So you installed Windows DreamScene through Windows Update, but where did it go? You can’t find it in the start menu anywhere, and it’s not in Program Files… Turns out that just installing it doesn’t always mean that it’s enabled.

因此,您通过Windows Update安装了Windows DreamScene,但是它去了哪里呢? 您在任何地方的开始菜单中都找不到它,并且不在Program Files中。结果证明,仅安装它并不总是意味着它已启用。

If you encounter the same problem I did, you’ll have to also turn it on through the Windows Features menu. We’ll run through the entire installation just to be safe.

如果遇到与我相同的问题,则还必须通过Windows功能菜单将其打开。 为了安全起见,我们将贯穿整个安装过程。

Installing in Windows Update

在Windows Update中安装

Open up Windows Update through the start menu, and you should see “There are Windows Ultimate Extras available for download”, so click on the “View available Extras” link.

通过开始菜单打开Windows Update,您应该看到“有Windows Ultimate Extras可供下载”,因此请单击“查看可用Extras”链接。

Check all the updates (I already installed it before I remembered to screenshot it), and then click on the Install button.


Enabling DreamScene Component


Again, this step may not be required for you, but it was for me. Open up control panel and click the Programs link.

同样,您可能不需要此步骤,但对我来说是必需的。 打开控制面板,然后单击“程序”链接。

Then click on “Turn Windows features on or off”


Now you should see Windows Ultimate Extras and then Windows DreamScene in the list. Check the box, and then click OK.

现在,您应该在列表中看到Windows Ultimate Extras,然后是Windows DreamScene。 选中该框,然后单击“确定”。

It’ll tell you the features are being configured…


And then it will prompt you to reboot. Make sure you reboot at this step.

然后它将提示您重新启动。 确保在此步骤重新启动。

Choosing a DreamScene Wallpaper


Right-click on the Desktop and choose Personalize, and then choose Desktop Background. You’ll notice that the drop-down menu contains a number of new items for video files, including one for “Windows DreamScene Content”, which contains all of the new videos in the additional components pack.

用鼠标右键单击桌面,然后选择个性化,然后选择桌面背景。 您会注意到,下拉菜单包含许多视频文件的新项目,其中包括“ Windows DreamScene Content”的一项,其中包含附加组件包中的所有新视频。

You’ll also notice there are more options for how you can position both pictures and videos.


Now you’ve got moving pictures for your wallpaper. You can’t see it through the screenshot, but it’s animated… and useless…

现在,您已经为墙纸移动了图片。 您无法通过屏幕截图看到它,但是它是动画的……而且毫无用处……

If you want to pause the wallpaper, perhaps because you or somebody next to you is now having a seizure, just right-click on the desktop and choose Pause DreamScene.


This has to be one of the most useless features ever added to Windows. It spikes the CPU in my beefy laptop at a solid 15%.

这必须是Windows所添加的最无用的功能之一。 它使强劲的笔记本电脑中的CPU峰值提高了15%。

Windows DreamScene is only available for people using Vista Ultimate, but don’t worry, you aren’t missing much.

Windows DreamScene仅适用于使用Vista Ultimate的用户,但请放心,您并不会错过太多。



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