Unity is required to remove Enlighten but will continue support as-is through 2020 LTS. We have a robust replacement for Enlighten Baking with the CPU and GPU Progressive Lightmapper. A real-time GI replacement solution will be delivered in 2021.1.

需要Unity删除Enlighten,但将在2020 LTS之前继续提供支持。 我们可以用CPU和GPU渐进式Lightmapper来替代Enlighten Baking。 实时GI替换解决方案将在2021.1中交付。

Due to Geomerics shutting down Enlighten as a product, Unity is required to remove Enlighten.


Unity will continue support for Enlighten in the built-in renderer as it currently exists today (as-is, with no new platform support). The 2020 LTS will be the last version to contain Enlighten functionality for the built-in renderer, and it is fully removed in 2021.1.

当前,Unity将继续在内置渲染器中继续支持Enlighten(按原样,不提供任何新的平台支持)。 2020 LTS将是最后一个包含内置渲染器 Enlighten功能的版本,并且在2021.1中已完全删除。

Projects authored with HDRP Preview Enlighten functionality will continue to be supported as it currently exists today (as-is, with no new platform support) in 2019 LTS, with full removal of Enlighten functionality from HDRP in 2020.1.

使用HDRP Preview Enlighten功能创作的项目将在2019 LTS中继续得到支持,因为它目前仍然存在(按原样,没有新平台支持),并且在2020.1中从HDRP中完全删除了Enlighten功能。

Our Lighting team has been focused on making a robust solution to replace Enlighten baking over the last years as well as provide great alternatives for the fast workflow possible with real-time Enlighten pathway through improved baking. The CPU Progressive Lightmapper is production-ready. Our GPU-based Progressive Lightmapper is used widely now with a great set of features and is targeted to be production-ready in the 2020.1 release. We’re continuing to add improvements, focusing on highly-iterative workflows, with every release.  For example, in Unity 2019.1, we’ve added NVIDIA® OptiX™-based AI denoising, which gives you perceptually noise-free lightmaps up to 10x faster than before and many other features targeted for easier, more intuitive workflows and faster iteration for artists.

在过去的几年中,我们的照明团队一直致力于提供可靠的解决方案来替代Enlighten烘焙,并通过改进的实时实时Enlighten途径为可能的快速工作流程提供出色的替代方案。 CPU Progressive Lightmapper已投入生产。 我们基于GPU的Progressive Lightmapper现在被广泛使用,具有许多功能,目标是2020.1版本中的生产就绪。 我们会在每个版本中继续增加改进,重点放在高度迭代的工作流程上。 例如,在Unity 2019.1中,我们添加了基于 NVIDIA®OptiX ™的AI降噪功能 ,使您在感知上无噪声的光照贴图比以前快10倍,并且提供了许多其他功能,旨在为艺术家提供更轻松,更直观的工作流程和更快的迭代速度。

In 2019.2, we’re adding Intel® Open Image Denoise, which makes this fast iteration functionality available on all Editor platforms for our users. We’re also adding sophisticated sampling methods to improve baking iteration speed such as multiple importance sampling from offline rendering which gives you clean bakes when using HDRI environments. We’re improving the control of lightmap layouts by letting you specify the number of lightmaps you want, and adding more convenient artist options. If there is any feature parity missing from Progressive Lightmapper in order for you to make the transition please give us feedback on our Global Illumination forum.

在2019.2中 ,我们将添加英特尔 ®Open Image Denoise ,这将为所有用户在所有Editor平台上提供此快速迭代功能。 我们还添加了复杂的采样方法来提高烘焙迭代速度,例如来自脱机渲染的多个重要性采样,这可以在使用HDRI环境时为您提供干净的烘焙。 通过让您指定所需的光照贴图数量,并添加更多便捷的美术师选项,我们正在改善光照贴图布局的控制。 如果Progressive Lightmapper缺少任何功能奇偶校验,以便您进行过渡,请在我们的全球照明论坛上向我们提供反馈。

Light Probe workflows will receive significant attention over the coming releases. Light Probes offer a great quality of lighting and flexibility for authoring – they do not require UVs and they are fast to compute. We’re working on workflows to enable easier Light Probe placement with volumes and automatically place Light Probes for terrains. We are also adding support for streaming light probe data sets to make workflows better suited for streamed worlds and large team development.

在即将发布的版本中,Light Probe工作流程将受到极大关注。 Light Probes提供高质量的照明和创作的灵活性-不需要UV,并且计算速度快。 我们正在努力进行工作流程,以使使用体积的Light Probe更加容易放置,并自动为地形放置Light Probe。 我们还增加了对流光探测器数据集的支持,以使工作流更适合于流世界和大型团队开发。

We are also fully committed to delivering a real-time GI replacement solution in 2021.1. The Unity team has a solid plan to solve this complex problem the right way, with great artists workflow and optimal runtime performance for 2021.1.

我们还完全致力于在2021.1中提供实时GI替换解决方案。 Unity团队制定了可靠的计划,以正确的方式解决此复杂问题,并拥有出色的艺术家工作流程和2021.1的最佳运行时性能。

We understand it is frustrating if you are affected by this. Deprecating features is not something we take lightly. This is not the outcome we wanted. We are committed to providing great workflows for authoring lighting, whether for baked lighting or for real-time global illumination. Please join us over in the Global Illumination forum and discuss this with us, we are here to help you make the transition.

如果您受此影响,我们深感沮丧。 弃用功能并不是一件容易的事。 这不是我们想要的结果。 我们致力于为烘焙照明或实时全局照明提供出色的创作照明工作流程。 请加入我们在全球照明论坛中的讨论,并与我们讨论,我们将在这里帮助您进行过渡。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/07/03/enlighten-will-be-replaced-with-a-robust-solution-for-baked-and-real-time-giobal-illumination/


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