
我的2020年设计与前端开发研究计划。 (My 2020 study plan for Design & Front End Dev.)

It’s 18 months since I first wrote about my commitment to studying front end development, and a lot’s changed since then: I’ve designed and developed several successful web apps, done talks at local meetups, started mentoring young women interested in tech (independently and through Innovate Her), and am now working full time as a front end developer.

自从我第一次写关于研究前端开发的承诺以来已有18个月了,此后发生了很多变化:我设计和开发了多个成功的Web应用程序,在本地聚会上进行了演讲,开始指导对技术感兴趣的年轻女性(独立通过Innovate Her ), 现在正全职从事前端开发人员的工作

Things that haven’t changed:


  • I still use a windows machine and have a fairly similar tech set up我仍然使用Windows机器,并且设置了相当类似的技术
  • I still have a keen interest in, and enjoy web design我仍然很感兴趣,并且喜欢网页设计
  • I still struggle to sleep sometimes, look at my phone far too often and struggle to switch my brain off有时我仍然很难入睡,经常看手机,并且努力使自己的大脑关闭
  • I still live in Liverpool, love my partner to bits and go on brilliant holidays a few times per year我仍然住在利物浦,爱我的伴侣,每年去几次精彩的假期
  • I still do courses, read books and listen to tech and design podcasts whenever I can.我仍然会尽可能地上课程,看书,听技术和设计播客。
I wish job adverts looked more like this!

我❤️是独角兽,但是… (I ❤️ being a unicorn, but…)

Yes, I am one of those rare, seemingly mythical creatures that can do both design and front end development. I have long been been employed as a ‘unicorn designer’, even though my current role is purely dev-focused.

是的,我是可以同时进行设计和前端开发的罕见,看似神话般的生物之一。 尽管我目前的职务纯粹是专注于开发人员,但我长期以来一直是“独角兽设计师”的工作。

And I love being a unicorn! I love the variety it brings and the cross-team understanding and collaboration I’m able to bring to the projects I work on.

喜欢成为独角兽! 我喜欢它带来的多样性,以及能够为我从事的项目带来的跨团队理解和协作。

The problem with this set-up, however, is that I’m split between two worlds. I always feel like I’m falling short in one area or the other and am unable to reach mastery in either craft.

但是,这种设置的问题在于, 我被划分为两个世界 。 我总是觉得自己在一个领域或另一个领域都不够,无法精通任何一种手法。

I know what I’m good at in each of these disciplines:


  • CSS, accessibility and writing semantic, well-structured HTML on the front end sideCSS,可访问性和在前端编写语义,结构良好HTML
  • User Experience design, journey mapping and strategy on the design side;用户体验设计,旅程映射和设计方面的策略;

But I also know where I fall short in each.


I want to be better.


That means really getting to grips with Javascript (at last!) AND improving my graphic and UI design skills. I need to improve both alongside each other if I am to keep that special unicorn horn!

这意味着真正掌握Java语言(最后!) 提高我的图形和UI设计技能。 如果我要保持那个特殊的独角兽号角,我需要彼此并存!

成为更好的开发者 (Becoming a better developer)

It’s not the first time I’ve set out on this particular learning journey. If anything, this is just the ‘next phase’ in what is likely to be a forever-long thirst for knowledge and self-improvement!

这不是我第一次踏上这一特殊的学习旅程。 如果有的话,这仅仅是“下一个阶段”,可能永远对知识和自我完善的长期渴望

Earlier this year, after more than a year of wanting to learn JavaScript and trying to carve out some weekly study time, I realised that my approach simply wasn’t working. I’d taken a big pay cut in 2018 by cutting my working week down to 4 days and enrolled on a course that I intended to focus on one day per week. But I wasn’t using Javascript at all in my day-to-day role. I was designing large-scale and complex web applications, and only ever building out the CSS and HTML for those designs.

今年早些时候,经过一年多的学习JavaScript并尝试每周花一些时间学习之后,我意识到我的方法根本行不通。 我在2018年大幅削减了薪水,将我的工作周缩减至4天,并参加了我打算每周专注于一天的课程。 但是我在日常工作中根本没有使用Javascript 。 我当时在设计大型而复杂的Web应用程序,而只有为这些设计构建CSS和HTML。

In my study days, I rarely touched my JavaScript course, instead opting to learn anything and everything that would help in my existing role and that I could put into practice straight away. It was actually an amazing experience and over those 15 months of working part time, I was more productive than I’d ever been when working full time in the office.

在学习期间,我很少接触JavaScript课程,而是选择学习任何可以帮助我现任职位并且可以立即付诸实践的东西。 这实际上是一次了不起的经历,在兼职工作的15个月中,我的工作效率比在办公室全职工作的工作效率更高

It was a wonderful time that taught me a) how much I love learning;b) you can be just as productive, if not more so, working 4 days a week; c) I learn best when I have real projects to apply that learning to.

这是一段美好的时光,教会了我:a)我热爱学习多少; b)每周工作4天,同样可以提高工作效率,如果不是更多的话。 c)当我有将其应用到实际项目中时,我学得最好。

Even though my JS skills didn’t grow much that year, I don’t regret how I used my time. I learnt loads, designed and helped build some exceptional products, and had a great work-life balance.

即使那一年我的JS技能没有增长多少, 我也不后悔我如何利用自己的时间 。 我学习了负载,设计并帮助制造了一些出色的产品,并且在工作与生活之间取得了很好的平衡。

Nevertheless, in Summer 2019 a job opportunity came up that would allow me to focus entirely on Front End Development. I hadn’t planned to move on, but it was too good an opportunity to turn down. It was time to take the plunge. Front End Developer, eek!

尽管如此,在2019年夏季,一个工作机会出现了,这使我可以完全专注于前端开发。 我本来没有打算继续前进,但这是一个拒绝的好机会。 现在是时候尝试一下了。 前端开发人员,eek!

Now I’m two months in, and JavaScript is finally starting to click for me.


My role so far has been almost entirely CSS-focused (my comfort zone), but I’ve been able to peek under the hood of different sites and products, play with JavaScript and jQuery and fix a few bugs, and my first React.js project is just around the corner.

到目前为止,我的角色几乎完全集中在CSS(我的舒适地带)上,但是我已经能够在不同的站点和产品的背景下进行窥视,使用JavaScript和jQuery并修复了一些错误,这是我的第一个React。 js项目指日可待。

应用我所学的学习知识 (Applying what I’ve learned about learning)

Recently, I’ve been taking a multi-pronged approach to my JS learning, studying on various courses at the same time and dipping in for 30–90mins every couple of days, alongside the job.


So far, I’d definitely recommend Wes Bos’ new JavaScript course
到目前为止,我绝对会推荐Wes Bos的新JavaScript课程

The courses I’m using are:


  1. Beginner JavaScript by Wes Bos

    Wes Bos的JavaScript入门

  2. The Complete JavaScript Course 2020 by Jonas Schmedtmann on Udemy

    Jonas Schmedtmann在Udemy上撰写的2020年完整JavaScript课程

  3. Learn JavaScript with Zell Liew

    与Zell Liew 学习JavaScript

  4. Various coding apps for beginners (my favourite is probably Grasshopper)

    面向初学者的各种编码应用程序(我最喜欢的可能是Grasshopper )

Plus, I’ve got a React one queued up ready to start whenever I feel ready for it. I just want to nail a few more JS fundamentals first.

另外,只要有准备,我就已经准备好启动一个React 1 。 我只想先介绍一些JS基础知识。

Most of these courses are video-based and broken up into bite-sized chunks, which works well for me. I can dip in at lunchtimes, watch on the train, or do some extended study when opportunity allows.

这些课程大多数都是基于视频的课程,分为几小块 ,对我来说效果很好。 我可以在午餐时间参加,在火车上看电视,或者在机会允许的情况下做一些进一步的学习。

所有开发人员和无设计都使Grace成为一个非常乏味的女孩…… (All dev and no design makes Grace a very dull girl…)

What’s really interesting now that I’m in a pure development role, is that I find myself desperate to do design all the time!


I always want to redesign components and screens that are given to me, but have to hold back instead. My job right now is to collaborate with others, make suggestions by all means, but hand that responsibility elsewhere. I find it difficult to be honest, but am learning to ‘let go a little’.

我一直想重新设计提供给我的组件和屏幕,但必须退缩。 我现在的工作是与他人合作,通过各种方式提出建议,但是将责任转移到其他地方。 我发现很难做到诚实,但是我正在学习“放手一点”。

I don’t want to let my design skills slide though, so have also been doing an excellent UI Design course by one of my all-time favourite designers, teachers and bloggers, Erik Kennedy. So far it’s been brilliant and feels more like a fun hobby than work.

我不想让我的设计技能滑落,因此,我一直以来最喜欢的设计师,老师和博客作者Erik Kennedy也在做一个出色的UI设计课程 。 到目前为止,它很棒,感觉比工作更有趣。

等等... 你干了几门课程?! (Hold up… How many courses you doin’?!)

Yes, that is a sh**load of courses to be doing all at once, I’m glad you noticed! (Especially seen as I no longer have a study day available to me each week since going part time.)

是的,这是一次可以全部完成的大量课程,很高兴您注意到了! (特别是因为自从兼职以来,我每周不再有学习日。)

Don’t worry, I’m being realistic about all this. I know I’m not going to complete all these courses this year, or maybe ever. That’s not the point of them.

别担心,我对此很现实。 我知道我今年或将来不会完成所有这些课程。 那不是他们的重点。

I’m simply doing what I enjoy.


It just so happens that what I enjoy will make me better unicorn


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  3. playwright手动设置cookies和获取cookies的方法
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