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# 两个输入参数,分别为lidar轨迹`lidar_trajectory.txt`和待插值的时间戳`camera_timestamps.txt`
# 输出文件`lidar_trajectory_interpolation.txt`
python3 interpolation.py --input_path_traj lidar_trajectory.txt --input_path_timestamps camera_timestamps.txt


lidar_trajectory.txt的格式为TUM格式,即每一行为time tx ty tz qx qy qz qw,举例如下:

1638071388.334760 0.00295208 0.000131266 -5.32433e-05 5.26652e-05 0.000110696 -0.000142421 1
1638071395.628481 0.08583 -0.00324124 1.6325e-06 0.000150509 0.00107514 0.00344029 0.999993
1638071396.651781 0.326695 -0.0111444 3.00087e-06 0.000977325 0.000722375 0.0100748 0.999949
1638071397.122600 0.456406 0.00337339 3.87732e-06 0.000402137 -0.000385426 0.0118958 0.999929
1638071398.425759 0.919398 0.0465742 4.34299e-06 0.00118325 -0.00351136 0.0400358 0.999191
1638071404.225555 2.37347 0.462837 -6.45353e-07 0.00305258 0.00564018 0.215082 0.976575





import argparse
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as RR
import numpy as np
import mathdef main(input_path_traj, input_path_timestamps):lidar_path_name = input_path_traj.split('/')file_name = lidar_path_name[-1].split('.')time1 = time2 = time_inter = 0.0time_stamps = []q1 = q2 = RR.from_quat([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])trans1 = trans2 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])is_initial = Truewith open(input_path_timestamps, 'r') as f_cam:for line in f_cam.readlines():time_stamps.append(float(line))time_stamps = iter(time_stamps)with open(input_path_traj, 'r') as f, open(file_name[0] + '_interpolation.txt', 'w+') as new_file:for line in f.readlines():tmp_txt = str.split(line.strip())if is_initial:while time_inter < float(tmp_txt[0]):time_inter = next(time_stamps)time1 = float(tmp_txt[0])q1 = RR.from_quat([float(tmp_txt[4]), float(tmp_txt[5]), float(tmp_txt[6]), float(tmp_txt[7])])trans1 = np.array([float(tmp_txt[1]), float(tmp_txt[2]), float(tmp_txt[3])])is_initial = Falsetime2 = float(tmp_txt[0])q2 = RR.from_quat([float(tmp_txt[4]), float(tmp_txt[5]), float(tmp_txt[6]), float(tmp_txt[7])])trans2 = np.array([float(tmp_txt[1]), float(tmp_txt[2]), float(tmp_txt[3])])while (time1 < time_inter) & (time2 > time_inter):print("time1 = {0}, time2 = {1}, time_inter = {2}".format(time1, time2, time_inter))q_inter = interpolate_rotation(time1, q1, time2, q2, time_inter)trans_inter = interpolate_translation(time1, trans1, time2, trans2, time_inter) write_txt = "{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7}\n".format(time_inter, trans_inter[0], trans_inter[1], trans_inter[2], q_inter.as_quat()[0], q_inter.as_quat()[1], q_inter.as_quat()[2], q_inter.as_quat()[3])new_file.writelines(write_txt)time_inter = next(time_stamps, None)if time_inter is None:returntime1 = time2q1 = q2trans1 = trans2def interpolate_translation(t1, trans1, t2, trans2, t_inter):return trans1 + (trans2 - trans1) / (t2 - t1) * (t_inter - t1)def interpolate_rotation(t1, q1, t2, q2, t_inter):theta = (t_inter - t1) / (t2 - t1)q1_2 = RR.from_quat([-q1.as_quat()[0], -q1.as_quat()[1], -q1.as_quat()[2], q1.as_quat()[3]]) * q2q_inter = q1 * exp_quat(theta * log_quat(q1_2))return q_inter# return q1# Method of implementing this function that is accurate to numerical precision from
# Grassia, F. S. (1998). Practical parameterization of rotations using the exponential map. journal of graphics, gpu, and game tools, 3(3):29–48.
def exp_quat(dx):theta = np.linalg.norm(dx)# na is 1/theta sin(theta/2)na = 0if is_less_then_epsilon_4th_root(theta):one_over_48 = 1.0 / 48.0na = 0.5 + (theta * theta) * one_over_48else:na = math.sin(theta * 0.5) / thetact = math.cos(theta * 0.5)return RR.from_quat([dx[0]*na, dx[1]*na, dx[2]*na, ct])def log_quat(q):q_imagi = q.as_quat()[:3]na = np.linalg.norm(q_imagi)eta = q.as_quat()[3]scale = 0.0# use eta because it is more precise than na to calculate the scale. No singularities here.if abs(eta) < na: # check sign of eta so that we can be sure that log(-q) = log(q)if eta >= 0:scale = math.acos(eta) / naelse:scale = -math.acos(-eta) / naelse:#### In this case more precision is in na than in eta so lets use na only to calculate the scale:## assume first eta > 0 and 1 > na > 0.#               u = asin (na) / na  (this implies u in [1, pi/2], because na i in [0, 1]#    sin (u * na) = na#  sin^2 (u * na) = na^2#  cos^2 (u * na) = 1 - na^2#                              (1 = ||q|| = eta^2 + na^2)#    cos^2 (u * na) = eta^2#                              (eta > 0,  u * na = asin(na) in [0, pi/2] => cos(u * na) >= 0 )#      cos (u * na) = eta#                              (u * na in [ 0, pi/2] )#                 u = acos (eta) / na## So the for eta > 0 it is acos(eta) / na == asin(na) / na.# From some geometric considerations (mirror the setting at the hyper plane q==0) it follows for eta < 0 that (pi - asin(na)) / na = acos(eta) / na.###if eta > 0:scale = arc_sin_x_over_x(na)else:scale = -arc_sin_x_over_x(na)return q_imagi * (2.0 * scale)def is_less_then_epsilon_4th_root(x):return x < pow(np.finfo(np.float64).eps, 1.0/4.0)def arc_sin_x_over_x(x):if is_less_then_epsilon_4th_root(abs(x)):return 1.0 + x * x * (1.0/6.0)return math.asin(x) / xif __name__ == "__main__":parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()parser.add_argument("--input_path_traj", required=True)parser.add_argument("--input_path_timestamps", required=True)args = parser.parse_args()main(args.input_path_traj, args.input_path_timestamps)





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