
Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

Samsung’s voice assistant, Bixby, comes pre-installed on the Galaxy S20, S20+, and S20 Ultra and is easy to activate accidentally. Thankfully, Samsung allows you to turn off and disable all instances of Bixby so that it is no longer an annoyance.

三星的语音助手Bixby预先安装在Galaxy S20 , S20 +和S20 Ultra上,很容易意外激活。 值得庆幸的是,Samsung允许您关闭并禁用所有Bixby实例,从而不再造成麻烦。

Bixby can be found implemented throughout your Galaxy S20. It’s hidden in the long-press action of the Power button, automation features, voice recognition, and even the device’s home screen. Removing the virtual assistant from any of these places won’t break any functionality on your phone, so go ahead and disable everything that you don’t use.

可以在整个Galaxy S20中实现Bixby。 它隐藏在电源按钮,自动化功能,语音识别甚至设备的主屏幕的长按操作中。 从这些位置中的任何一个处删除虚拟助手都不会破坏手机的任何功能,因此请继续操作并禁用所有不使用的功能。

重新映射侧面/电源按钮 (Remap the Side/Power Button)

If you’re coming from almost any of smartphone, you’ll quickly find out that long-pressing the Side button will launch Bixby, not the Power Menu. Remapping the press and hold functionality is an easy fix.

如果您几乎来自任何一部智能手机,您都将很快发现长按“侧面”按钮将启动Bixby,而不是“电源”菜单。 重新映射按住功能很容易解决。

Start by swiping down the notification shade, tapping on the Gear icon to open the Galaxy S20’s Settings menu, scrolling down to and choosing the “Advanced Features” option, and then selecting the “Side Key” button. Finally, tap on the “Power Off Menu” within the “Press And Hold” section.

首先向下滑动通知栏,点击Gear图标以打开Galaxy S20的“设置”菜单,向下滚动并选择“高级功能”选项,然后选择“侧键”按钮。 最后,点击“按住”部分中的“关机菜单”。

Read our full Side button remapping guide for the Samsung Galaxy S20 if you need further assistance.

如果您需要进一步的帮助,请阅读我们完整的三星Galaxy S20侧面按钮重新映射指南。

关闭“嗨,Bixby”语音唤醒热键 (Turn Off the “Hi, Bixby” Voice Wake-Up Hotword)

When setting up your new smartphone, Samsung might have asked you to set up the Galaxy S20’s “Hi, Bixby” voice recognition feature. Disable it if you aren’t using Bixby or if the virtual assistant activates on the wrong phrases.

设置新的智能手机时,三星可能会要求您设置Galaxy S20的“嗨,Bixby”语音识别功能。 如果您不使用Bixby或虚拟助手在错误的短语上激活,请禁用它。

Begin by swiping up from the handset’s home screen to bring up the app drawer. From here, locate and open the “Bixby” app. By default, the company puts the Bixby app in a “Samsung” folder.

首先从手机的主屏幕向上滑动以调出应用程序抽屉。 在这里找到并打开“ Bixby”应用程序。 默认情况下,该公司将Bixby应用程序放在“三星”文件夹中。

Now, select the Hamburger menu icon on the left side of the screen.


Tap on the Gear icon at the top of the slide-over menu that appears.


Scroll down the list and select the “Voice Wake-Up” option. The text under the item will inform you if the feature is enabled and the voice recognition’s sensitivity level.

向下滚动列表,然后选择“语音唤醒”选项。 该项目下的文本将通知您是否启用了该功能以及语音识别的灵敏度级别。

You can now toggle off “Wake With ‘Hi, Bixby.'” Ensure that the icon is grayed out.


Your device will no longer activate whenever you vocalize Samsung’s hotword.


禁用Bixby例程 (Disable Bixby Routines)

Bixby Routines automatically adjust features and settings based on where the handset is and what you’re doing. Available quick actions include turning on Do Not Disturb while driving and opening apps at specific times, and more. Think of them as Samsung’s slightly different version of Apple’s iPhone Shortcuts.

Bixby例程会根据听筒的位置和您正在执行的操作自动调整功能和设置。 可用的快速操作包括在特定时间驱动和打开应用程序时打开“请勿打扰”等等。 可以将它们视为三星的Apple iPhone快捷方式略有不同的版本。

Disable the feature on your Galaxy S20 by jumping into the device’s Settings menu. The easiest way to do this is by swiping down from the top of the home page to expose the notification panel. From there, tap on the Gear icon.

跳到设备的“设置”菜单,以禁用Galaxy S20的功能。 最简单的方法是从首页顶部向下滑动以显示通知面板。 从那里,点击齿轮图标。

Alternatively, you can swipe up from the bottom of the home screen to open the app drawer. Either use the search bar at the top of the display or flip between pages to find the “Settings” app.

或者,您可以从主屏幕底部向上滑动以打开应用程序抽屉。 使用显示屏顶部的搜索栏,或者在页面之间切换以找到“设置”应用。

Scroll down and select the “Advanced Features” option.


Finally, tap on the toggle that corresponds to “Bixby Routines.” Check that the switch is gray.

最后,点击与“ Bixby例程”相对应的切换。 检查开关是否为灰色。

Samsung’s built-in automation feature will now be turned off.


删除三星每日主页 (Remove the Samsung Daily Home Page)

Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

On previous Galaxy handsets, Samsung included a panel on the far left side of the handset called Bixby Home. In the fall of 2019, the company rebranded the section to Samsung Daily. While it isn’t directly related to Bixby, it does include some of Samsung’s smart information panels.

在以前的Galaxy手机上,三星在手机的最左侧包括一个名为Bixby Home的面板。 在2019年秋天,该公司将该部门更名为Samsung Daily 。 尽管它与Bixby没有直接关系,但它确实包括一些三星的智能信息面板。

If you aren’t using Samsung Daily and find yourself accidentally opening the content aggregator, you can disable the feature. Do so by holding down on an empty portion of the home screen until the overview menu appears. From there, swipe over to the “Samsung Daily” page and tap on the toggle. Move back over to the main home screen and you’ll be good to go.

如果您不使用Samsung Daily,并且发现自己不小心打开了内容聚合器,则可以禁用该功能。 为此,请按住主屏幕的空白部分,直到出现概述菜单。 从那里,滑动到“三星日报”页面,然后点击切换按钮。 返回主屏幕,您将很方便。

Adding the Samsung Daily page back to your Galaxy S20’s home screen is as simple as reversing these steps. Check out the full guide to removing Samsung Daily if you need more help.

将Samsung Daily页面添加回Galaxy S20的主屏幕就像逆转这些步骤一样简单。 如果需要更多帮助,请查看删除Samsung Daily的完整指南。



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