On Duty

This is xxx and will be duty engineer in the next week. Thanks.
Here is a kindly reminder. This is xxx and will take the duty task in the next week. Thanks.


Please say more slowly.
May I beg your pardon ?
Pardon, please?

Please wait a moment, let me wake up.
I am driving / eating / having dinner/ having lunch / out of office / on my way home / on the bus now , I will try to reply you / call you back in one hour. Are you OK with that?
I am at home/office now.
I will connect to VPN, Skype will be offline

Most of my job is xxx, so I don't know about xxx.
What's your time now ? We can't do more today, it's 3:54 AM here, I have to go, let us continue tomorrow.

上报new case

New case arrived .
Another case from Vodafone Italy.
Somebody is working on it now.
I have involved xxx for this case.


Please tell me the case number?
Please tell me the local phone number and e-mail address.
hold on, please. let me check the number.
The case number is xxxx and the local phone number is xxxxxxxx, right?
Please send me a short message , with the Case ID and the local phone number.
I do not have you on Skype. Could you send me your Skype ID for better commutation?


This case is about xxx issue. We need to contact xxx from R&D for it.
My Skype name is xxx, please add me to your contact.

If you want to get more information, please contact R&D directly via e-mail.
If you have any questions related to the issue, please send an email to me.

I had made a call to duty manager to look for some help. Maybe you can call him directly.
I didn't get any help yet. You might contact with duty manager.


Just let you know, I am working on the case.
You case had been taken, can you add my Skype and chat online? My account is : xxx.
I will start to work on this case as soon as possible.
It was closed around 5:30 this morning.
I will contact you in one hour.
Customer agree to close this case and open a follow up case for further analysis.
This case is resolved and waiting for customer’s confirmation to close.


There is no case reported this week for xxx, thanks.
There are two cases this week, one is for xxx, and another is for xxx.
All of them have been closed.

问题处理 - 确认信息

Which customer and product?

What have you done before this issue?
If there are any configuration changes before the EME case?
Do you have any update on this case ?

Could you give me the following info: xxx?
Could you tell me the IP of the problem cluster?
Could you give me some guide for logging on the servers?
Could you tell me that how to log on the problem servers?
Could you tell me that how to remote login the servers?
We want to check to see the problem that you reported. Could you tell me that how to remote login your servers?

Could you check the system whether the traffic is working normally ?
Is the traffic working normally?
How did you know the xxx service is failed?

I dump a file xxx in the problem server. Could you send to me ?

问题处理 - 操作描述

We will log in the system and check.
From the log, we can see that…
The process / traffic / log seems ok now.
We have checked both xxx and xxx, they are … now.
Since this emergency case last long time, Could you create a follow up case and close this EME case?
How about create a follow up case?
R&D team left at 6:00 pm
You could choose a proper time to test, e.g. next maintenance window.
The problem has been solved after...
We will check it one by one.
We need reboot OS to solve it.

The alarms are missing after restart when I check the syslog - SL0002.txt (May 13), and there isn't any trace Log about this issue on May 13.
So we can't easily identify the problem. but what we can do is from the syslog to clarify the inspection.
Possible reason should be the process xamlwrmx and lead to queue error.
To think about the future, if the same issue happen again, please kindly help to collect more detail information to send to us.
Our suggestion is that to close the case or keep to validate for several days if you think necessary.

It seems that the alarms not related with xxx.
Would you please help to check if it is really xxx issue?
If not, can you close this case? Meanwhile, you can open another case for xxx.
Thanks for understanding,

There are two suggested options, the first is to install hotfix and the second is to upgrade.
This issue is included in the new version x.x.x but it hasn't released yet.
So we prefer to install hotfix.
The hotfix just modify the xxx process. It didn’t have any impact on general functions.
We also need your final decision on this case then we will process.


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