mac mds是什么

While checking out Activity Monitor, you noticed a couple of processes you don’t recognize: mds and mdworker. Neither have an icon, and they seem to be running constantly. Don’t worry, they’re harmless.

在检出Activity Monitor时 ,您注意到了几个您不认识的过程:mds和mdworker。 两者都没有图标,并且它们似乎一直在运行。 不用担心,它们是无害的。

This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Activity Monitor, like kernel_task, hidd, installd, and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

这篇文章是一部分我们正在进行一系列的解释活动监视器中发现,像各种Craft.iokernel_task , hidd , INSTALLD ,和其他许多人 。 不知道这些服务是什么? 最好开始阅读!

The two processes are part of Spotlight, the macOS search tool. The first, mds, stands for metadata server. This process manages the index used to give you quick search results. The second, mdworker, stands for metadata server worker. This does the hard work of actually indexing your files to make that quick searching possible.

这两个过程是macOS搜索工具Spotlight的一部分。 第一个是mds,代表元数据服务器。 此过程管理用于为您提供快速搜索结果的索引。 第二个是mdworker,代表元数据服务器工作程序。 这实际上是对文件建立索引以使快速搜索成为可能的艰巨工作。

为什么mds和mdworker使用如此多的RAM和CPU? (Why Are mds and mdworker Using So Much RAM and CPU?)

If you’ve recently migrated your files and apps from one Mac to another, it’s normal for mds and mdworker to take up a great deal of CPU power and memory. The same goes if you recently added a bunch of new files to your computer. The processes are both working to build an index of all your files, which is what will later power your fast searches.

如果您最近将文件和应用程序从一台Mac迁移到另一台Mac ,则mds和mdworker占用大量CPU能力和内存是正常的。 如果您最近在计算机中添加了一堆新文件,情况也是如此。 这些过程都在为所有文件建立索引,这将在以后为快速搜索提供动力。

How can you tell this is the case? Open Spotlight and you’ll see the word “Indexing” next to a progress bar.

你怎么能这样说呢? 打开Spotlight,进度条旁边会显示“索引”字样。

If you see that message, you know that Spotlight is hard at work creating your index, and that’s the reason for the resource usage. This typically only takes a couple of hours, though this can vary depending on your hard drive and processor speed.

如果看到该消息,则说明Spotlight很难创建索引,这就是资源使用的原因。 这通常只需要几个小时,但是具体时间取决于您的硬盘驱动器和处理器速度。

Spotlight is configured to not use up all your resources. If you’re doing something that’s processor intensive, these processes should back off. But if your Mac is left idle, and you’re not on battery power, Spotlight will feel free to use whatever resources are necessarily in order to build the database.

Spotlight配置为不耗尽所有资源。 如果您要进行处理器密集型的工作,则这些过程应该退后。 但是,如果Mac闲置,并且没有电池供电,Spotlight将可以随意使用构建数据库所需的任何资源。

重建您的Spotlight索引 (Rebuild Your Spotlight Index)

If these processes never seem to finish their job, and are constantly using your CPU and memory days after the indexing began, there’s a chance your index is corrupted. Happily, you can fix problems like this by rebuilding the Spotlight index.

如果这些进程似乎从未完成他们的工作,并且在索引开始之后几天一直在使用您的CPU和内存,那么您的索引可能会损坏。 令人高兴的是,您可以通过重建Spotlight索引来解决此类问题 。

There are two main ways to do this. The first is to add your entire hard drive to the Excluded Locations list, and then remove it from the exclusion list afterward. The second is to open the Terminal, then run the following command:

有两种主要方法可以做到这一点。 首先是将整个硬盘驱动器添加到“排除的位置”列表中,然后再将其从排除列表中删除。 第二种是打开终端,然后运行以下命令:

sudo mdutil -E /

sudo mdutil -E /

Either way, your entire Spotlight index will be re-built, which again you can see by pulling up Spotlight and looking for the word “Indexing” at top left, alongside the progress bar. Once that process is done, mds and mdworker should stop taking up excessive CPU. If not, consider running First Aid to fix file system problems on your Mac, then re-building the index again. That will solve the problem in almost all instances.

无论哪种方式,都将重新构建整个Spotlight索引,您可以再次拉起Spotlight并在进度栏旁边寻找左上角的“索引”一词来查看。 完成该过程后,mds和mdworker应该停止占用过多的CPU。 如果不是,请考虑运行“急救”来修复Mac上的文件系统问题 ,然后再次重新构建索引。 这样几乎可以解决所有问题。


mac mds是什么

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