

  • 算法第四版
  • 引言
  • 一、SeamCarver.java
    • 1、解析
    • 2、代码
  • 总结











public class SeamCarver {// create a seam carver object based on the given picturepublic SeamCarver(Picture picture)// current picturepublic Picture picture()// width of current picturepublic int width()// height of current picturepublic int height()// energy of pixel at column x and row ypublic double energy(int x, int y)// sequence of indices for horizontal seampublic int[] findHorizontalSeam()// sequence of indices for vertical seampublic int[] findVerticalSeam()// remove horizontal seam from current picturepublic void removeHorizontalSeam(int[] seam)// remove vertical seam from current picturepublic void removeVerticalSeam(int[] seam)//  unit testing (optional)public static void main(String[] args)}


import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.Picture;public class SeamCarver {private Picture picture;private double[][] energy;// create a seam carver object based on the given picturepublic SeamCarver(Picture picture) {if (picture == null) {throw new IllegalArgumentException();}this.picture = picture;computeenergy();}// current picturepublic Picture picture() {return this.picture;}// width of current picturepublic int width() {return picture.width();}// height of current picturepublic int height() {return picture.height();}private void computeenergy() {double[][] energy = new double[width()][height()];for (int i = 0; i < width(); i++) {for (int j = 0; j < height(); j++) {energy[i][j] = energy(i, j);}}this.energy = energy;}// energy of pixel at column x and row ypublic double energy(int x, int y) {if (!(x >= 0 && x <= width() - 1)) {throw new IllegalArgumentException();}if (!(y >= 0 && y <= height() - 1)) {throw new IllegalArgumentException();}if (x == 0 || x == width() - 1 || y == 0 || y == height() - 1) {return 1000;} else {// x-gradientint left = this.picture.getRGB(x - 1, y);int right = this.picture.getRGB(x + 1, y);int R_x = ((left >> 16) & 0xFF) - ((right >> 16) & 0xFF);int G_x = ((left >> 8) & 0xFF) - ((right >> 8) & 0xFF);int B_x = ((left) & 0xFF) - ((right) & 0xFF);int RGB_x = R_x * R_x + G_x * G_x + B_x * B_x;// Y-gradientint top = this.picture.getRGB(x, y + 1);int bottom = this.picture.getRGB(x, y - 1);int R_y = ((top >> 16) & 0xFF) - ((bottom >> 16) & 0xFF);int G_y = ((top >> 8) & 0xFF) - ((bottom >> 8) & 0xFF);int B_y = ((top) & 0xFF) - ((bottom) & 0xFF);int RGB_y = R_y * R_y + G_y * G_y + B_y * B_y;return Math.sqrt(RGB_x + RGB_y);}}// sequence of indices for horizontal seampublic int[] findVerticalSeam() {double disto[][] = new double[width()][height()];int pathto[][] = new int[width()][height()];for (int col = 0; col < width(); col++) {for (int row = 0; row < height(); row++) {if (row == 0) disto[col][row] = energy[col][row];else disto[col][row] = Double.MAX_VALUE;}}for (int row = 0; row < height() - 1; row++) {for (int col = 0; col < width(); col++) {relax(col - 1, row + 1, col, row, disto, pathto);relax(col, row + 1, col, row, disto, pathto);relax(col + 1, row + 1, col, row, disto, pathto);}}// find min mindistoint min_disto = -1;double min_energy = Double.MAX_VALUE;for (int col = 0; col < width(); col++) {if (disto[col][height() - 1] < min_energy) {min_energy = disto[col][height() - 1];min_disto = col;}}// find the pathint[] rs = new int[height()];for (int i = height() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {rs[i] = min_disto;min_disto = pathto[min_disto][i];}return rs;}// sequence of indices for Horizontal seampublic int[] findHorizontalSeam() {trans(this.picture);int[] res;res = findVerticalSeam();trans(this.picture);return res;}private void trans(Picture picture) {int newheight = width();int newwidth = height();Picture newpicture = new Picture(newwidth, newheight);for (int i = 0; i < newheight; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < newwidth; j++) {newpicture.setRGB(j, i, picture.getRGB(i, j));}}this.picture = newpicture;computeenergy();newpicture = null;}private void relax(int col, int row, int lastcol, int lastrow, double disto[][], int pathto[][]) {if ((col >= 0 && col <= width() - 1 && row >= 0 && row <= height() - 1)) {// out_of_bounddouble w = energy[col][row];// double a = disto[col][row];if (disto[col][row] > disto[lastcol][lastrow] + w) {//double b = disto[lastcol][row - 1] + w;disto[col][row] = disto[lastcol][lastrow] + w;pathto[col][row] = lastcol;}}}// remove vertical seam from current picturepublic void removeVerticalSeam(int[] seam) {if (seam == null) {throw new IllegalArgumentException();}if (seam.length != height()) {throw new IllegalArgumentException();}if (width() <= 1) {throw new IllegalArgumentException();}for (int k : seam) {if (!(k >= 0 && k <= width() - 1)) {throw new IllegalArgumentException();}}Picture newpicture = new Picture(width() - 1, height());for (int j = 0; j < height(); j++) {int ii = 0;for (int i = 0; i < width() - 1; i++) {if (seam[j] == i) {ii++;}newpicture.setRGB(i, j, this.picture.getRGB(ii, j));ii++;}}this.picture = newpicture;computeenergy();newpicture = null;}// remove horizontal seam from current picturepublic void removeHorizontalSeam(int[] seam) {trans(this.picture);removeVerticalSeam(seam);trans(this.picture);}//  unit testing (optional)public static void main(String[] args) {}



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