kali linux提供了默认的一套dhcp ddos工具集合,代码位于https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-ipv6



© 2005-2020 vh@thc.org https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-ipv6
Licensed under AGPLv3 (see LICENSE file)


This code was inspired when I got into touch with IPv6, learned more and
more about it - and then found no tools to play (read: “hack”) around with.
First I tried to implement things with libnet, but then found out that
the IPv6 implementation is only partial - and sucks. I tried to add the
missing code, but well, it was not so easy, hence I saved my time and
quickly wrote my own library.


This code currently only runs on:

  • Linux 2.6.x or newer (because of /proc usage)
  • Ethernet
    But this means for all linux guys that it will work for 98% of your use cases.
    Patches are welcome! (add “antispam” in the subject line to get through my
    anti-spam protection, otherwise the email will bounce)


You must have libpcap-dev installed to be able to build the tools.
Additionally libssl-dev and libnetfilter-queue-dev are recommended as well.

These can be installed by (Kali, Debian, Ubuntu):
sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev libssl-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev

You can build the tools by running:
make all

You can install the tools and existing manual pages by running:
make install


The THC IPV6 ATTACK TOOLKIT comes already with lots of effective attacking