

/** Title:        CloudSim Toolkit* Description:  CloudSim (Cloud Simulation) Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation*               of Clouds* Licence:      GPL -** Copyright (c) 2009, The University of Melbourne, Australia*/package org.cloudbus.cloudsim.examples;import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Cloudlet;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.CloudletSchedulerTimeShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Datacenter;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterBroker;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterCharacteristics;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Host;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Log;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Pe;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Storage;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModel;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModelFull;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Vm;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmAllocationPolicySimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmSchedulerTimeShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.CloudSim;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.BwProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.PeProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.RamProvisionerSimple;/*** A simple example showing how to create* a datacenter with one host and run two* cloudlets on it. The cloudlets run in* VMs with the same MIPS requirements.* The cloudlets will take the same time to* complete the execution.*/
public class CloudSimExample2 {/** The cloudlet list. */private static List<Cloudlet> cloudletList;/** The vmlist. */private static List<Vm> vmlist;/*** Creates main() to run this example*/public static void main(String[] args) {Log.printLine("Starting CloudSimExample2...");try {// First step: Initialize the CloudSim package. It should be called// before creating any num_user = 1;   // number of cloud usersCalendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();boolean trace_flag = false;  // mean trace events// Initialize the CloudSim libraryCloudSim.init(num_user, calendar, trace_flag);// Second step: Create Datacenters//Datacenters are the resource providers in CloudSim. We need at list one of them to run a CloudSim simulation@SuppressWarnings("unused")Datacenter datacenter0 = createDatacenter("Datacenter_0");//Third step: Create BrokerDatacenterBroker broker = createBroker();int brokerId = broker.getId();//Fourth step: Create one virtual machinevmlist = new ArrayList<Vm>();//VM descriptionint vmid = 0;int mips = 250;long size = 10000; //image size (MB)int ram = 512; //vm memory (MB)long bw = 1000;int pesNumber = 1; //number of cpusString vmm = "Xen"; //VMM name//create two VMsVm vm1 = new Vm(vmid, brokerId, mips, pesNumber, ram, bw, size, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerTimeShared());vmid++;Vm vm2 = new Vm(vmid, brokerId, mips, pesNumber, ram, bw, size, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerTimeShared());//add the VMs to the vmListvmlist.add(vm1);vmlist.add(vm2);//submit vm list to the brokerbroker.submitVmList(vmlist);//Fifth step: Create two CloudletscloudletList = new ArrayList<Cloudlet>();//Cloudlet propertiesint id = 0;pesNumber=1;long length = 250000;long fileSize = 300;long outputSize = 300;UtilizationModel utilizationModel = new UtilizationModelFull();Cloudlet cloudlet1 = new Cloudlet(id, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, utilizationModel, utilizationModel, utilizationModel);cloudlet1.setUserId(brokerId);id++;Cloudlet cloudlet2 = new Cloudlet(id, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, utilizationModel, utilizationModel, utilizationModel);cloudlet2.setUserId(brokerId);//add the cloudlets to the listcloudletList.add(cloudlet1);cloudletList.add(cloudlet2);//submit cloudlet list to the brokerbroker.submitCloudletList(cloudletList);//bind the cloudlets to the vms. This way, the broker// will submit the bound cloudlets only to the specific VMbroker.bindCloudletToVm(cloudlet1.getCloudletId(),vm1.getId());broker.bindCloudletToVm(cloudlet2.getCloudletId(),vm2.getId());// Sixth step: Starts the simulationCloudSim.startSimulation();// Final step: Print results when simulation is overList<Cloudlet> newList = broker.getCloudletReceivedList();CloudSim.stopSimulation();printCloudletList(newList);Log.printLine("CloudSimExample2 finished!");}catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();Log.printLine("The simulation has been terminated due to an unexpected error");}}private static Datacenter createDatacenter(String name){// Here are the steps needed to create a PowerDatacenter:// 1. We need to create a list to store//    our machineList<Host> hostList = new ArrayList<Host>();// 2. A Machine contains one or more PEs or CPUs/Cores.// In this example, it will have only one core.List<Pe> peList = new ArrayList<Pe>();int mips = 1000;// 3. Create PEs and add these into a list.peList.add(new Pe(0, new PeProvisionerSimple(mips))); // need to store Pe id and MIPS Rating//4. Create Host with its id and list of PEs and add them to the list of machinesint hostId=0;int ram = 2048; //host memory (MB)long storage = 1000000; //host storageint bw = 10000;hostList.add(new Host(hostId,new RamProvisionerSimple(ram),new BwProvisionerSimple(bw),storage,peList,new VmSchedulerTimeShared(peList))); // This is our machine// 5. Create a DatacenterCharacteristics object that stores the//    properties of a data center: architecture, OS, list of//    Machines, allocation policy: time- or space-shared, time zone//    and its price (G$/Pe time unit).String arch = "x86";      // system architectureString os = "Linux";          // operating systemString vmm = "Xen";double time_zone = 10.0;         // time zone this resource locateddouble cost = 3.0;              // the cost of using processing in this resourcedouble costPerMem = 0.05;      // the cost of using memory in this resourcedouble costPerStorage = 0.001; // the cost of using storage in this resourcedouble costPerBw = 0.0;           // the cost of using bw in this resourceLinkedList<Storage> storageList = new LinkedList<Storage>();   //we are not adding SAN devices by nowDatacenterCharacteristics characteristics = new DatacenterCharacteristics(arch, os, vmm, hostList, time_zone, cost, costPerMem, costPerStorage, costPerBw);// 6. Finally, we need to create a PowerDatacenter object.Datacenter datacenter = null;try {datacenter = new Datacenter(name, characteristics, new VmAllocationPolicySimple(hostList), storageList, 0);} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}return datacenter;}//We strongly encourage users to develop their own broker policies, to submit vms and cloudlets according//to the specific rules of the simulated scenarioprivate static DatacenterBroker createBroker(){DatacenterBroker broker = null;try {broker = new DatacenterBroker("Broker");} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();return null;}return broker;}/*** Prints the Cloudlet objects* @param list  list of Cloudlets*/private static void printCloudletList(List<Cloudlet> list) {int size = list.size();Cloudlet cloudlet;String indent = "    ";Log.printLine();Log.printLine("========== OUTPUT ==========");Log.printLine("Cloudlet ID" + indent + "STATUS" + indent +"Data center ID" + indent + "VM ID" + indent + "Time" + indent + "Start Time" + indent + "Finish Time");DecimalFormat dft = new DecimalFormat("###.##");for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {cloudlet = list.get(i);Log.print(indent + cloudlet.getCloudletId() + indent + indent);if (cloudlet.getCloudletStatus() == Cloudlet.SUCCESS){Log.print("SUCCESS");Log.printLine( indent + indent + cloudlet.getResourceId() + indent + indent + indent + cloudlet.getVmId() +indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getActualCPUTime()) + indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getExecStartTime())+indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getFinishTime()));}}}



// First step: Initialize the CloudSim package. It should be called// before creating any num_user = 1;   // number of cloud users//指定云用户数量为1个。Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();boolean trace_flag = false;  // mean trace events// Initialize the CloudSim libraryCloudSim.init(num_user, calendar, trace_flag);//初始化cloudsim包。//指定云用户数量为1个。Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();boolean trace_flag = false;  // mean trace events// Initialize the CloudSim libraryCloudSim.init(num_user, calendar, trace_flag);//初始化cloudsim包。


// Second step: Create Datacenters//Datacenters are the resource providers in CloudSim. We need at list one of them to run a CloudSim simulation@SuppressWarnings("unused")Datacenter datacenter0 = createDatacenter("Datacenter_0");


//Third step: Create BrokerDatacenterBroker broker = createBroker();int brokerId = broker.getId();


//Fourth step: Create one virtual machinevmlist = new ArrayList<Vm>();//VM descriptionint vmid = 0;int mips = 250;long size = 10000; //image size (MB)int ram = 512; //vm memory (MB)long bw = 1000;int pesNumber = 1; //number of cpusString vmm = "Xen"; //VMM name//create two VMsVm vm1 = new Vm(vmid, brokerId, mips, pesNumber, ram, bw, size, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerTimeShared());vmid++;Vm vm2 = new Vm(vmid, brokerId, mips, pesNumber, ram, bw, size, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerTimeShared());//add the VMs to the vmListvmlist.add(vm1);vmlist.add(vm2);//submit vm list to the brokerbroker.submitVmList(vmlist);


//Fifth step: Create two CloudletscloudletList = new ArrayList<Cloudlet>();//Cloudlet propertiesint id = 0;pesNumber=1;long length = 250000;long fileSize = 300;long outputSize = 300;UtilizationModel utilizationModel = new UtilizationModelFull();Cloudlet cloudlet1 = new Cloudlet(id, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, utilizationModel, utilizationModel, utilizationModel);cloudlet1.setUserId(brokerId);id++;Cloudlet cloudlet2 = new Cloudlet(id, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, utilizationModel, utilizationModel, utilizationModel);cloudlet2.setUserId(brokerId);//add the cloudlets to the listcloudletList.add(cloudlet1);cloudletList.add(cloudlet2);//submit cloudlet list to the brokerbroker.submitCloudletList(cloudletList);//bind the cloudlets to the vms. This way, the broker// will submit the bound cloudlets only to the specific VMbroker.bindCloudletToVm(cloudlet1.getCloudletId(),vm1.getId());broker.bindCloudletToVm(cloudlet2.getCloudletId(),vm2.getId());


                        // Sixth step: Starts the simulationCloudSim.startSimulation();


// Final step: Print results when simulation is overList<Cloudlet> newList = broker.getCloudletReceivedList();CloudSim.stopSimulation();printCloudletList(newList);Log.printLine("CloudSimExample2 finished!");



// 1. We need to create a list to store//    our machineList<Host> hostList = new ArrayList<Host>();


 // 2. A Machine contains one or more PEs or CPUs/Cores.// In this example, it will have only one core.List<Pe> peList = new ArrayList<Pe>();int mips = 1000;


// 3. Create PEs and add these into a list.peList.add(new Pe(0, new PeProvisionerSimple(mips))); // need to store Pe id and MIPS Rating


//4. Create Host with its id and list of PEs and add them to the list of machinesint hostId=0;int ram = 2048; //host memory (MB)long storage = 1000000; //host storageint bw = 10000;hostList.add(new Host(hostId,new RamProvisionerSimple(ram),new BwProvisionerSimple(bw),storage,peList,new VmSchedulerTimeShared(peList))); // This is our machine


// 5. Create a DatacenterCharacteristics object that stores the//    properties of a data center: architecture, OS, list of//    Machines, allocation policy: time- or space-shared, time zone//    and its price (G$/Pe time unit).String arch = "x86";      // system architectureString os = "Linux";          // operating systemString vmm = "Xen";double time_zone = 10.0;         // time zone this resource locateddouble cost = 3.0;              // the cost of using processing in this resourcedouble costPerMem = 0.05;     // the cost of using memory in this resourcedouble costPerStorage = 0.001; // the cost of using storage in this resourcedouble costPerBw = 0.0;           // the cost of using bw in this resourceLinkedList<Storage> storageList = new LinkedList<Storage>();   //we are not adding SAN devices by nowDatacenterCharacteristics characteristics = new DatacenterCharacteristics(arch, os, vmm, hostList, time_zone, cost, costPerMem, costPerStorage, costPerBw);


// 6. Finally, we need to create a PowerDatacenter object.Datacenter datacenter = null;try {datacenter = new Datacenter(name, characteristics, new VmAllocationPolicySimple(hostList), storageList, 0);} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}return datacenter;}


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