
ImportError: It seems that you are trying to install the Atari ROMs on Windows. While this is not supported, the DLL error can be solved by installing the OpenSSL DLLs from: https://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html


IMPORTANT: We do not have official support for Windows. However, if you are on Windows and encounter a DLL import error, you may need to install OpenSSL v1.1.1S.

可知:AutoROM官方没有声明支持Windows,但是其实是可以运行的,其中最常遇到的就是上面这个错误。根具官方建议:在Windows上下载并安装OpenSSL v1.1.1S即可解决问题,实测有效。OpenSSL的下载地址:https://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html,注意:选择OpenSSL v1.1.1S,v3没有测试过。


  • 该问题使用virtualenv和conda构建环境时都会遇到,从这个问题上看:conda未必能解决所有Windows上的兼容性问题;
  • 可能你的Windows命令行能调出openssl命令,但它可能是在cigwen等环境下安装的,系统层面上是没有,还是需要安装OpenSSL

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