
entitymeisport(rst,clk16x,wrn:instd_logic;din:instd_logic_vector(7downto0);tbre:outstd_logic;mdo:outstd_logic);endme;architecturev1ofmeissignalclk1x:std_logic;signalclk1x... entity me is

port (rst,clk16x,wrn : in std_logic ;

din : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) ;

tbre : out std_logic ;

mdo : out std_logic

) ;

end me ;

architecture v1 of me is

signal clk1x : std_logic ;

signal clk1x_enable : std_logic ;

signal clkdiv : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) ;

signal tsr : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) ;

signal tbr : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) ;

signal parity : std_logic ;

signal no_bits_sent : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) ;

signal wrn1 : std_logic ;

signal wrn2 : std_logic ;

signal clk1x_disable : std_logic ;


process (rst,clk16x,wrn,wrn1,wrn2)


if rst = '1' then

wrn2 <= '1' ;

wrn1 <= '1' ;

elsif clk16x'event and clk16x = '1' then

wrn2 <= wrn1 ;

wrn1 <= wrn ;

end if ;

end process ;

process (rst,clk16x,wrn1,wrn2,no_bits_sent)


if rst = '1' or std_logic_vector(no_bits_sent) = "1010" then

clk1x_enable <= '0' ;

elsif clk16x'event and clk16x = '1' then

if (wrn1 = '1' and wrn2 = '0') then

clk1x_enable <= '1' ;

elsif std_logic_vector(no_bits_sent) = "1001" then

clk1x_enable <= '0' ;

end if ;

end if ;

end process ;

process (rst,clk16x,wrn1,wrn2,no_bits_sent)


if rst = '1' then

tbre <= '1' ;

elsif clk16x'event and clk16x = '1' then

if (wrn1 = '1' and wrn2 = '0') then

tbre <= '0' ;

elsif (std_logic_vector(no_bits_sent) = "0010") then

tbre <= '1' ;


tbre <= '0' ;

end if ;

end if ;

end process ;

process (rst,clk16x,wrn1,wrn2)


if rst = '1' then

tbr <= "00000000" ;

elsif clk16x'event and clk16x = '0' then

if wrn1 = '1' and wrn2 = '0' then

tbr <= din ;

end if ;

end if ;

end process ;

process (rst,clk16x,clkdiv,clk1x_enable)


if rst = '1' then

clkdiv <= "0000" ;

elsif clk16x'event and clk16x = '1' then

if clk1x_enable = '1' then

clkdiv <= clkdiv + "0001" ;

end if ;

end if ;

end process ;

clk1x <= clkdiv(3) ;

process (rst,clk1x,no_bits_sent,tsr)


if rst = '1' then

tsr <= "00000000" ;

elsif clk1x'event and clk1x = '1' then

if std_logic_vector(no_bits_sent) = "0001" then

tsr <= tbr ;

elsif std_logic_vector(no_bits_sent) >= "0010" and std_logic_vector(no_bits_sent) <= "1010" then

tsr <= tsr(6 downto 0) & '0' ;


tsr <= tsr ;

end if ;

end if ;

end process ;

mdo <= tsr(7) xor clk1x ;

process (rst,clk1x,tsr(7))


if rst = '1' then

parity <= '0' ;

elsif clk1x'event and clk1x = '1' then

parity <= parity xor tsr(7) ;

end if ;

end process ;

process (clk1x,rst,clk1x_disable,clk1x_enable,no_bits_sent)


if rst = '1' or clk1x_disable = '1' then

no_bits_sent <= "0000" ;

elsif clk1x'event and clk1x = '1' then

if clk1x_enable = '1' then

no_bits_sent <= no_bits_sent + "0001" ;

end if ;

end if ;

end process ;

clk1x_disable <= not clk1x_enable ;

end ;

我主要是想知道的是各个量的作用 展开


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