1.I was  working down Nanjing Road  when I met my best friend for the first time.


for the first time 初次;

the first time 初次;第一次;

2.I was working down the road near my house when I met my best friend for the first time.


3.Jane was having a coffee when she saw John walk in to the cafe.

4.Bob and Anna were trying to catch a taxi when they said 'hello' to each other.

try to do sth 努力做某事;试图干……;强调付出努力,但不一定成功;

try doing sth 尝试做某事;

5.Jack was sitting on a plane when jules sat down next to him./dʒu:lz]/

on a plane 在飞机上

next to 在…旁边;紧挨着;与……相邻

sit sat sat

I met Sarah when  I lived in London.

So,one  day,I was going to work by bus when suddenlly it broke down and we had to wait and wait for it to be repaired.

I started talking to this girl sitting next to me, and well,to cut a long story  short,we had a great time with each other and found  we had a lot in common.

we arranged to go out on a date and in the end,we got married!

be going to do  sth 准备;打算;

suddenlly adv/ˈsʌdənli/意外地,忽然地;

break down 出故障了;

have to do 必须;不得不;

repair vt.修理; 纠正; 恢复; 弥补

to cut a long story  short 长话短说;简而言之

in common adv共有

arrange to do sth 安排或准备做某事

go out 出去

date n 约会;日期;

in the end 最后;

got married 结婚了;

It was when I.....

We started...

To cut a long story short,

In the end,


7.Saying how you met相关推荐

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