
  • 一、背景与需求
  • 二、必备知识
    • 2.1 Python生成音乐的原理
    • 2.2 十二平均律
    • 2.3 简单乐理知识
  • 三、实现
    • 3.1 对琴谱进行编码
    • 3.2 Music类
    • 3.3 Staff类
    • 3.4 Converter类
  • 四、项目代码
  • 五、不足与展望




2.1 Python生成音乐的原理


声音是一种波。可以被人耳识别的声(频率在20 Hz~20000 Hz之间),我们称之为声音。




import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt# 生成一条正弦波
x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 8192)
y = np.sin(x)




import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrequency = 440
x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 8192)
y = np.sin(frequency * x)




2.2 十二平均律

(英语:Equal temperament),又称十二等程律,音乐律式的一种,也是当今最主流的律式。将一个八度平均分成十二等份,每等分称为半音,音高八度音指的是频率乘上二倍。八度音的频率分为十二等分,即是分为十二项的等比数列,也就是每个音的频率为前一个音的2的12次方根:


2.3 简单乐理知识

想要用Python演奏国际歌,首先要对琴谱进行编码,将五线谱输入计算机中。这要求我们必须对乐理知识具备一定的了解。这里不作详细介绍,可参考 乐理知识以及musicXml属性介绍 这篇文章。


3.1 对琴谱进行编码




3.2 Music类



  • name : 一个字符串,歌曲名称
  • staff : 一个Staff对象,歌曲的五线谱。
  • wave : np.array()数组,五线谱对应的波形。
  • Fs : 采样率
  • converter : 一个Converter对象,用来实现五线谱到波形的转换。


  • load_staff(self,file_name) : 读取编码后的五线谱。
  • update_music(self) : 根据读取的五线谱更新波形。
  • save_music(self,file_name,file_type="wav") : 保存音频文件。
  • draw_wave(self) : 画出波形图。
class Music():def __init__(self, name=""):"""Init an instance of MyMusic.Parameters----------name : str, [optional]Name of the music. Must be str."""#Judge the type of input.assert name is None or isinstance(name, str)self.__name = nameself.__staff = Noneself.__wave = np.array([])self.__Fs = 8192self.__converter = Converter(self.__Fs)def load_staff(self,file_name):"""Load the staff from a file.Parameters----------file_name : strThe file to read from.Returns-------state : boolWhether loaded the data successfully."""#Judge the input.assert isinstance(file_name, str), "file_name must be a string"assert len(file_name.split(".")) == 2, "Input error. \neg.'start.txt'"self.__staff = Staff(file_name)self.update_music()def save_staff(self,file_name):"""Save the staff to a file.Parameters----------file_name : strThe file to save to.Returns-------state: boolWhether saved the data successfully."""def update_music(self):"""Update the music(wave) by self.__staff."""self.__wave = self.__converter.gen_music(self.__staff)def save_music(self,file_name,file_type="wav"):"""Save the music as an audio.Parameters----------file_name : strThe file to save to.file_type : strType of the file to save to. Defaults to 'wav'and it means save the audio as "{file_name}.wav".Returns-------state : boolWhether successfully saved the music as an audio."""path = file_name.split(".")[0]+"."+file_typesf.write(path, self.__wave, self.__Fs, 'PCM_24')def play(self):"""Play the music."""def draw_wave(self):"""Draw the waveform according to self.__wave."""n = len(self.__wave)     # Number of samples.t = n/self.__Fs          # Range of t is [0,t]x = np.linspace(0, t, n)plt.plot(x,self.__wave)  # Draw the wave.plt.show()

3.3 Staff类



  • rythm : 琴谱的节奏。
  • loop : 储存琴谱循环信息。


  • read(self) : 读取编码后的五线谱。
class Staff():def __init__(self, file_name):"""Init an instance of a Staff.Parameters----------f_name : strThe name of the file.f_type : strThe type of the file."""self.__sections = []self.__name ,self.__type = file_name.split(".")self.__text = ""self.__rythm = 60self.__loop = Noneself.__supported_type = {"txt"}            # The type of file supported.self.read()    # Read file.def read(self):"""Init the staff from a file."""assert self.__type in self.__supported_type, "Sorry, this type of file is not supported."if self.__type == "txt":self.read_from_txt()def read_from_txt(self):"""Load the staff from a txt file.Parameters----------file_name : str ("xxx.txt")The full name of the file."""file_name = self.__name + "." + self.__typewith open(file_name, "r") as file:self.__text = file.read()re_rythm = re.compile("rythm=([0-9]*)",re.S)re_loop = re.compile("loop=(.*?\))",re.S)re_section = re.compile("(<section.*?>.*?</section>)",re.S)re_section_att = re.compile("<section (.*?)>(.*)</section>",re.S)self.__rythm = int(re_rythm.findall(self.__text)[0])  # Find the rythm.self.__loop = eval(re_loop.findall(self.__text)[0])sections = re_section.findall(self.__text)       # Find all sections.for section in sections:# Create a temp dict to save the information of this section.dict_att = {}# Find the attributions and the notes of this section.match = re_section_att.findall(section)# Add every attribute to `dict_att`.attributes = match[0][0].split()for att in attributes:key, value = att.split("=")dict_att[key] = value# Create a list `notes` and add every note to this list.notes_temp = match[0][1].split("\n")notes = []for i in range(len(notes_temp)):note = notes_temp[i].strip(" ")note = note.strip("\t")if note:notes.append(note)# Create a dict to save the information of this section, and add it to `self.__section`.self.__sections.append({"attribute":dict_att, "notes":notes})# print(self.__sections)@propertydef sections(self):return self.__sections@propertydef rythm(self):return self.__rythm@propertydef loop(self):return self.__loop

3.4 Converter类



  • Fs : 采样率。


  • read(self) : 读取编码后的五线谱。
  • get_frequency(self,major,scale) :计算给定音符的频率。
  • get_wave(self,major,scale,rythm=1) : 生成给定音符的波形。
  • gen_music(self,staff) : 拼接各音符的波形,生成整首音乐的波形。
class Converter():def __init__(self, Fs=8192):"""Init an instance of Converter.Parameters----------Fs : int [optional]The sampling rate."""self.__Fs = Fsdef get_frequency(self,major,scale):"""Calculate the Frequency.Parameters----------major : intThe major. For example, when it takes 0, it means C major.scale : int, range[-1,12]The scale. -1 means a rest, and 1 means "do", 12 means "si".Returns-------frequency : floatThe Frequncy calculated by the major and scale."""frequency = 440*(2**major)frequency = frequency*2**((scale-1)/12)return frequencydef get_wave(self,major,scale,rythm=1):"""Generate the wave of a note.Parameter---------major : intThe major. For example, when it takes 3, it means C major.scale : int, range[-1,12]The scale. -1 means a rest, and 1 means "do", 12 means "si".rythm : intThe rythm of the note. When it takes 1.5, int means 1.5 unit-time per beat.Returns-------y : np.arrayThe wave generated."""Pi = np.pix = np.linspace(0, 2*Pi*rythm, int(self.__Fs*rythm), endpoint=False) # time variable# When scale==-1, it means a rest.if scale == -1:y = x*0else:frequency = self.get_frequency(major, scale)y = np.sin(frequency*x)*(1-x/(rythm*2*Pi))return ydef gen_music(self,staff):"""Play a piece of music based on section.Parameters----------staff : class Staff.Returns-------wave : np.arrayThe wave of the staff."""sections = staff.sectionstime = 60/staff.rythmloop_start, loop_end, loop_times, loop_sub = staff.loopwave = np.array([])section_wave_ls = []for section in sections:notes = section["notes"]wave_list = []for line_str in notes:line = [eval(note) for note in line_str.split()]line_wave = np.array([])for note in line:major, scale, rythm = noterythm *= timey = self.get_wave(major, scale, rythm)line_wave = np.concatenate((line_wave,y),axis=0)wave_list.append(line_wave)length = min([len(line_wave) for line_wave in wave_list])section_wave = wave_list[0][:length]for i in range(1,len(wave_list)):section_wave += wave_list[i][:length]# wave = np.concatenate((wave,section_wave),axis=0)section_wave_ls.append(section_wave)temp = [w for w in section_wave_ls[:loop_start-1]]for i in range(loop_times):for w in section_wave_ls[loop_start-1:loop_end]:temp.append(w)if loop_sub:section_wave_ls = temp[:-1] + [w for w in section_wave_ls[loop_end:]]else:section_wave_ls = temp + [w for w in section_wave_ls[loop_end:]]for w in section_wave_ls:wave = np.concatenate((wave,w), axis=0)return wave


完整代码已经上传至github,传送门: Python演奏国际歌


  1. 对琴谱的编码方式有待优化。我采用的方法太过粗糙,只提取了原谱最关键的少量信息。此外,由于编码规则是我自己指定的,这种编码也缺乏通用性。接下来可以尝试MusicXML4编码。
  2. 琴谱编码需要人工进行,费时费力,后期可以采用图像识别技术自动识别并编码琴谱。
  3. 后期可以再写一个UI界面,提高用户体验度。

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  2. 维基百科:A(音名) ↩︎

  3. 维基百科:十二平均律 ↩︎

  4. Songs and Schemas ↩︎


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