
  • 关于 boost
  • 源码安装
  • 使用 brew 安装
    • 在 xcode 中使用 boost 库

关于 boost

Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.





2、Bootstrapping :Building B2 engine

$ cd .../boost_1_79_0
$ ./bootstrap.sh # 带选项
$ ./bootstrap.sh --with-libraries=all --with-toolset=clang

编译完成后,bjam 会被安装在 tools/build/src/engine/b2 目录下。

通过编辑 project-config.jam 来使用 --with-toolset 选项或调整配置。

  • 文档
  • B2 文档
  • Getting Started on Unix Variants

# 查看 bjam 版本
$ cd tools/build/src/engine
$ ./bjam  --version
B2 4.8-git# 查看帮助
$ ./b2 --help


# 编译, 带上 -j8 命令 ,不然就是单核心编译
$ ./b2 -j8# clean
./b2 clean -j8# 生成头文件
./b2 headers
$ ./b2 -h
Invalid option: -husage: ./b2 [ options ] targets...-a      Build all targets, even if they are current.
-dx     Set the debug level to x (0-13,console,mi).
-fx     Read x instead of bootstrap.
-jx     Run up to x shell commands concurrently.
-lx     Limit actions to x number of seconds after which they are stopped.
-mx     Maximum target output saved (kb), default is to save all output.
-n      Don't actually execute the updating actions.
-ox     Mirror all output to file x.
-px     x=0, pipes action stdout and stderr merged into action output.
-q      Quit quickly as soon as a target fails.
-sx=y   Set variable x=y, overriding environment.
-tx     Rebuild x, even if it is up-to-date.
-v      Print the version of jam and exit.
--x     Option is ignored.

使用 brew 安装

使用 brew时,bjam 和 boost 是分开安装的。

$ brew install boost $ brew install bjam

安装成功后,安装包地址位于 /usr/local/Cellar/boost/
并软链接到 /usr/local/include/usr/local/lib
你可以在 /usr/local/lib 下找到 libboost_* 文件

在 xcode 中使用 boost 库


伊织 2022-06-23(四)

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