

// AHRS.c
// S.O.H. Madgwick
// 25th August 2010
// Description:
// Quaternion implementation of the 'DCM filter' [Mayhony et al].  Incorporates the magnetic distortion
// compensation algorithms from my filter [Madgwick] which eliminates the need for a reference
// direction of flux (bx bz) to be predefined and limits the effect of magnetic distortions to yaw
// axis only.
// User must define 'halfT' as the (sample period / 2), and the filter gains 'Kp' and 'Ki'.
// Global variables 'q0', 'q1', 'q2', 'q3' are the quaternion elements representing the estimated
// orientation.  See my report for an overview of the use of quaternions in this application.
// User must call 'AHRSupdate()' every sample period and parse calibrated gyroscope ('gx', 'gy', 'gz'),
// accelerometer ('ax', 'ay', 'ay') and magnetometer ('mx', 'my', 'mz') data.  Gyroscope units are
// radians/second, accelerometer and magnetometer units are irrelevant as the vector is normalised.

// Header files

#include "AHRS.h"
#include <math.h>

// Definitions

#define Kp 2.0f                        // proportional gain governs rate of convergence to accelerometer/magnetometer
#define Ki 0.005f                // integral gain governs rate of convergence of gyroscope biases
#define halfT 0.5f                // half the sample period

// Variable definitions

float q0 = 1, q1 = 0, q2 = 0, q3 = 0;        // quaternion elements representing the estimated orientation
float exInt = 0, eyInt = 0, ezInt = 0;        // scaled integral error

// Function

void AHRSupdate(float gx, float gy, float gz, float ax, float ay, float az, float mx, float my, float mz) {
        float norm;
        float hx, hy, hz, bx, bz;
        float vx, vy, vz, wx, wy, wz;
        float ex, ey, ez;

// auxiliary variables to reduce number of repeated operations
        float q0q0 = q0*q0;
        float q0q1 = q0*q1;
        float q0q2 = q0*q2;
        float q0q3 = q0*q3;
        float q1q1 = q1*q1;
        float q1q2 = q1*q2;
        float q1q3 = q1*q3;
        float q2q2 = q2*q2;   
        float q2q3 = q2*q3;
        float q3q3 = q3*q3;          
        // normalise the measurements
        norm = sqrt(ax*ax + ay*ay + az*az);       
        ax = ax / norm;
        ay = ay / norm;
        az = az / norm;
        norm = sqrt(mx*mx + my*my + mz*mz);          
        mx = mx / norm;
        my = my / norm;
        mz = mz / norm;         
        // compute reference direction of flux
        hx = 2*mx*(0.5 - q2q2 - q3q3) + 2*my*(q1q2 - q0q3) + 2*mz*(q1q3 + q0q2);
        hy = 2*mx*(q1q2 + q0q3) + 2*my*(0.5 - q1q1 - q3q3) + 2*mz*(q2q3 - q0q1);
        hz = 2*mx*(q1q3 - q0q2) + 2*my*(q2q3 + q0q1) + 2*mz*(0.5 - q1q1 - q2q2);         
        bx = sqrt((hx*hx) + (hy*hy));
        bz = hz;        
        // estimated direction of gravity and flux (v and w)
        vx = 2*(q1q3 - q0q2);
        vy = 2*(q0q1 + q2q3);
        vz = q0q0 - q1q1 - q2q2 + q3q3;
        wx = 2*bx*(0.5 - q2q2 - q3q3) + 2*bz*(q1q3 - q0q2);
        wy = 2*bx*(q1q2 - q0q3) + 2*bz*(q0q1 + q2q3);
        wz = 2*bx*(q0q2 + q1q3) + 2*bz*(0.5 - q1q1 - q2q2);  
        // error is sum of cross product between reference direction of fields and direction measured by sensors
        ex = (ay*vz - az*vy) + (my*wz - mz*wy);
        ey = (az*vx - ax*vz) + (mz*wx - mx*wz);
        ez = (ax*vy - ay*vx) + (mx*wy - my*wx);
        // integral error scaled integral gain
        exInt = exInt + ex*Ki;
        eyInt = eyInt + ey*Ki;
        ezInt = ezInt + ez*Ki;
        // adjusted gyroscope measurements
        gx = gx + Kp*ex + exInt;
        gy = gy + Kp*ey + eyInt;
        gz = gz + Kp*ez + ezInt;
        // integrate quaternion rate and normalise
        q0 = q0 + (-q1*gx - q2*gy - q3*gz)*halfT;
        q1 = q1 + (q0*gx + q2*gz - q3*gy)*halfT;
        q2 = q2 + (q0*gy - q1*gz + q3*gx)*halfT;
        q3 = q3 + (q0*gz + q1*gy - q2*gx)*halfT;  
        // normalise quaternion
        norm = sqrt(q0*q0 + q1*q1 + q2*q2 + q3*q3);
        q0 = q0 / norm;
        q1 = q1 / norm;
        q2 = q2 / norm;
        q3 = q3 / norm;



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