

  • 1 复制随机状态和使用多个增强序列
    • 1.1 加载基础数据
    • 1.2 示例问题
    • 1.3 手动修改参数值
    • 1.4 使用copy_random_state()
    • 1.5 使用种子

1 复制随机状态和使用多个增强序列


imgaug提供了热图和分割图增强的方法,但这些方法适用于实况数据,并且仅适用于影响几何形状的增强(如,高斯噪声或dropout are deactivated)。



1.1 加载基础数据


import numpy as np
import imgaug as ia
%matplotlib inline
ia.seed(1)# load image + heatmap
image = ia.quokka(size=0.2)  # uint8 array
heatmap = ia.quokka_heatmap(size=0.2)  # HeatmapsOnImage object, contains a float array# show image + heatmap
ia.imshow(np.hstack([image, heatmap.draw_on_image(image)[0]]))# print min/max of value ranges
print("image min: %.2f, max: %.2f" % (np.min(image), np.max(image)))
print("heatmap min: %.2f, max: %.2f" % (np.min(heatmap.get_arr()), np.max(heatmap.get_arr())))

image min: 0.00, max: 255.00
heatmap min: 0.00, max: 1.00

1.2 示例问题

如你所见,图像(0到255)和热图(0.0到1.0)之间的值范围不同。 让我们野蛮地将相同的增强序列应用于图像和热图,同时使用augment_image()

import imgaug.augmenters as iaa# our augmentation sequence: affine rotation, dropout, gaussian noise
augs = iaa.Sequential([iaa.Affine(rotate=(-45, 45)),iaa.Dropout(0.2),iaa.AdditiveGaussianNoise(scale=20)
])# apply to image + heatmap
augs_det = augs.to_deterministic()
image_aug = augs_det.augment_image(image)
heatmap_aug = augs_det.augment_image(heatmap.get_arr())# print min/max of value ranges
print("image min: %.2f, max: %.2f" % (np.min(image_aug), np.max(image_aug)))
print("heatmap min: %.2f, max: %.2f" % (np.min(heatmap_aug), np.max(heatmap_aug)))# show results
ia.imshow(np.hstack([image_aug,ia.HeatmapsOnImage(np.clip(heatmap_aug, 0.0, 1.0),shape=image_aug.shape).draw_on_image(image_aug)[0]

image min: 0.00, max: 255.00
heatmap min: -73.75, max: 77.37

1.3 手动修改参数值

热图的价值范围现在与以前相比非常不同。 它从[0.0,1.0]变为[-73.75,77.37]。 这是由AdditiveGaussianNoise引起的,它从N(0, 20)之后的高斯分布中采样。



我们首先将特定于图像的增强序列复制一份用于热图。 然后,仅在热图特定序列中,我们将AdditiveGaussianNoise的scale参数包装在Multiply(..., 0.001)中,它将采样的比例值减少1000倍。(图像中的比例被定义为20,我们也可以通过iap.Deterministic(0.02)指定,并且具有完全相同的结果。)

import imgaug.parameters as iap# Ensure that all augmenters in 'augs' use their own random number generators,
# instead of using a global (shared) random number generator.
augs = augs.localize_random_state(recursive=True)# Now copy augs to create an augmentation sequence for heatmaps.
# This also copies all random number generators, which means that the
# augmenters will sample the same random numbers.
augs_heatmap = augs.deepcopy()# Reduce the scale for heatmaps to `0.001 * scale_for_images`.
# Here, this is the same as
#   augs_heatmap[2].value.scale.value = iap.Deterministic(0.2)
# because the scale was defined above as scale=20 and hence was a deterministic value.
# Note that it would be .value.scale.value and not just .scale, because AdditiveGaussianNoise
# returns an instance of AddElementwise, which adds values sampled from .value to images,
# where .value is a gaussian distribution with .value.scale.value.
augs_heatmap[2].value = iap.Multiply(augs_heatmap[2].value, 0.001)# Augment images and heatmaps.
# We can skip here calling to_deterministic(), as both sequences
# already use the exactly same random number generators.
image_aug = augs.augment_image(image)
heatmap_aug = augs_heatmap.augment_image(heatmap.get_arr())
print("image min: %.2f, max: %.2f" % (np.min(image_aug), np.max(image_aug)))
print("heatmap min: %.2f, max: %.2f" % (np.min(heatmap_aug), np.max(heatmap_aug)))ia.imshow(np.hstack([image_aug,ia.HeatmapsOnImage(np.clip(heatmap_aug, 0.0, 1.0),shape=image_aug.shape).draw_on_image(image_aug)[0]

image min: 0.00, max: 255.00
heatmap min: -0.07, max: 1.05

如你所见,增强热图的值范围现在更合适。 它略微超出[0.0,1.0]的期望值范围,但可以在通过剪裁增强后处理。

1.4 使用copy_random_state()



成功复制的唯一要求是为每个增强器分配唯一的名称。 确保两个序列之间的名称匹配,以便相同的增强器具有相同的名称。 然后将随机状态从一个序列复制到另一个序列就可以了。 例:

# Create image-specific augmentation sequence.
# Give each augmenter its own name.
sequence_images = iaa.Sequential([iaa.Affine(rotate=(-45, 45), name="affine"),iaa.Dropout(0.2, name="dropout"),iaa.AdditiveGaussianNoise(scale=20, name="gauss-noise")
])# Create heatmap-specific augmentation sequence.
# Make sure that the names are the same for augmenters that are supposed to be aligned!
# Note how the scale of AdditiveGaussianNoise is much lower than in the image-specific sequence.
sequence_heatmaps = iaa.Sequential([iaa.Affine(rotate=(-45, 45), name="affine"),iaa.Dropout(0.2, name="dropout"),iaa.AdditiveGaussianNoise(scale=0.02, name="gauss-noise")  # different!
])# Copy once the random states between the sequences by name.
# As before, first make sure that the source augmentation sequence
# uses its own random states instead of global (shared) random states.
# Now both sequences will follow the same sampling behaviour.
sequence_images = sequence_images.localize_random_state(recursive=True)
sequence_heatmaps_det = sequence_heatmaps.copy_random_state(sequence_images, matching="name")# We can skip deterministic mode again, because both sequences have the same
# random states anyways.
image_aug = sequence_images.augment_image(image)
heatmap_aug = sequence_heatmaps.augment_image(heatmap.get_arr())
print("image min: %.2f, max: %.2f" % (np.min(image_aug), np.max(image_aug)))
print("heatmap min: %.2f, max: %.2f" % (np.min(heatmap_aug), np.max(heatmap_aug)))ia.imshow(np.hstack([image_aug,ia.HeatmapsOnImage(np.clip(heatmap_aug, 0.0, 1.0),shape=image_aug.shape).draw_on_image(image_aug)[0]

image min: 0.00, max: 255.00
heatmap min: -0.08, max: 1.05

1.5 使用种子





ia.seed(1)  # to make Snowflakes reproducible# Image-specific sequence.
sequence_images = iaa.Sequential([iaa.Affine(rotate=(-45, 45), random_state=1),iaa.Snowflakes(),  # added!iaa.Dropout(0.2, random_state=2),iaa.AdditiveGaussianNoise(scale=20, random_state=3)
], random_state=4)# Heatmap-specific sequence.
# Make sure to use the same random state seeds as above.
sequence_heatmaps = iaa.Sequential([iaa.Affine(rotate=(-45, 45), random_state=1),iaa.Dropout(0.2, random_state=2),iaa.CoarseDropout(0.2, size_px=4, random_state=100),  # added!iaa.AdditiveGaussianNoise(scale=0.02, random_state=3)
], random_state=4)# We can skip deterministic mode again, because both sequences have the same
# random states anyways.
image_aug = sequence_images.augment_image(image)
heatmap_aug = sequence_heatmaps.augment_image(heatmap.get_arr())
print("image min: %.2f, max: %.2f" % (np.min(image_aug), np.max(image_aug)))
print("heatmap min: %.2f, max: %.2f" % (np.min(heatmap_aug), np.max(heatmap_aug)))ia.imshow(np.hstack([image_aug,ia.HeatmapsOnImage(np.clip(heatmap_aug, 0.0, 1.0),shape=image_aug.shape).draw_on_image(image_aug)[0]

image min: 0.00, max: 255.00
heatmap min: -0.08, max: 1.05

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