
optimizer_mode =choose



oracle 9i之后这一选项已经过时,出于向后兼容的目的保留了这一选项,该选项的作用在于寻找能够在最短的时间内返回结果集的第一行的执行计划。这一规则倾向于促使优化器使用索引访问路径,偶尔会出现非常不恰当的访问路径。

设置为这种CBO模式以后,SQL语句返回结果的速度会尽可能的快,而不管系统全部的查询是否会耗时较长或者耗系统资源过多。由于利用索引会使查询速度加快,所以first_rows 优化模式会在全表扫描上进行索引扫描。这种优化模式一般适合于一些OLTP系统,满足用户能够在较短时间内看到较小查询结果集的要求。



设置为这种CBO模式以后,将保证消耗的所有计算资源最小,尽管有时查询结束以后没有结果返回。all_rows的优化模式更倾向于全表扫描,而不是全索引扫描和利用索引排序,因此这种优化模式适合于数据查看实时性不是那么强的数据仓库、决策支持系统和面向批处理的数据库(batch-oriented databases)等。



Oracle 9i 对一些预期返回结果集的数据量小的SQL语句优化模式进行了加强,增加了四个参数值:first_rows_1first_rows_10first_rows_100first_rows_1000CBO通过first_rows_n中的 n 值,决定了返回结果集数量的基数,我们可能仅仅需要查询结果集中的一部分,CBO就根据这样的n 值来决定是否使用索引扫描。

optimizer_mode = rule

基于规则的优化器模式,RBO,是早期Oracle版本使用过的一种优化模式。由于RBO不支持自1994Oracle版本的新特性,如bitmap indexestable partitionsfunction-based indexes等,所以在以后Oracle版本中已经不再更新RBO,并且也不推荐用户使用RBO这种优化模式了。

alter system set optimizer_mode=rule scope=both;

show parameter optimizer_mode



The optimizer chooses between a cost-based approach and a rule-based approach, depending

on whether statistics are available. This is the default value.

n If the data dictionary contains statistics for at least one of the accessed tables, then the

optimizer uses a cost-based approach and optimizes with a goal of best throughput.

n If the data dictionary contains only some statistics, then the cost-based approach is still

used, but the optimizer must guess the statistics for the subjects without any statistics.

This can result in suboptimal execution plans.

n If the data dictionary contains no statistics for any of the accessed tables, then the

optimizer uses a rule-based approach.


The optimizer uses a cost-based approach for all SQL statements in the session regardless of

the presence of statistics and optimizes with a goal of best throughput (minimum resource use

to complete the entire statement).


The optimizer uses a cost-based approach, regardless of the presence of statistics, and

optimizes with a goal of best response time to return the first n number of rows; n can equal 1,

10, 100, or 1000.


The optimizer uses a mix of cost and heuristics to find a best plan for fast delivery of the first

few rows. Note: Using heuristics sometimes leads the CBO to generate a plan with a cost that is

significantly larger than the cost of a plan without applying the heuristic. FIRST_ROWS is

available for backward compatibility and plan stability.


The optimizer chooses a rule-based approach for all SQL statements regardless of the presence of statistics.



The optimizer uses a cost-based approach for all SQL statements in the session regardless of the presence of statistics and optimizes with a goal of best throughput (minimum resource use to complete the entire statement). This is the default value.


The optimizer uses a cost-based approach, regardless of the presence of statistics, and optimizes with a goal of best response time to return the first n number of rows; n can equal 1, 10, 100,

or 1000.


The optimizer uses a mix of cost and heuristics to find a best plan for fast delivery of the first few rows. Note: Using heuristics sometimes leads the query optimizer to generate a plan with a cost that is significantly larger than the cost of a plan without applying the heuristic. FIRST_ROWS is

available for backward compatibility and plan stability; use FIRST_ROWS_n instead.


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