank:self.nodes[b].rank = self.nodes[b].rank + 1self.num_sets = self.num_sets - 1def print_nodes(self):for node in self.nodes:print(node)def create_edge(img, width, x, y, x1, y1, diff):vertex_id = lambda x, y: y * width + xw = diff(img, x, y, x1, y1)return (vertex_id(x, y), vertex_id(x1, y1), w)def build_graph(img, width, height, diff, neighborhood_8=False):graph_edges = []for y in range(height):for x in range(width):if x > 0:graph_edges.append(create_edge(img, width, x, y, x-1, y, diff))if y > 0:graph_edges.append(create_edge(img, width, x, y, x, y-1, diff))if neighborhood_8:if x > 0 and y > 0:graph_edges.append(create_edge(img, width, x, y, x-1, y-1, diff))if x > 0 and y < height-1:graph_edges.append(create_edge(img, width, x, y, x-1, y+1, diff))return graph_edgesdef remove_small_components(forest, graph, min_size):for edge in graph:a = forest.find(edge[0])b = forest.find(edge[1])if a != b and (forest.size_of(a) < min_size or forest.size_of(b) < min_size):forest.merge(a, b)return  forestdef segment_graph(graph_edges, num_nodes, const, min_size, threshold_func):# Step 1: initializationforest = Forest(num_nodes)weight = lambda edge: edge[2]sorted_graph = sorted(graph_edges, key=weight)threshold = [ threshold_func(1, const) for _ in range(num_nodes) ]# Step 2: mergingfor edge in sorted_graph:parent_a = forest.find(edge[0])parent_b = forest.find(edge[1])a_condition = weight(edge) <= threshold[parent_a]b_condition = weight(edge) <= threshold[parent_b]if parent_a != parent_b and a_condition and b_condition:forest.merge(parent_a, parent_b)a = forest.find(parent_a)threshold[a] = weight(edge) + threshold_func(forest.nodes[a].size, const)return remove_small_components(forest, sorted_graph, min_size)


import argparse
import logging
import time
from graph import build_graph, segment_graph
from random import random
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
from skimage import io
import numpy as npdef diff(img, x1, y1, x2, y2):_out = np.sum((img[x1, y1] - img[x2, y2]) ** 2)return np.sqrt(_out)def threshold(size, const):return (const * 1.0 / size)def generate_image(forest, width, height):random_color = lambda: (int(random()*255), int(random()*255), int(random()*255))colors = [random_color() for i in range(width*height)]img = Image.new('RGB', (width, height))im = img.load()for y in range(height):for x in range(width):comp = forest.find(y * width + x)im[x, y] = colors[comp]return img.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)def get_segmented_image(sigma, neighbor, K, min_comp_size, input_file, output_file):if neighbor != 4 and neighbor!= 8:logger.warn('Invalid neighborhood choosed. The acceptable values are 4 or 8.')logger.warn('Segmenting with 4-neighborhood...')start_time = time.time()image_file = Image.open(input_file)size = image_file.size  # (width, height) in Pillow/PILlogger.info('Image info: {} | {} | {}'.format(image_file.format, size, image_file.mode))# Gaussian Filtersmooth = image_file.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(sigma))smooth = np.array(smooth)logger.info("Creating graph...")graph_edges = build_graph(smooth, size[1], size[0], diff, neighbor==8)logger.info("Merging graph...")forest = segment_graph(graph_edges, size[0]*size[1], K, min_comp_size, threshold)logger.info("Visualizing segmentation and saving into: {}".format(output_file))image = generate_image(forest, size[1], size[0])image.save(output_file)logger.info('Number of components: {}'.format(forest.num_sets))logger.info('Total running time: {:0.4}s'.format(time.time() - start_time))if __name__ == '__main__':# argument parserparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Graph-based Segmentation')parser.add_argument('--sigma', type=float, default=1.0, help='a float for the Gaussin Filter')parser.add_argument('--neighbor', type=int, default=8, choices=[4, 8],help='choose the neighborhood format, 4 or 8')parser.add_argument('--K', type=float, default=10.0, help='a constant to control the threshold function of the predicate')parser.add_argument('--min-comp-size', type=int, default=2000, help='a constant to remove all the components with fewer number of pixels')parser.add_argument('--input-file', type=str, default="./assets/seg_test.jpg", help='the file path of the input image')parser.add_argument('--output-file', type=str, default="./assets/seg_test_out.jpg", help='the file path of the output image')args = parser.parse_args()# basic logging settingslogging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,format='%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',datefmt='%m-%d %H:%M')logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)get_segmented_image(args.sigma, args.neighbor, args.K, args.min_comp_size, args.input_file, args.output_file)

命令行python .\main.py --input-file="./sample.jpg" --output-file="./temp.jpg"


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import cv2
import gdal
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import MeanShift, estimate_bandwidth
from pydensecrf.utils import compute_unary, create_pairwise_bilateral, \create_pairwise_gaussian, softmax_to_unary, unary_from_softmax,unary_from_labels
import pydensecrf.densecrf as dcrf# Get im{read,write} from somewhere.
try:from cv2 import imread, imwrite
except ImportError:# Note that, sadly, skimage unconditionally import scipy and matplotlib,# so you'll need them if you don't have OpenCV. But you probably have them.from skimage.io import imread, imsaveimwrite = imsave# TODO: Use scipy instead.from utils import unary_from_labels, create_pairwise_bilateral, create_pairwise_gaussiandef read_img(filename):dataset=gdal.Open(filename)im_width = dataset.RasterXSizeim_height = dataset.RasterYSizeim_geotrans = dataset.GetGeoTransform()im_proj = dataset.GetProjection()im_data = dataset.ReadAsArray(0,0,im_width,im_height)del dataset return im_proj,im_geotrans,im_width, im_height,im_datadef write_img(filename, im_proj, im_geotrans, im_data):if 'int8' in im_data.dtype.name:datatype = gdal.GDT_Byteelif 'int16' in im_data.dtype.name:datatype = gdal.GDT_UInt16else:datatype = gdal.GDT_Float32if len(im_data.shape) == 3:im_bands, im_height, im_width = im_data.shapeelse:im_bands, (im_height, im_width) = 1,im_data.shape driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")dataset = driver.Create(filename, im_width, im_height, im_bands, datatype)dataset.SetGeoTransform(im_geotrans)dataset.SetProjection(im_proj)if im_bands == 1:dataset.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(im_data)else:for i in range(im_bands):dataset.GetRasterBand(i+1).WriteArray(im_data[i])if __name__ == '__main__':img_path = 'E:/xx/sb_test1.tif'im_proj, im_geotrans, im_width, im_height, im_data = read_img(img_path)im_data = im_data[0:3,...]im_data = im_data.transpose((2,1,0))im_temp = im_data.reshape((-1,3))im_temp = np.float32(im_temp)bandwidth=estimate_bandwidth(im_temp, quantile=0.2, n_samples=500)ms = MeanShift(bandwidth=bandwidth, bin_seeding=True, cluster_all=True)ms.fit_predict(im_temp)labels=ms.labels_cluster_centers = ms.cluster_centers_seg = labels.reshape((im_data.shape[0], im_data.shape[1]))seg = seg.transpose(1,0)seg_path = 'E:/xx/test/sb_test1_seg.tif'write_img(seg_path, im_proj, im_geotrans, seg)


import numpy as np
import cv2
def segment(img):""":param img::return:"""def calculate_current_entropy(hist, threshold):data_hist = hist.copy()background_sum = 0.target_sum = 0.for i in range(256):if i < threshold:  # 累积背景background_sum += data_hist[i]else:  # 累积目标target_sum += data_hist[i]background_ent = 0.target_ent = 0.for i in range(256):if i < threshold:  # 计算背景熵if data_hist[i] == 0:continueratio1 = data_hist[i] / background_sumbackground_ent -= ratio1 * np.log2(ratio1)else:if data_hist[i] == 0:continueratio2 = data_hist[i] / target_sumtarget_ent -= ratio2 * np.log2(ratio2)return target_ent + background_entdef max_entropy_segmentation(img):channels = [0]hist_size = [256]prange = [0, 256]hist = cv2.calcHist(img, channels, None, hist_size, prange)hist = np.reshape(hist, [-1])max_ent = 0.max_index = 0for i in range(256):cur_ent = calculate_current_entropy(hist, i)if cur_ent > max_ent:max_ent = cur_entmax_index = iret, th = cv2.threshold(img, max_index, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)return thimg = max_entropy_segmentation(img)return imgif __name__ == "__main__":path = './sample.jpg'im = cv2.imread(path)im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)im_re = segment(im)cv2.imwrite('./entroy_temp.jpg', im_re)


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