
If you have a lot of RSS feeds in Outlook, it may get very chaotic in your RSS Feeds folder. There is a way you can set up your RSS feeds using Search Folders so you can view only today’s unread feeds.

如果Outlook中有大量RSS源,则RSS源文件夹中的RSS源可能会变得非常混乱。 您可以通过一种方法使用“搜索文件夹”设置RSS feed,以便仅查看今天的未读feed。

To set up a new Search Folder that will display only the current day’s unread feeds, make sure the Mail module is open. If not, click the Mail link at the bottom of the Outlook window. Right-click on Search Folders in the left pane.

要设置一个仅显示当天未读提要的新搜索文件夹,请确保已打开“邮件”模块。 如果没有,请单击Outlook窗口底部的“邮件”链接。 右键单击左窗格中的“搜索文件夹”。

On the New Search Folder dialog box, scroll down under Select a Search Folder and select Create a custom Search Folder in the Custom section. Click Choose to select the criteria for this Search Folder.

在“新建搜索文件夹”对话框上,在“选择搜索文件夹”下向下滚动,然后在“自定义”部分中选择“创建自定义搜索文件夹”。 单击选择以选择该搜索文件夹的条件。

On the Custom Search Folder, enter a name for the new Search Folder, such as “Today’s Unread RSS Feeds,” in the Name edit box and click Criteria.

在“自定义搜索文件夹”上,在“名称”编辑框中输入新搜索文件夹的名称,例如“ Today's Unread RSS Feeds”,然后单击“条件”。

On the Search Folder Criteria dialog box, select received from the first Time drop-down list.


Select Today from the second Time drop-down list.


Click the More Choices tab and select the Only items that are check box. Make sure unread is selected in the drop-down list to the right of the check box. Click OK to accept your changes and close the dialog box.

单击“其他选项”选项卡,然后选择“仅是项目”复选框。 确保在复选框右侧的下拉列表中选择了未读。 单击“确定”接受更改,然后关闭对话框。

To specify the RSS Feeds folder as the folder in which this custom search will occur, click Browse on the Custom Search Folder dialog box.

要将RSS Feeds文件夹指定为将在其中进行此自定义搜索的文件夹,请在“自定义搜索文件夹”对话框中单击“浏览”。

Click in the check box at the top of the Folders next to the email address for the selected account (so there’s no check mark in the box) to not include email items in this search. Select the RSS Feeds check box so there is a check mark in that box. Make sure the Search subfolders check box is selected at the bottom of the dialog box. Click OK.

单击所选帐户的电子邮件地址旁边的文件夹顶部的复选框(因此该复选框中没有选中标记),以使该搜索中不包括电子邮件项目。 选中“ RSS提要”复选框,以使该复选框中有一个复选标记。 确保在对话框底部选中了“搜索子文件夹”复选框。 单击确定。

The Mail from these folders will be included in this Search Folder edit box should now read RSS Feeds. Click OK to accept the changes and close the Custom Search Folder dialog box.

这些文件夹中的邮件将包含在“搜索文件夹”编辑框中,现在应显示RSS feed。 单击“确定”接受更改,然后关闭“自定义搜索文件夹”对话框。

Click OK on the New Search Folder dialog box to close it.


Now you should have a Search Folder titled “Today’s Unread RSS Feeds” that should only be displaying the current day’s unread RSS feeds.


If you follow more than one RSS feed, you can specify which feeds to include in this Search Folder by clicking the arrow to the left of the RSS Feeds folder on the Select Folder(s) dialog box (accessed using the Browse button on the Custom Search Folder dialog box) and selecting or de-selecting feeds to include or not include in the custom search.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/173161/how-to-view-todays-rss-feeds-only-in-outlook-2013/


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