The Relationship Between Parents And Children

Currently, there is a widespread concern over the issue that the relationship between parents and children. It is really an important concern to every one.

So many people think that, it is an important part for a family to keep the relationship between parents and children. The relationship not only a place for us to trust each other or connected with other,but also influences that the child growths up.For example, I make friend with my parents,which help me solve so much trouble.3 years age,I am so nevers to be a university student,but with my parents told me that" every one needS to solve some problem with himself.Others can do it ,and you can do it "

So the good relationship between parent and children is very important for us. The relationship will help us solve so many troubles in our life road.



HuaShan in HuaYang, is away from XiAn 120km. HuaShan is a part of QinLin,which is not only dividing SanBei, but also dividing HuaNan and HuaBei. A few people go to HuaSan travel,which is difFerent from TaiSan that so many people to travel in many years age.As it is dangerous for people to go to the top. However, because of growing medical herbs, so many people frequently go to HuaSan. With the cable car being made, more and more people are coming.
Huashan is located in Huayin City, 120 kilometers away from Xi'an.It is part of the Qinling Mountains, which not only separate Southern and Northern Shanxi, but also separate South and North China. In the past,Huashan was rarely visited because of its hard and steep road,which is unlike Taishan where people often went to worship. However,those who wish to live longer often ascend the mountain for many herbs grow on the mountain,especially some rare herbs. After the installation of cable cars in the 1990s,the number of visitors has increasedgreatly .

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