
Ubuntu 20.04下启动虚拟机VMware时,报错:Before you can run VMware several modules must be compiled and loaded into the running kernel. 按提示点击install无法解决。


1 下载vmware-host-modules并切换到对应分支

git clone https://github.com/mkubecek/vmware-host-modules
cd vmware-host-modules
git checkout workstation-16.1.2 #这里16.1.2替换为你的VM版本

这里如果直接执行sudo make & sudo make install会报以下错误:

   67 |    ASSERT_ON_COMPILE(sizeof(Selector) == 2 &&                                \|                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~68 |                      ((__builtin_constant_p(expr) && ((expr) >> 16) == 0) || \|                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~69 |                       sizeof(expr) <= 2))|                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2. 编辑vm_asm_x86.h


#ifndef USE_UBSAN
#define ASSERT_ON_COMPILE_SELECTOR_SIZE(expr)                                \ASSERT_ON_COMPILE(sizeof(Selector) == 2 &&                                \((__builtin_constant_p(expr) && ((expr) >> 16) == 0) || \sizeof(expr) <= 2))

修改为(注释其它,只保留#define ASSERT_ON_COMPILE_SELECTOR_SIZE(expr)这一行):

// #ifndef USE_UBSAN
// #define ASSERT_ON_COMPILE_SELECTOR_SIZE(expr)                                \
//    ASSERT_ON_COMPILE(sizeof(Selector) == 2 &&                                \
//                      ((__builtin_constant_p(expr) && ((expr) >> 16) == 0) || \
//                       sizeof(expr) <= 2))
// #else
// #endif

3. make & make install


sudo make
sudo make install



  • 参考链接

VM报错Before you can run VMware several modules must be compiled and loaded into the running kernel相关推荐

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