


英 [ˈvɪdiəʊ] 美 [ˈvɪdioʊ]


名词 磁带录像; 录像磁带; 录像机,电视; (指方法)录像

形容词 视频的; 电视的; 影像的`; 用录像磁带[录像带]的

及物动词 录像; 制作…的录像



1. They use video for teaching these students.


2. She is a star of stage, screen and video.


3. Turn off the video.



1. Compared with a group who had played a nonviolent video game, those who had played " Mortal Kombat " were more aggressive across the board.

2. " Neither video showed Lin had committed an indecent act against the child, " Luo said.

3. A clandestine video porn shop was busted after a worried mother recently busted her young son watching a dirty movie.

4. Data on flooding under the bridges and the performance of pumps will be collected and analyzed by the authority on a video surveillance management platform.

5. The video of the pair kissing and hugging was seen by thousands online this month.

6. Why the school chose to present a video of a Caesarean section operation rather than a natural childbirth remains a mystery.

7. The video captured the battle between a herd of water buffaloes, a pride of lions and a crocodile over a young calf.

8. The British government condemned the publication of the " distressing " video and renewed a call for his release.

9. Hogan issued a video statement before the reopening, calling it " part of a healing process ".


1. 录像节目

A video is a film or television programme recorded on tape for people to watch on a television set.

e.g. We were watching videos with her.


e.g. ...the makers of films and videos.


2. 录像;录影

Video is the system of recording films and events on tape so that people can watch them on a television set.

e.g. She has watched the race on video.


e.g. ...manufacturers of audio and video equipment.


3. 录像机

A video is a machine that you can use to record television programmes and play videotapes on a television set.

e.g. He'd set the video for 8.00.


4. 录制;制作…的录像

If you video a television programme or event, you record it on tape using a video recorder or video camera, so that you can watch it later.

e.g. She had been videoing the highlights of the tournament...




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