
  • 一、功能介绍
  • 二、代码分析
  • 三、完整代码






struct BinaryTree {char data;struct BinaryTree *left, *right;



// 随机生成数据部分(范围大小写英文字母以及 0~9 的 10 个数字)
char randomChar() {char data = rand() % 128;if (!(data >= '0' && data <= '9' || data >= 'A' && data <= 'Z' || data >= 'a' && data <= 'z')) {return randomChar();}elsereturn data;
}// 随机生成二叉树
int nodeNumber = 0;
BinaryTree* randomCreate() {char x = randomChar();// cout << x << endl;BinaryTree *node;node = (BinaryTree*)malloc(sizeof(BinaryTree));node->data = x;// 按概率随机生成左右子树是否为空或存在并生成至少 3 个有数据的结 点以及总共 5 个结点if (++ nodeNumber <= 5) {int y = randomChar();// 1/6 的概率生成仅右孩子的结点 // 1/6 的概率生成仅左孩子的结点// 前 3 次 2/3 的概率生成左右孩子都有的结点 // 后 n 次 1/3 的概率生成左右孩子都有的结点// 后 n 次 1/3 的概率生成子叶结点if (y % 6 == 0) {node->left = NULL;node->right = randomCreate();} else if (y % 6 == 1) {node->left = randomCreate();node->right = NULL;} else if (y % 6 == 2 || y % 6 == 3) {node->left = randomCreate();node->right = randomCreate();} else {if (nodeNumber <= 3) {node->left = randomCreate();node->right = randomCreate();} else {node->left = NULL;node->right = NULL;} }} else {// 防止因为左右孩子都未初始化的情况node->left = NULL;node->right = NULL;}return node;





// 仅整个子树交换
void childChange_simple(BinaryTree *parent) {if (parent == NULL) {return;}else {BinaryTree *mid;mid = parent->left;parent->left = parent->right;parent->right = mid;return;}// 仅仅是左右子树的整体交换,并没有将其内部的左右相互交换









// 子树内的每个左右结点都交换
void childChange_iteration(BinaryTree *parent) {if (parent == NULL) {return;}else {BinaryTree *mid = parent->left;parent->left = parent->right;parent->right = mid;childChange_iteration(parent->left);childChange_iteration(parent->right);return;}// 利用迭代将左右子树以及其内部的左右结点都进行了交换





// 显示二叉树
// 按数目输出空格
void Space(int number) {for (int i = 0; i < number; i ++) {cout << ' ';}
}// 输出
void printBinaryTree(BinaryTree *root) {// 第一步:将数据按树的结构顺序存入二维数组中int deep = getDeep(root); int length = (int)pow(2, deep - 1); char Btree[deep][length]; int width, row = 1; Btree[0][0] = root->data;Btree[0][length - 1] = ' '; queue<BinaryTree*> BTreeQueue; BTreeQueue.push(root); while (!BTreeQueue.empty()) {width = BTreeQueue.size();// 将数据存入二维数组,若为空则用 NullNode 代替空的结点, | 代 替空的数据// 并以行数作为终止循环的标志for (int col = 0; col < width; col ++) {BinaryTree* mid = BTreeQueue.front();BTreeQueue.pop();if (mid->left != NULL) {BTreeQueue.push(mid->left);Btree[row][2 * col] = mid->left->data;} else {BTreeQueue.push(NullNode);Btree[row][2 * col] = '|'; }if (mid->right != NULL) {BTreeQueue.push(mid->right); Btree[row][2 * col + 1] = mid->right->data; } else {BTreeQueue.push(NullNode);Btree[row][2 * col + 1] = '|'; }}row ++;if (row >= deep) break;}
// 参考数据输出(简易的输出) for (int i = 0; i < deep; i ++) {for (int j = 0; j < (int)pow(2, i); j ++) {cout << Btree[i][j] << " ";}cout << endl;}// 第二步:输出
// ①桉树的完整结构存入数组
char displayBtree[deep * 2][length];
for (int i = 0; i < deep * 2; i ++)
for (int j = 0; j < length; j ++)
displayBtree[i][j] = '\u0020';
for (int i = 0; i < deep; i ++)
{ int flag = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < (int)pow(2, i); j ++)
{ if (i != 0)
{ displayBtree[2 * i - 1][flag + (length / (i + 2)) - 1] = Btree[i][j] != '|' ? (j % 2 == 0 ? '/' : '\\') : ' ';
displayBtree[2 * i][flag + (length / (i + 2)) - 1] = Btree[i][j] != '|' ? Btree[i][j] : ' ';
flag += (length / (i + 2)) - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < deep * 2; i ++)
for (int j = 0; j < length; j ++)
cout << displayBtree[i][j];
cout << endl;
// 结果不太好,有时缺东少西的// ②偏移值 int ScreenWidth = length * 2 + 2; int parentPot = ScreenWidth / 2, offset;
// 根结点 Space(parentPot); cout << Btree[0][0] << endl;
// 子树 for (int i = 1; i < deep; i ++) {if (parentPot != 1) {offset = parentPot / 2;}elseoffset = parentPot;// 斜线for (int j = 0; j < (int)pow(2, i); j ++) {Space(offset - 1);if (j % 2 == 0) {Space(1);cout << ((Btree[i][j] != '|') ? '/' : ' ');Space(offset - 1);} else {cout << ((Btree[i][j] != '|') ? '\\' : ' ');Space(offset);} }cout << endl;// 数据for (int j = 0; j < (int)pow(2, i); j ++) {Space(offset - 1);if (j % 2 == 0) {Space(1);cout << ((Btree[i][j] != '|') ? Btree[i][j] : ' ');Space(offset - 1);} else {cout << ((Btree[i][j] != '|') ? Btree[i][j] : ' ');Space(offset);}}cout << endl;parentPot = offset;}
// 效果可行,但是不太美观







using namespace std;// 二叉树结点结构
struct BinaryTree {char data;struct BinaryTree *left, *right;
};// 分隔字符串
string bias(30, '/'); // 空二叉树结点
BinaryTree *NullNode = (BinaryTree*)malloc(sizeof(BinaryTree));// 人工输入二叉树
BinaryTree* inputNode() {BinaryTree *node;char x;cin >> x;if (x == '#') {return NULL;}else {node = (BinaryTree*)malloc(sizeof(BinaryTree));//开创结点空间node->data = x;node->left = inputNode();node->right = inputNode();}return node;
}// 仅整个子树交换
void childChange_simple(BinaryTree *parent) {if (parent == NULL) {return;}else {BinaryTree *mid;mid = parent->left;parent->left = parent->right;parent->right = mid;return;}// 仅仅是左右子树的整体交换,并没有将其内部的左右相互交换
}// 子树内的每个左右结点都交换
void childChange_iteration(BinaryTree *parent) {if (parent == NULL) {return;}else {BinaryTree *mid = parent->left;parent->left = parent->right;parent->right = mid;childChange_iteration(parent->left);childChange_iteration(parent->right);return;}// 利用迭代将左右子树以及其内部的左右结点都进行了交换
// 1.前序:先输出根节点,再输出左子树,最后输出右子树
void NLR(BinaryTree *root) {if (root) {cout << root->data;NLR(root->left);NLR(root->right);}else {cout << '#';}
}// 2.中序:先输出左子树,再输出根节点,最后输出右子树
void LNR(BinaryTree *root) {if (root) {NLR(root->left);cout << root->data;NLR(root->right);} elsecout << '#';
}// 3.后序:先输出左子树,再输出右子树,最后输出根节点
void LRN(BinaryTree *root) {if (root) {NLR(root->left);NLR(root->right);cout << root->data;}else {cout << '#';}
}// 求深度
int getDeep(BinaryTree *root) {// 结点为空,则深度为 0if (root == NULL) {return 0;}// 结点不为空,则把该结点的一点深度加上其左右结点的深度else {return 1 + max(getDeep(root->left), getDeep(root->right));}
}// 求宽度
int getWidth(BinaryTree *root) {// 结点为空,则宽度为 0if (root == NULL) {return 0;}// 节点不为空else {int maxWidth = 0, width;queue<BinaryTree*> btq;btq.push(root);// 利用队列按顺序计算每行的宽度while (!btq.empty()) {width = btq.size();// 记录每行的宽度maxWidth = max(maxWidth, width);// 取行宽度的最大值for (int i = 0; i < width; i ++) {BinaryTree *mid = btq.front();btq.pop();if (mid->left != NULL) {btq.push(mid->left);}if (mid->right != NULL) {btq.push(mid->right);}}// 除去一行已经计算过宽度的,换下一行继续计算宽度}return maxWidth;}
}// 求子叶个数
int getLeef(BinaryTree *root) {if (root == NULL) {return 0;}else if (root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL) {return 1;}else {return getLeef(root->left) + getLeef(root->right);}
// 检查每个结点的左右子树是否存在,都不存在才为子叶
}// 判断是否为满二叉树
bool judgeFull(BinaryTree *root) {return getWidth(root) == (int)pow(2, getDeep(root) - 1);/*由于满二叉树的定义--满二叉树的每行结点数都为最大值--可知,最后一行一定为最后一行的最大值,若前面有某个结点的左右子树为空,这必不可能形成满二叉树*/
}// mode = 1 :查找 mode = 2 :删除结点为根的子树
vector<BinaryTree*> search(BinaryTree *root, char data, int mode) {vector<BinaryTree*> res; // 存结果queue<BinaryTree*> TreeQueue; // 按每行的顺序查找TreeQueue.push(root);int width;while (!TreeQueue.empty()) {width = TreeQueue.size();for (int i = 0; i < width; i ++) {BinaryTree* mid = TreeQueue.front();TreeQueue.pop();// 查找 if (mode == 1) {if (mid->left != NULL)TreeQueue.push(mid->left);if (mid->right != NULL)TreeQueue.push(mid->right);if (mid->data == data)res.push_back(mid);}// 删除:找到即删,没找到则继续按行查找else {if (mid->left != NULL && mid->left->data == data) {res.push_back(mid->left);mid->left = NULL;}else if (mid->left != NULL) {TreeQueue.push(mid->left);}if (mid->right != NULL && mid->right->data == data) {res.push_back(mid->right);mid->right = NULL;}else if (mid->right != NULL) {TreeQueue.push(mid->right);} } } }if (mode == 2 && root->data == data) {res.push_back(root);}// 判断根节点是否符合查找的数据return res;
}// 随机生成数据部分(范围大小写英文字母以及 0~9 的 10 个数字)
char randomChar() {char data = rand() % 128;if (!(data >= '0' && data <= '9' || data >= 'A' && data <= 'Z' || data >= 'a' && data <= 'z')) {return randomChar();}elsereturn data;
}// 随机生成二叉树
int nodeNumber = 0;
BinaryTree* randomCreate() {char x = randomChar();// cout << x << endl;BinaryTree *node;node = (BinaryTree*)malloc(sizeof(BinaryTree));node->data = x;// 按概率随机生成左右子树是否为空或存在并生成至少 3 个有数据的结 点以及总共 5 个结点if (++ nodeNumber <= 5) {int y = randomChar();// 1/6 的概率生成仅右孩子的结点 // 1/6 的概率生成仅左孩子的结点// 前 3 次 2/3 的概率生成左右孩子都有的结点 // 后 n 次 1/3 的概率生成左右孩子都有的结点// 后 n 次 1/3 的概率生成子叶结点if (y % 6 == 0) {node->left = NULL;node->right = randomCreate();} else if (y % 6 == 1) {node->left = randomCreate();node->right = NULL;} else if (y % 6 == 2 || y % 6 == 3) {node->left = randomCreate();node->right = randomCreate();} else {if (nodeNumber <= 3) {node->left = randomCreate();node->right = randomCreate();} else {node->left = NULL;node->right = NULL;} }} else {// 防止因为左右孩子都未初始化的情况node->left = NULL;node->right = NULL;}return node;
}// 显示二叉树
// 按数目输出空格
void Space(int number) {for (int i = 0; i < number; i ++) {cout << ' ';}
}// 输出
void printBinaryTree(BinaryTree *root) {// 第一步:将数据按树的结构顺序存入二维数组中int deep = getDeep(root); int length = (int)pow(2, deep - 1); char Btree[deep][length]; int width, row = 1; Btree[0][0] = root->data;Btree[0][length - 1] = ' '; queue<BinaryTree*> BTreeQueue; BTreeQueue.push(root); while (!BTreeQueue.empty()) {width = BTreeQueue.size();// 将数据存入二维数组,若为空则用 NullNode 代替空的结点, | 代 替空的数据// 并以行数作为终止循环的标志for (int col = 0; col < width; col ++) {BinaryTree* mid = BTreeQueue.front();BTreeQueue.pop();if (mid->left != NULL) {BTreeQueue.push(mid->left);Btree[row][2 * col] = mid->left->data;} else {BTreeQueue.push(NullNode);Btree[row][2 * col] = '|'; }if (mid->right != NULL) {BTreeQueue.push(mid->right); Btree[row][2 * col + 1] = mid->right->data; } else {BTreeQueue.push(NullNode);Btree[row][2 * col + 1] = '|'; }}row ++;if (row >= deep) break;}
// 参考数据输出(简易的输出) for (int i = 0; i < deep; i ++) {for (int j = 0; j < (int)pow(2, i); j ++) {cout << Btree[i][j] << " ";}cout << endl;}// 第二步:输出
// ①桉树的完整结构存入数组
char displayBtree[deep * 2][length];
for (int i = 0; i < deep * 2; i ++)
for (int j = 0; j < length; j ++)
displayBtree[i][j] = '\u0020';
for (int i = 0; i < deep; i ++)
{ int flag = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < (int)pow(2, i); j ++)
{ if (i != 0)
{ displayBtree[2 * i - 1][flag + (length / (i + 2)) - 1] = Btree[i][j] != '|' ? (j % 2 == 0 ? '/' : '\\') : ' ';
displayBtree[2 * i][flag + (length / (i + 2)) - 1] = Btree[i][j] != '|' ? Btree[i][j] : ' ';
flag += (length / (i + 2)) - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < deep * 2; i ++)
for (int j = 0; j < length; j ++)
cout << displayBtree[i][j];
cout << endl;
// 结果不太好,有时缺东少西的// ②偏移值 int ScreenWidth = length * 2 + 2; int parentPot = ScreenWidth / 2, offset;
// 根结点 Space(parentPot); cout << Btree[0][0] << endl;
// 子树 for (int i = 1; i < deep; i ++) {if (parentPot != 1) {offset = parentPot / 2;}elseoffset = parentPot;// 斜线for (int j = 0; j < (int)pow(2, i); j ++) {Space(offset - 1);if (j % 2 == 0) {Space(1);cout << ((Btree[i][j] != '|') ? '/' : ' ');Space(offset - 1);} else {cout << ((Btree[i][j] != '|') ? '\\' : ' ');Space(offset);} }cout << endl;// 数据for (int j = 0; j < (int)pow(2, i); j ++) {Space(offset - 1);if (j % 2 == 0) {Space(1);cout << ((Btree[i][j] != '|') ? Btree[i][j] : ' ');Space(offset - 1);} else {cout << ((Btree[i][j] != '|') ? Btree[i][j] : ' ');Space(offset);}}cout << endl;parentPot = offset;}
// 效果可行,但是不太美观
}// 整体删除并释放空间
int destory(BinaryTree *root) {// 结点为空,则返回值 1if (root == NULL) return 1;// 结点不为空,则返回值 0,且按行释放结点的空间queue<BinaryTree*> NodeQueue;NodeQueue.push(root);int width;while (!NodeQueue.empty()) {width = NodeQueue.size();for (int i = 0; i < width; i ++) {BinaryTree* mid = NodeQueue.front();NodeQueue.pop();if (mid->left != NULL) NodeQueue.push(mid->left); if (mid->right != NULL) NodeQueue.push(mid->right); free(mid);}}return 0;
}// 选项菜单
void menu() {cout << " 二叉树的左右子树交换 " << endl<< bias << endl << "1.随机生成二叉树" << endl << "2.手动输入二叉树" << endl << "3.简单的左右子树交换" << endl << "4.左右子树递归交换" << endl << "0.退出" << endl << bias << endl;
}// 输出当前二叉树的相关信息
void DisplayInfo(BinaryTree *T) {cout << endl << bias ; cout << endl << "当前二叉树的前序遍历结果为:"; NLR(T); cout << endl << "当前二叉数的中序遍历结果为:"; LNR(T); cout << endl << "当前二叉树为:" << endl; printBinaryTree(T); cout << endl << bias << endl;
}// 主函数
int main() {// 随机生成数据初始化 srand((unsigned)time(0));// 空结点初始化(全局变量) NullNode->data = '|'; NullNode->left = NULL; NullNode->right = NULL; menu(); BinaryTree *T; T = randomCreate(); DisplayInfo(T);int n; while(true) {cout << endl << "请选择(9.显示菜单):";cin >> n;switch (n) {case 0:destory(T);return 0;case 1:cout << "生成的二叉树如下:" << endl;destory(T);nodeNumber = 0;T = randomCreate();DisplayInfo(T);break;case 2:cout << "请以前序的方式输入二叉树:" << endl;destory(T);T = inputNode();DisplayInfo(T);break;case 3:cout << "交换后的二叉树如下:" << endl;childChange_simple(T);DisplayInfo(T);break;case 4:cout << "交换后的二叉树如下:" << endl;childChange_iteration(T);DisplayInfo(T);break;case 9:menu();break;default:cout << "输入错误!(序号介于 0~4 之间)" << endl;break;}}



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  8. http://www.xxx.com/ skipped. Content of size 67099 was truncated to 59363
  9. JavaScript 冒泡排序原理
  10. [NOIP2007 普及组] 守望者的逃离