fetch and carry

打杂,递递拿拿 do a part time job; be assistant

▲fetch and carry

Her whole morning was spent in fetching and carrying.她整个上午都在做杂务。

This dog can fetch and carry at his master's command.这狗能按主人的差遣取送东西。

▲fetch and carry for sb

John was annoyed because his boss expected him to fetch and carry for him all day.约翰很恼火,因为他的老板希望终日差遣他。

You are expected to fetch and carry for everyone in the office.希望你听候办公室所有人的差遣。

fetch from (v.+prep.)

1.把…从…接〔取来〕 go and get sth/sb from some place

▲fetch sb/sth from sthShe rose and fetched a chair from the office.她起身去办公室搬来了一把椅子。

He had to leave his wife along while he fetched the doctor from the town.他去城里请医生的时候,只好让妻子一个人呆着。

▲fetch sb sth from sthFetch me the tape from my drawer.请把我抽屉里的磁带取来。

Please fetch me a clean handkerchief from my bedroom.请到我的卧室拿一块干净手帕来。

Please fetch me the papers from Mr. Johnson's office.请到约翰逊先生的办公室去把文件给我拿来。

2.招来(某人),引起 attract or cause sb/sth

▲fetch sb/sth from sb/sth

His words fetched angry shouts from the crowd.他的话在人群中引起了一片愤怒的吼声。

fetch in (v.+adv.)

▲fetch sb/sth ⇔in1.把…拿进〔带进屋〕 bring sth/sb indoors

I must fetch the washing in, it's raining.下雨了,我必须把衣服收进来。

Please fetch the children in for dinner.请把孩子们叫进来吃饭。

2.创利; 招来〔进〕(钱财、人等) produce profit; attract (sth as money, or sb)

The sale of the house should fetch in enough to pay our debts.卖这幢房子的钱足够我们还债用。

The advertisements for the concert fetched in large crowds.音乐会的广告招来了很多观众。

Those cheap seats will fetch in the people.那些票价低廉的座位将会吸引许多人。

fetch out (v.+adv.)

▲fetch sb/sth ⇔ out (of sth)1.把…从(室内)拿出〔搬出〕 bring sth/sb out of doors

It's warm enough to fetch out the garden chairs.天气转暖了,该把花园椅搬出来了。

I hate having to fetch out the sewing machine every time I want to do some sewing.每当我想做点针线活时就得把缝纫机搬出来,真讨厌。

They fetched out their best wine for us.他们拿出最好的酒给我们喝。

2.使…出现〔被看到〕; 使显出(意义、光彩等) cause sth to be seen or known

Ade never fetches out his best dishes even when guests arrive.即便来了客人,艾德也不把他最好的盘碟摆出来。

The sulphur will fetch those wasps out of their nest.硫磺可以使那些黄蜂从巢里飞出来。

The struggle fetched out his true character.这场斗争显示出他的真正性格。

He never fetches out his best wishes even when guests arrive.甚至当客人来的时候,他也从不表示祝愿。

Plenty of money often fetches out a person's worst qualities.面对大量的金钱往往会使人暴露出最坏的品质。

3.生产,创造 produce sth

The makers are fetching out a new kind of soap.工人们正在生产一种新的肥皂。

4.鼓励〔引〕(某人)做…(尤指讲话) encourage sb to do sth (especially to talk)

Rose is very quiet, try to fetch her out at the party.露丝很文静,设法鼓励她在聚会上说说话。

5.使(某人)为…而罢工 cause sb to stop working because of sth

We'll fetch the workers out for more pay.我们要叫工人们为了增加工资而举行罢工。

fetch over(v.+adv.)

▲fetch sb ⇔ over

1.把(某人)带到…(常指自己的家) bring sb to his home

Why don't you fetch your new girlfriend over?We'd like to meet her.为什么不把你新结识的女朋友带到家里来呢?我们想见见她。

2.劝说(某人)改变其观点 persuade sb to change his opinion

〔说明〕 fetch over作此解时通常不用于进行体。

We must fetch the rest of the committee over to our point of view.我们必须说服其他委员,使他们同意我们的观点。

fetch round (v.+adv.)

▲fetch sb/sth ⇔ round (to sth)1.带…到… bring sb to his home or an agreed place

He fetched the blind round to the bus stop.他把那个盲人领到汽车站。

2.〈非正〉使(某人)苏醒; 觉醒 cause sb to regain consciousness, often rather suddenly

〔说明〕 fetch round作此解时通常不用于进行体。

Facer has fainted; this bucket of water should fetch him round.费塞昏过去了,这桶水可以使他苏醒过来。

3.改变(方向); 劝说 change the direction of sth; persuade sb to change his opinion

〔说明〕 fetch round作此解时通常不用于进行体。

Father always fetches the conversation round to his favourite subject.父亲总是把谈话转移到他最喜欢的话题。

We must fetch the rest of the committee round to our point of view.我们必须劝说其余的委员接受我们的看法。

fetch to (v.+adv.)

〈非正〉使(某人)苏醒(常指突然地) cause sb to regain consciousness, often rather suddenly

〔说明〕 fetch to作此解时通常不用于进行体。

▲fetch sb to

Jacelin has fainted, this bucket of water should fetch him to.杰斯林昏过去了,这桶水会使他苏醒过来。

fetch up (v.+adv.)

1.停止 stop

▲fetch upThe car suddenly fetched up before a big tree.那辆汽车突然在一棵大树前停住了。

▲fetch sb/sth ⇔ up◇ 用于be ~ed结构

He was fetched up short by the red light.他突然被红灯拦住。

2.〈主英·非正〉到达 arrive at/in

〔说明〕 fetch up作此解时通常不用于进行体。

▲fetch upWhen Jim's driving, we never know where we'll fetch up.当吉姆开车时,我们从不知道我们将到哪儿。

We fetch up at the wharf exactly on time.我们非常准时到达码头。

I hear they fetched up simultaneously at the spot.我听说他们同时到达现场。

The boy's ball fetched up on the garage roof.小男孩的球被扔到车库顶上去了。

He will fetch up in prison if he goes on taking risks like that.如果他还继续冒险的话,他就会进监狱的。

3.〈非正〉呕出,吐出 be sick; vomit sth

▲fetch upShe's been fetching up all morning.她已经呕吐了一个上午。

▲fetch sth ⇔ upThe child has fetched up all dinner again.那孩子又一次把吃的东西吐了出来。

He was very ill and fetched up all he had eaten.他病得很厉害,把吃下去的东西都吐了出来。

4.把…带到楼上 bring sth/sb upstairs

▲fetch sth ⇔ upPlease fetch up the teathings.请把茶具拿到楼上来。

5.〈英·非正〉成为… finish by becoming sth

〔说明〕 fetch up作此解时通常不用于进行体。

▲fetch up (as) n./adj.

Who would have guessed that he would fetch up as director of the firm?谁能想得到他会成为公司的总裁?

After making his fortune, he fetched up poor when he died.他创下了一片家产,死的时候却身无分文。

6.〈英·非正〉造成… finish by doing sth

▲fetch upBe careful, you could fetch up by getting hurt.当心!你会被伤着的。

7.〈英·非正〉取得成就 (cause to) reach a favourable end

▲fetch upIf you don't work hard, you'll fetch up nowhere.如果你不努力工作,你就会一无所成。

I never dreamed that I would fetch up with such a lot of property.我做梦也没想到我会拥有这么大一笔财产。

8.〈英·非正〉接受 receive sth in the end

〔说明〕 fetch up作此解时通常不用于进行体。

▲fetch upAfter trying so hard, the writer fetched up with a contract.经过艰苦努力,那个作家终于签约了。

Jim entered the competition, not hoping for much, but fetched up with first prize!吉姆参加比赛不想太多,只想获得头奖。


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