
Once a week we round up some great reader tips and share them with everyone. This week we’re looking at a database of video game play times, repairing your computer mouse, and a visually pleasing Android timer.

每周一次,我们收集一些很棒的读者提示,并与大家分享。 本周,我们将查看视频游戏时间数据库,修复您的计算机鼠标,以及美观的Android计时器。

视频游戏时长查看视频游戏时间 (Check Video Game Play Times at Video Game Length)

Angelo writes in with the following game-centric tip:


These days I don’t have as much free time to game as I’d like, so it’s important to me to have a rough idea of how long a game is going to take from start to finish. I found this great resource, Video Game Length, that catalogs the length of many video games. Obviously the play time is based on working through the single player campaign, but so far I’ve found it to be pretty accurate.  For example, it pegs Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess at around 40 hours and Portal at around 10 hours. Both of those estimates jive with how long it took me to finish both games.

如今,我没有足够的空闲时间来玩游戏,因此,对游戏从开始到结束需要多长时间的大致了解对我来说很重要。 我发现了这个很棒的资源,“视频游戏长度”,其中列出了许多视频游戏的长度。 显然,上场时间是基于完成单人战役而制定的,但是到目前为止,我发现它非常准确。 例如,它将《塞尔达传说:黄昏公主》固定在40小时左右,而《传送门》则固定在10小时左右。 这两个估计值都与我花了多长时间才能完成这两场比赛有关。

We blew threw Portal playing casually over a long weekend, so we agree that estimate seems spot on. Nice find!

我们在一个漫长的周末里随意地吹打了Portal的球,因此我们认为这个估计似乎是正确的。 好发现!


(Repair a Worn Out Mouse Button)

Maria writes in with the following repair tip:


I have a computer mouse I’m rather fond of, so when the left click started acting funny (frequent double clicks, when I was only lightly tapping it once), I started looking online for a way to fix it. I found this tutorial at Instructables. While I don’t own the exact mouse they use in the tutorial, the same repair trick. From what they suggest in the tutorial it’s a bit of a temporary fix, but mine hasn’t broke down again. Cheers!

我有一个我很喜欢的电脑鼠标,因此当左键开始表现出滑稽的效果(频繁双击,当我只轻轻点击一次)时,我开始在网上寻找修复它的方法。 我在Instructables上找到了本教程 。 虽然我不拥有本教程中使用的确切鼠标,但修复技巧却是相同的。 根据他们在教程中的建议,这只是暂时的解决方法,但是我的问题没有再发生。 干杯!

We’re all about DIY hardware repair; thanks for sharing!

我们全都致力于DIY硬件维修; 感谢分享!

使用Ovo for Android追踪风格的时间 (Track Time in Style with Ovo for Android)

Sarah writes in with a time tracking and gaming tip:


I’ve been playing the crap out of Diablo III since it came out. If you’ve ever played any sort of questing/grinding type games like it, you know how easy it is to lose track of time. In order to help me avoid staying up late, I’ve set up a timer on my Android phone. I prop the phone against my monitor stand and it gives me a nice visual reminder. The problem with most timers is that they’re an eyesore. I’ve been using Ovo for my gaming sessions, it’s got a really eye catching circle that reduces in size as the time counts down. Much better looking than some huge glaring red numbers!

自从《暗黑破坏神III》问世以来,我一直在胡扯。 如果您曾经玩过类似它的任何类型的任务/研讨类游戏,您就会知道迷失时间是多么容易。 为了帮助我避免熬夜,我在Android手机上设置了一个计时器。 我将手机靠在显示器支架上,这给了我很好的视觉提示。 大多数计时器的问题在于它们令人讨厌。 我一直在使用Ovo进行游戏,它有一个引人注目的圈子,随着时间的推移,该圈子的大小会减小。 比一些巨大的明显红色数字好看得多!

That *is* a good looking timer. We’re pretty sure it’s going to pop up on some Android devices around the office shortly. Thanks!

那是个好看的计时器。 我们非常确定它将很快在办公室周围的一些Android设备上弹出。 谢谢!

Have a tip or trick to share? Shoot us an email at and look for it on the front page!

有提示或技巧可以分享吗? 向我们发送电子邮件, 网址为,并在首页上查找!




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