时间:2021-04-21 作者:Paul Rako


我喜欢这样的“梗”,因为我有许多哥儿们都去了麻省理工学院,包括Lee教授和Lundberg,更不用说亚德诺(ADI)这间公司里一半的人了,事实上,我的导师Bob Pease也去了麻省理工学院。Rob表示,面对问题的第一直觉应该是获得更多的讯息,他并指出,“回到几个问题,电池电压和电流输出效能是怎样的?点亮灯泡的条件是什么,包括电压和电流?“电线(wire)”这部分也让我非常关心,为什么不是两根电线?但认真的说,麻省理工学院的学生为什么不能先这样提问?”

另一位好朋友也发现这段视讯的一些问题,并指出这有点是设计好的桥段。他认为,“很明显,这段视讯似乎是被截短、剪接过,所以我们不知道它的原始前提。然而,即使镜头在远处,我们大多数人也可以看到似乎是115V灯泡和1.5 V电池,除了最后一个例子,它有一个灯泡。再者,这部电影只秀出没有成功的学生,只有一个例外,我会猜想,知道答案孩子的影片被剪掉了,因为这段影片(我认为)不完整,我们不能知道影片讯息的原始上下文,这可能是为了吸引点击率而被截取片段的纪录片。尽管如此,在5岁时,我被教导为了点亮灯泡,必须要有电路。 ”

音讯大师Stephen Williams回覆,“为了表达最诚实的意见,我需要更多关于视讯制作原因的讯息。这段影片似乎是为了“证明”一个预设的点,也就是说,是为了宣传。的确,工程毕业生对于三年级科学应该有一些初步的掌握,但它可能从其平均学习过程迄今,早已被删除,且这和其具体的专业职业道路有什么关系,这段影片几乎一个是设计好的、一个有陷阱的问题,所以我们可以把它们放下,然后对自己感觉更好一些。然而这类故事比比皆是,所以我们可以对于在小学时学会了“flashlight 101”这个课程感觉很好,我的确是,而且我几乎很快就读完了。”

音讯大师Steve Williams仍然留着他69美分的《The How and Why Wonder Book of Electricity》纸本。

这本书有一个题为“Activities for junior electricians”的部分。这里有个手电筒如何运作,以及电路需要点亮灯泡的说明。显然,这本书不是麻省理工学院的课程。

高功率设计工程师理Richard King指出,Williams提到的“具体的专业职业道路”可能不是那么理想。他表示,“我从Robert Heinlein的小说《The Lives of Lazarus Long》想起一些事,引用以下段落‘人类应该能够更换一片尿布(diaper)、策画入侵、宰杀一只猪、操纵一艘船、设计一栋建筑、写十四行诗、结帐、建一堵墙、接骨、安慰垂死的人、接受命令、下指令、合作、单独行动、解方程式、分析一个新问题、施肥、编程一台电脑、烹饪美味的饭菜、有效地战斗、英勇地死去。人类不应该像昆虫一样专长(Specialization is for insects)(编按:这里指人类不能在其专长之外做任何事情的意思)。’”我想我们可以在上面的列表中添加“用一条电线点亮灯泡”。

一个没有学位的机械工程师伙伴,他比较喜欢保持匿名去将一些东西总结得很好。他解释,“是的,在我多年的工作生活中曾经看到过这个,我看到机械工程师在其他方面表现相当锐利,但是对于他们不能用圆头铣刀制成方形区域感到震惊。我向他们展示了一个可爱的3D动画,在电脑模拟中切割工具,他们惊呼道:‘哦,我明白了,没有问题!’在接下来的一周,我在一个区域的底部边缘获得了一个半圆形的实心模型,同时仍遗漏其中一个直立端的锐利。唉!不过话说回来,如果其中一位毕业生对我做一个泡沫排序(bubble sort)或什么矩阵代数(matrix algebra),我可能看起来会跟影片的毕业生差不多糟糕。



(原文发表于ASPENCORE旗下EDN美国版,参考链接:How many MIT grads does it take to hook up a light bulb?,by Paul Rako,本文作者是一位工程师,在Rako Studios写作,也是一位工程师作家。)

How many MIT grads does it take to hook up a light bulb?

AUGUST 30, 2017

My friend Rob sent out a funny video showing how MIT grads can’t hook up a flashlight:

I like stuff like this since so many of my pals went to MIT, including Professors Lee and Lundberg, not to mention half of the folks at Analog Devices. My mentor Bob Pease also went to MIT. Rob noted that our first instinct when faced with a problem should be to get more information. He pointed out, “I had a couple of questions I would have returned with. What is the battery voltage and current sourcing capability? What are the operational characteristics of the bulb, including voltage and current? The “a wire” thing had me concerned as well. Why not two wires? But seriously, MIT grads can't work this out?”

Another pal also saw some issues with the video and pointed out it was a bit of a set-up. He noted, “Well, obviously, the video appears truncated, so we don't know its original premise. However, even at a distance, most of us could see what appeared to be 115V bulbs and a 1.5V battery, except for the last example, which had an appropriate bulb. Again, the film only showed students who didn't succeed, with one exception. I would guess that the kids who knew the answer were edited out. Because the film is (I think) incomplete, we can not know the original context of its message. It's probably a documentary that was cut up for click-bait. Nonetheless, at 5 years old I was taught that in order to make a bulb light, there must be a circuit.”

Audio guru Stephen Williams wrote back, “To give an honest opinion I need more info on why the video was made. Seems like it was made to ‘prove’ a presupposed point. That is, its propaganda. Yes, an engineering graduate should have some rudimentary grasp of 3rd-grade science. But it is probably so far removed from the average course of study and what is relevant to their specific specialized career path, that it almost is a setup, a trick question, so we can put them down and feel better about ourselves. Yet these stories abound. So we all can feel good that we mastered “flashlight 101” in grade school. I did, pretty much as soon as I could read.”

Audio guru Steve Williams still has his 69-cent copy of “The How and Why Wonder Book of Electricity.”

The book has a section titled “Activities for junior electricians.” There is an explanation of how a flashlight works and the circuit needed to light a bulb. Apparently, this book is not on the MIT curriculum.

High-power design engineer Richard King noted that the “specific specialized career path” Williams mentioned might not be all that desirable. He said, “I remember something from one of Robert Heinlein's novels, ‘The Lives of Lazarus Long.’ The quote is, ‘A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.’” I guess we could add “Wire a light bulb” to that list.

An un-degreed mechanical engineer buddy who prefers to remain anonymous summed things pretty well. He explained, “Yeah, I have seen this over the years in my working life. I see mechanical engineers that are otherwise quite sharp, but act shocked upon finding out a round end mill can't make a square-cornered pocket. I show them a lovely 3D animation of the tool cutting in a computer simulation. They exclaim, ‘Oh, I see, got it, no problem!’ Then the next week, I get a solid model with radii on the bottom edges of a pocket, while still leaving the vertical ones sharp. Sigh. Then again, I might come off looking just as bad if one of those grads quizzed me about doing a bubble sort or what matrix algebra is.”

I have also been flummoxed by things that people thought I should have known. When I was finishing my senior year in college as an EE major, I visited my Auntie Helen’s house. She mentioned their Sony Trinitron TV was on the fritz. When she asked if I could fix it, I had to tell her that I didn’t know how a television worked. Not even a black-and-white one, much less a color Sony. She was shocked. She verified that I was a senior and had taken all the classes. I tried to explain that I was taught the principles of electrical engineering but not the practice of making a TV. So I could do matrix math and bubble sorts, but I just couldn't fix her TV. At least I could hook up a light bulb to a battery back then.

Paul Rako is an engineer that writes and a writer that engineers at Rako Studios.

Also see :

  • 3 things they should have taught in Engineering 101
  • Engineering education: “What have you built?”
  • Nonfailing light-bulb-string story causes readers to think
  • The actual father of electricity


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