No rooting or custom modifications needed, we’re going to do this with stock Android and a few free (but high-quality) apps.


I’m not even going to address the “Yeah… but why?”, because if you’ve found this article I know your reasoning (not unlike mine) falls beyond typical reasoning… So let’s dive in!


您会得到: (What you’ll get:)

  • Windows XP Home or Pro running on your phone, 32-bit (not tested with 64-bit, and I’m sure you’d need to tweak things a bit)手机上运行的Windows XP Home或Pro(32位)(未经64位测试,我敢肯定您需要进行一些调整)
  • Optional multi-core running in XP (but don’t expect it to boost your performance)在XP中运行的可选多核(但不要期望它会提高性能)
  • A filesystem mount between XP and your phoneXP和手机之间挂载的文件系统
  • Working networking/internet (but good luck with IE)可以工作的网络/互联网(但IE祝您好运)
  • Maybe working sound (when it did work for me, it was very choppy)可能工作正常(当它对我有用时,它非常断断续续)
  • Not enough video capabilities to play the OG Starcraft (But you can play Pinball and Solitaire!)


您需要什么: (What you’ll need:)

  • A modern-ish Android phone (Tested on Pixel 2 and OnePlus 8 Pro)现代的Android手机(在Pixel 2和OnePlus 8 Pro上经过测试)
  • Android 10 (although go ahead and try it with older versions, I see no reason why it wouldn’t work)Android 10(尽管可以尝试使用旧版本,但我认为没有理由不起作用)
  • Windows XP install ISO CD imageWindows XP安装ISO CD映像
  • 10 or so GB free on your phone (adjust to taste)手机上10 GB左右的可用空间(根据口味而定)

步骤1:进行设定 (Step 1: Getting Setup)

First, you’ll need the apps. We’re using a tool called Termux as our host platform, install it here:

首先,您需要这些应用程序。 我们正在使用称为Termux的工具作为我们的宿主平台,请在以下位置安装: https : // id=com.termux &hl=zh_CN

You’ll also need a VNC Viewer app, to view the Windows XP screen I recommend VNC Viewer:

您还需要一个VNC Viewer应用程序,才能查看Windows XP屏幕,我建议使用VNC Viewer: https : // id = &hl=zh_CN

Find or download your favorite backup of the Windows XP install ISO. I can’t provide that for you, but there are many areas on the internet where you can grab a copy. Get it in ISO format, and copy/download it to your Android’s “downloads” folder.

查找或下载Windows XP安装ISO的常用备份。 我无法为您提供此服务,但是互联网上有很多区域可以获取副本。 以ISO格式获取它,并将其复制/下载到Android的“下载”文件夹中。

The following Android keyboards are recommended, but not strictly necessary. You should be able to accomplish everything with your default keyboard, you just might get a bit frustrated with the lack of arrow keys and easy access to less common buttons:

建议使用以下Android键盘,但并非绝对必要。 您应该可以使用默认键盘完成所有操作,但由于缺少箭头键并易于访问不太常见的按钮,您可能会感到有些沮丧:



(If you happen to have a bluetooth keyboard or USB adapter and USB keyboard that works with your phone, by all means, indulge.)


步骤2:安装准备 (Step 2: Install Prep)

Termux doubles as a terminal emulator and Linux package tool, which gives us a lot of flexibility on Android.


To run Windows XP, we’ll be using the Qemu Emulator. To install Qemu, open Termux and run the following commands:

要运行Windows XP,我们将使用Qemu仿真器。 要安装Qemu,请打开Termux并运行以下命令:

pkg update -ypkg install -y qemu-system-i386-headless qemu-utils

Connecting to Android storage


Since your Windows XP cd iso image is in your downloads folder, we need to configure termux to access directories in the wider Android, and not just it’s own scoped files. To do that we need to “setup storage” (

由于您的Windows XP cd iso映像位于您的下载文件夹中,因此我们需要配置termux以访问更广泛的Android中的目录,而不仅仅是它自己的作用域文件。 为此,我们需要“设置存储”( )

It’s easy, simply run:



Next, we’ll create the hard drive image that Windows XP will be installed on:

接下来,我们将创建Windows XP将安装在的硬盘驱动器映像:

qemu-img create -f qcow2 WinXP.img 40G

The above command creates a 40 GB file image format that’s specific to Qemu (called qcow2, which stands for Qemu Copy On Write) while this isn’t as fast as raw images, it only consumes space as needed, instead of allocating all 40GB right away. The file produced is only about 193K, until we start filling it up

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