debuggerd 简介

Android系统自带一个实用的程序异常退出的诊断daemon debuggerd。此进程可以侦测到程序崩溃,并将崩溃时的进程状态信息输出到文件和串口中,以供开发人员分析调试使用。Debuggerd的数据被保存在/data/tombstone/目录下,共可保存10个文件,当超过10个时,会覆盖重写最早生产的文件。串口中,则直接用DEBUG的tag,输出logcat信息。 Linux kernel有自己的一套signal机制,在应用程序崩溃时,通常系统内核都会发送signal到出问题的进程,以通知进程出现什么异常,这些进程可以捕获这些signal并对其做相应的处理。通常对于程序异常信号的处理,就是退出。Android在此机制上实现了一个更实用的功能:拦截这些信号,dump进程信息以供调试。


debuggerd创建一个名为 “Android:debuggerd”的socket,作为server端等待其他client端进程的连接,接收client端进程发送来的tid和action信息将由tid指定的那个进程的运行信息,按照由action指定的动作dump到文件或者控制台中可以作为debuggerd的client端的进程主要有几种:

1.       异常的C/C++程序


2.       debuggerd程序

debuggerd可以在控制台中以命令debuggerd -b [<tid>]启动 ,然后与debuggerd daemon建立连接。这样debuggerd可以在不中断进程执行的情况下dump由tid指定的进程的信息。

3.       dumpstate




在控制台中以命令debuggerd -b [<tid>]启动。如果加上-b参数,则由tid指定的进程的信息将dump到控制台上,否则dump到tombstone文件中。控制台中运行命令callstack/dumpstate,进程信息会写入这两个命令指定的文件中。


应用程序入口属于bionic实现的一部分,则对所有android的程序有效。在应用程序入口地址__start后,__linker_init中调用debugger_init()函数来注册异常信号处理handler,以实现拦截系统异常的几个singal:SIGILL,SIGABRT, SIGBUS, SIGFPE,SIGSEGV和SIGPIPE:


start:mov     r0, spmov     r1, #0bl      __linker_init

bionic\linker\ Linker.cpp

extern "C" Elf32_Addr __linker_init(void* raw_args) {…Elf32_Addr start_address = __linker_init_post_relocation(args, linker_addr);set_soinfo_pool_protection(PROT_READ);// Return the address that the calling assembly stub should jump to.return start_address;
static Elf32_Addr __linker_init_post_relocation(KernelArgumentBlock& args, Elf32_Addr linker_base) {...debuggerd_init();...


void debugger_init()
{struct sigaction act;memset(&act, 0, sizeof(act));act.sa_sigaction = debugger_signal_handler;act.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_SIGINFO;sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask);sigaction(SIGILL, &act, NULL);sigaction(SIGABRT, &act, NULL);sigaction(SIGBUS, &act, NULL);sigaction(SIGFPE, &act, NULL);sigaction(SIGSEGV, &act, NULL);sigaction(SIGSTKFLT, &act, NULL);sigaction(SIGPIPE, &act, NULL);


  1. SIGILL(非法指令异常)
  2. SIGABRT(abort退出异常)
  3. SIGBUS(硬件访问异常)
  4. SIGFPE(浮点运算异常)
  5. SIGSEGV(内存访问异常)
  6. SIGSTKFLT(协处理器栈异常)
  7. SIGPIPE(管道异常)

debugger_init中act.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_SIGINFO的涵义:

1)      SA_RESTART


2)      SA_SIGINFO



void debugger_signal_handler(int n, siginfo_t* info, void* unused)
{char msgbuf[128];unsigned tid;int s;logSignalSummary(n, info);tid = gettid();//"android:debuggerd"s = socket_abstract_client(DEBUGGER_SOCKET_NAME, SOCK_STREAM);if (s >= 0) {/* debugger knows our pid from the credentials on the* local socket but we need to tell it our tid.  It* is paranoid and will verify that we are giving a tid* that's actually in our process*/int  ret;debugger_msg_t msg;msg.action = DEBUGGER_ACTION_CRASH;msg.tid = tid;RETRY_ON_EINTR(ret, write(s, &msg, sizeof(msg)));if (ret == sizeof(msg)) {/* if the write failed, there is no point to read on* the file descriptor. */RETRY_ON_EINTR(ret, read(s, &tid, 1));int savedErrno = errno;notify_gdb_of_libraries();errno = savedErrno;}if (ret < 0) {/* read or write failed -- broken connection? */format_buffer(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf),"Failed while talking to debuggerd: %s", strerror(errno));__libc_android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_FATAL, "libc", msgbuf);}close(s);} else {/* socket failed; maybe process ran out of fds */format_buffer(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf),"Unable to open connection to debuggerd: %s", strerror(errno));__libc_android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_FATAL, "libc", msgbuf);}/* remove our net so we fault for real when we return */signal(n, SIG_DFL);/** These signals are not re-thrown when we resume.  This means that* crashing due to (say) SIGPIPE doesn't work the way you'd expect it* to.  We work around this by throwing them manually.  We don't want* to do this for *all* signals because it'll screw up the address for* faults like SIGSEGV.*/switch (n) {case SIGABRT:case SIGFPE:case SIGPIPE:case SIGSTKFLT:(void) tgkill(getpid(), gettid(), n);break;default:    // SIGILL, SIGBUS, SIGSEGVbreak;}


1) 调用logSignalSummary将signal信息写入文件;

static void logSignalSummary(int signum, const siginfo_t* info)
{char buffer[128];char threadname[MAX_TASK_NAME_LEN + 1]; // one more for terminationchar* signame;switch (signum) {case SIGILL:    signame = "SIGILL";     break;case SIGABRT:   signame = "SIGABRT";    break;case SIGBUS:    signame = "SIGBUS";     break;case SIGFPE:    signame = "SIGFPE";     break;case SIGSEGV:   signame = "SIGSEGV";    break;case SIGSTKFLT: signame = "SIGSTKFLT";  break;case SIGPIPE:   signame = "SIGPIPE";    break;default:        signame = "???";        break;}if (prctl(PR_GET_NAME, (unsigned long)threadname, 0, 0, 0) != 0) {strcpy(threadname, "<name unknown>");} else {// short names are null terminated by prctl, but the manpage// implies that 16 byte names are not.threadname[MAX_TASK_NAME_LEN] = 0;}format_buffer(buffer, sizeof(buffer),"Fatal signal %d (%s) at 0x%08x (code=%d), thread %d (%s)",signum, signame, info->si_addr, info->si_code, gettid(), threadname);__libc_android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_FATAL, "libc", buffer);


2) 调用socket_abstract_client函数与debuggerd建立socket连接;

s = socket_abstract_client(DEBUGGER_SOCKET_NAME, SOCK_STREAM);

3) 如果连接建立成功,则设置结构体debugger_msg_t,并发送给debuggerd;

msg.action = DEBUGGER_ACTION_CRASH;//告诉debuggerd采取何种行
msg.tid = tid;//线程号
RETRY_ON_EINTR(ret, write(s, &msg, sizeof(msg)));

4) 等待debuggerd的回复,阻塞在下面的调用中,收到回复后接着执行下面的流程;

RETRY_ON_EINTR(ret, read(s, &tid, 1));

5)  重新设置信号处理函数为SIG_DFL,即采取默认的动作;

signal(n, SIG_DFL);

6)  重新发送信号,进程从当前信号处理函数返回后,会处理这个信号,进行默认的信号处理动作,即中断进程。


1.       在init进程中以deamon的方式启动,在init.rc中

service debuggerd /system/bin/debuggerd
class main


2.       直接运行system/bin/debuggerd可执行文件,需要指定参数,用法为:

debuggerd -b [<tid>] //参数-b表示在控制台中输出backtrace

以这种方式启动的话,进入main函数后,将调用do_explicit_dump函数与debuggerd daemon通信,将指定进程的信息dump到文件或控制台。


int main(int argc, char** argv) {if (argc == 1) {return do_server();}


static int do_server() {int s;struct sigaction act;int logsocket = -1;/** debuggerd crashes can't be reported to debuggerd.  Reset all of the* crash handlers.*/signal(SIGILL, SIG_DFL);signal(SIGABRT, SIG_DFL);signal(SIGBUS, SIG_DFL);signal(SIGFPE, SIG_DFL);signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL);signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);signal(SIGSTKFLT, SIG_DFL);logsocket = socket_local_client("logd",ANDROID_SOCKET_NAMESPACE_ABSTRACT, SOCK_DGRAM);if(logsocket < 0) {logsocket = -1;} else {fcntl(logsocket, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);}act.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask);sigaddset(&act.sa_mask,SIGCHLD);act.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDWAIT;sigaction(SIGCHLD, &act, 0);s = socket_local_server(DEBUGGER_SOCKET_NAME,ANDROID_SOCKET_NAMESPACE_ABSTRACT, SOCK_STREAM);if(s < 0) return 1;fcntl(s, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);LOG("debuggerd: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n");//check corefile limit.(void)check_corefile_limit();for(;;) {struct sockaddr addr;socklen_t alen;int fd;alen = sizeof(addr);XLOG("waiting for connection\n");fd = accept(s, &addr, &alen);if(fd < 0) {XLOG("accept failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));continue;}fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);handle_request(fd);}return 0;

1.       忽略debuggerd自身crash的处理;

2.       建立socket通信的server端;

3.       进入无限循环中,等待并接收客户端进程连接请求,并通过handle_request()函数处理请求;


static void handle_request(int fd) {XLOG("handle_request(%d)\n", fd);debugger_request_t request;int status = read_request(fd, &request);if (!status) {XLOG("BOOM: pid=%d uid=%d gid=%d tid=%d\n",, request.uid, request.gid, request.tid);/* At this point, the thread that made the request is blocked in* a read() call.  If the thread has crashed, then this gives us* time to PTRACE_ATTACH to it before it has a chance to really fault.** The PTRACE_ATTACH sends a SIGSTOP to the target process, but it* won't necessarily have stopped by the time ptrace() returns.  (We* currently assume it does.)  We write to the file descriptor to* ensure that it can run as soon as we call PTRACE_CONT below.* See details in bionic/libc/linker/debugger.c, in function* debugger_signal_handler().*/if (ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, request.tid, 0, 0)) {LOG("ptrace attach failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));} else {bool detach_failed = false;bool attach_gdb = should_attach_gdb(&request);if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(fd, "\0", 1)) != 1) {LOG("failed responding to client: %s\n", strerror(errno));} else {char* tombstone_path = NULL;if (request.action == DEBUGGER_ACTION_CRASH) {close(fd);fd = -1;}int total_sleep_time_usec = 0;for (;;) {int signal = wait_for_signal(request.tid, &total_sleep_time_usec);if (signal < 0) {break;}switch (signal) {case SIGSTOP:if (request.action == DEBUGGER_ACTION_DUMP_TOMBSTONE) {XLOG("stopped -- dumping to tombstone\n");tombstone_path = engrave_tombstone(, request.tid,signal, true, true, &detach_failed,&total_sleep_time_usec);} else if (request.action == DEBUGGER_ACTION_DUMP_BACKTRACE) {XLOG("stopped -- dumping to fd\n");dump_backtrace(fd,, request.tid, &detach_failed,&total_sleep_time_usec);} else {XLOG("stopped -- continuing\n");status = ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, request.tid, 0, 0);if (status) {LOG("ptrace continue failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));}continue; /* loop again */}break;case SIGILL:case SIGABRT:case SIGBUS:case SIGFPE:case SIGSEGV:case SIGSTKFLT: {XLOG("stopped -- fatal signal\n");/** Send a SIGSTOP to the process to make all of* the non-signaled threads stop moving.  Without* this we get a lot of "ptrace detach failed:* No such process".*/kill(, SIGSTOP);/* don't dump sibling threads when attaching to GDB because it* makes the process less reliable, apparently... */tombstone_path = engrave_tombstone(, request.tid,signal, !attach_gdb, false, &detach_failed,&total_sleep_time_usec);break;}case SIGPIPE:LOG("socket-client process stopped due to SIGPIPE! \n");break;default:XLOG("stopped -- unexpected signal\n");LOG("process stopped due to unexpected signal %d\n", signal);break;}break;}if (request.action == DEBUGGER_ACTION_DUMP_TOMBSTONE) {if (tombstone_path) {write(fd, tombstone_path, strlen(tombstone_path));}close(fd);fd = -1;}free(tombstone_path);}XLOG("detaching\n");if (attach_gdb) {/* stop the process so we can debug */kill(, SIGSTOP);/* detach so we can attach gdbserver */if (ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, request.tid, 0, 0)) {LOG("ptrace detach from %d failed: %s\n", request.tid, strerror(errno));detach_failed = true;}/** if debug.db.uid is set, its value indicates if we should wait* for user action for the crashing process.* in this case, we log a message and turn the debug LED on* waiting for a gdb connection (for instance)*/wait_for_user_action(;} else {/* just detach */if (ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, request.tid, 0, 0)) {LOG("ptrace detach from %d failed: %s\n", request.tid, strerror(errno));detach_failed = true;}}/* resume stopped process (so it can crash in peace). */kill(, SIGCONT);/* If we didn't successfully detach, we're still the parent, and the* actual parent won't receive a death notification via wait(2).  At this point* there's not much we can do about that. */if (detach_failed) {LOG("debuggerd committing suicide to free the zombie!\n");kill(getpid(), SIGKILL);}}}if (fd >= 0) {close(fd);}

1)  调用read_request函数读取client端进程发送来的数据:

static int read_request(int fd, debugger_request_t* out_request) {struct ucred cr;int len = sizeof(cr);int status = getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, &cr, &len);if (status != 0) {LOG("cannot get credentials\n");return -1;}XLOG("reading tid\n");fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);struct pollfd pollfds[1];pollfds[0].fd = fd;pollfds[0].events = POLLIN;pollfds[0].revents = 0;status = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(poll(pollfds, 1, 3000));if (status != 1) {LOG("timed out reading tid\n");return -1;}debugger_msg_t msg;status = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(fd, &msg, sizeof(msg)));if (status < 0) {LOG("read failure? %s\n", strerror(errno));return -1;}if (status != sizeof(msg)) {LOG("invalid crash request of size %d\n", status);return -1;}out_request->action = msg.action;out_request->tid = msg.tid;out_request->pid =;out_request->uid = cr.uid;out_request->gid = cr.gid;if (msg.action == DEBUGGER_ACTION_CRASH) {/* Ensure that the tid reported by the crashing process is valid. */char buf[64];struct stat s;snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "/proc/%d/task/%d", out_request->pid, out_request->tid);if(stat(buf, &s)) {LOG("tid %d does not exist in pid %d. ignoring debug request\n",out_request->tid, out_request->pid);return -1;}} else if (cr.uid == 0|| (cr.uid == AID_SYSTEM && msg.action == DEBUGGER_ACTION_DUMP_BACKTRACE)) {/* Only root or system can ask us to attach to any process and dump it explicitly.* However, system is only allowed to collect backtraces but cannot dump tombstones. */status = get_process_info(out_request->tid, &out_request->pid,&out_request->uid, &out_request->gid);if (status < 0) {LOG("tid %d does not exist. ignoring explicit dump request\n",out_request->tid);return -1;}} else {/* No one else is not allowed to dump arbitrary processes. */return -1;}return 0;

☞  从socket中读取client端进程的pid uid gid

getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, &cr, &len);

☞  轮询socket句柄

struct pollfd pollfds[1];
pollfds[0].fd = fd;
pollfds[0].events = POLLIN;
pollfds[0].revents = 0;
status = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(poll(pollfds, 1, 3000));

☞  从socket上读取debugger_msg_t结构体

debugger_msg_t msg;
status = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(fd, &msg, sizeof(msg)));
if (status < 0) {LOG("read failure? %s\n", strerror(errno));return -1;
if (status != sizeof(msg)) {LOG("invalid crash request of size %d\n", status);return -1;
out_request->action = msg.action;
out_request->tid = msg.tid;
out_request->pid =;
out_request->uid = cr.uid;
out_request->gid = cr.gid;

☞ 如果debugger_msg_t中设置的action为DEBUGGER_ACTION_CRASH,说明是crash的C/C++进程发来的请求,则判断传进来的tid是否有效。

if (msg.action == DEBUGGER_ACTION_CRASH) {/* Ensure that the tid reported by the crashing process is valid. */char buf[64];struct stat s;snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "/proc/%d/task/%d", out_request->pid, out_request->tid);if(stat(buf, &s)) {LOG("tid %d does not exist in pid %d. ignoring debug request\n",out_request->tid, out_request->pid);return -1;}

☞   如果debugger_msg_t中设置的action为DEBUGGER_ACTION_DUMP_BACKTRACE说明是其他方式(debuggerd)发来的请求,则要求必须为root权限或者system权限,然后再判断tid是否有效。

2)  从read_request返回后,调用ptrace函数attach到tid指定的进程,此时debuggerd将变为被attache进程的父进程,然后ptrace函数会向子进程发送SIGSTOP信号将子进程停下来。此时,父进程有机会检查子进程核心image和寄存器的值。

ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, request.tid, 0, 0)

3)  调用下面的语句给client端子进程回复消息,使clinet端的进程能从read调用中返回。

TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(fd, "\0", 1)

4)  在for循环中等待子进程停止。

int signal = wait_for_signal(request.tid, &total_sleep_time_usec);

5)  子进程根据收到的不同信号、不同的action进行不同的处理

switch (signal) {case SIGSTOP:if (request.action == DEBUGGER_ACTION_DUMP_TOMBSTONE) {XLOG("stopped -- dumping to tombstone\n");tombstone_path = engrave_tombstone(, request.tid,signal, true, true, &detach_failed,&total_sleep_time_usec);} else if (request.action == DEBUGGER_ACTION_DUMP_BACKTRACE) {XLOG("stopped -- dumping to fd\n");dump_backtrace(fd,, request.tid, &detach_failed,&total_sleep_time_usec);} else {XLOG("stopped -- continuing\n");status = ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, request.tid, 0, 0);if (status) {LOG("ptrace continue failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));}continue; /* loop again */}break;case SIGILL:case SIGABRT:case SIGBUS:case SIGFPE:case SIGSEGV:case SIGSTKFLT: {XLOG("stopped -- fatal signal\n");kill(, SIGSTOP);tombstone_path = engrave_tombstone(, request.tid,signal, !attach_gdb, false, &detach_failed,&total_sleep_time_usec);break;}case SIGPIPE:LOG("socket-client process stopped due to SIGPIPE! \n");break;default:XLOG("stopped -- unexpected signal\n");LOG("process stopped due to unexpected signal %d\n", signal);break;



6)  调用ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, request.tid, 0, 0)解除对子进程的追踪;

if (attach_gdb) {kill(, SIGSTOP);if (ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, request.tid, 0, 0)) {LOG("ptrace detach from %d failed: %s\n", request.tid, strerror(errno));detach_failed = true;}wait_for_user_action(;
} else {if (ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, request.tid, 0, 0)) {LOG("ptrace detach from %d failed: %s\n", request.tid, strerror(errno));detach_failed = true;}

如果运行了类似以下指令:adb shell setprop debug.db.uid 10000;则所有uid<10000的进程发生crash的时候attach_gdb为true,将停止crash进程,并调用ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, request.tid, 0, 0) 解除对crash进程的追踪后,开始等待gdb的连接。

adb forward tcp:5039 tcp:5039

adb shell gdbserver :5039 --attach pid &

用户按下HOME或者VOLUME DOWN按键,可以使进程继续进行,自然crash


7)  调用kill(, SIGCONT)恢复被停止的子进程,并让其自然终止;


char* engrave_tombstone(pid_t pid, pid_t tid, int signal,bool dump_sibling_threads, bool quiet, bool* detach_failed,int* total_sleep_time_usec) {mkdir(TOMBSTONE_DIR, 0755);chown(TOMBSTONE_DIR, AID_SYSTEM, AID_SYSTEM);//dump maps & check corefile limit .dump_creash_maps(pid);  //creat maps fileint fd;char* path = find_and_open_tombstone(&fd);if (!path) {*detach_failed = false;return NULL;}log_t log;log.tfd = fd;log.quiet = quiet;*detach_failed = dump_crash(&log, pid, tid, signal, dump_sibling_threads,total_sleep_time_usec);close(fd);return path;





☞ dump_build_info(log);

☞ dump_thread_info(log, pid, tid, true);

☞ dump_fault_addr(log, tid, signal);

☞ dump_thread(context, log, tid, true, total_sleep_time_usec) dump进程的上下文信息

☞ dump_logs(log, pid, true);

☞ dump_sibling_thread_report(context, log, pid, tid, total_sleep_time_usec);


void dump_backtrace(int fd, pid_t pid, pid_t tid, bool* detach_failed,int* total_sleep_time_usec) {log_t log;log.tfd = fd;log.quiet = true;ptrace_context_t* context = load_ptrace_context(tid);dump_process_header(&log, pid);dump_thread(&log, tid, context, true, detach_failed, total_sleep_time_usec);char task_path[64];snprintf(task_path, sizeof(task_path), "/proc/%d/task", pid);DIR* d = opendir(task_path);if (d) {struct dirent debuf;struct dirent *de;while (!readdir_r(d, &debuf, &de) && de) {if (!strcmp(de->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(de->d_name, "..")) {continue;}char* end;pid_t new_tid = strtoul(de->d_name, &end, 10);if (*end || new_tid == tid) {continue;}dump_thread(&log, new_tid, context, false, detach_failed, total_sleep_time_usec);}closedir(d);}dump_process_footer(&log, pid);free_ptrace_context(context);

☞  dump_process_header(&log, pid);

☞  dump_thread(&log, tid, context, true, detach_failed, total_sleep_time_usec);

☞ dump_process_footer(&log, pid);


int main(int argc, char** argv) {bool dump_backtrace = false;bool have_tid = false;pid_t tid = 0;for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-b")) {dump_backtrace = true;} else if (!have_tid) {tid = atoi(argv[i]);have_tid = true;} else {usage();return 1;}}if (!have_tid) {usage();return 1;}return do_explicit_dump(tid, dump_backtrace);


static int do_explicit_dump(pid_t tid, bool dump_backtrace) {fprintf(stdout, "Sending request to dump task %d.\n", tid);if (dump_backtrace) {fflush(stdout);if (dump_backtrace_to_file(tid, fileno(stdout)) < 0) {fputs("Error dumping backtrace.\n", stderr);return 1;}} else {char tombstone_path[PATH_MAX];if (dump_tombstone(tid, tombstone_path, sizeof(tombstone_path)) < 0) {fputs("Error dumping tombstone.\n", stderr);return 1;}fprintf(stderr, "Tombstone written to: %s\n", tombstone_path);}return 0;

☞  dump_backtrace_to_file(tid, fileno(stdout))

☞  dump_tombstone(tid, tombstone_path, sizeof(tombstone_path))

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