
Siri is the incredibly handy assistant that comes with iOS devices.  Through voice commands, you can get Siri to do almost anything that you could normally do on your phone or tablet yourself.  In this article, we’ll show how to put Siri to work to make your iOS experience easier and faster.

Siri是iOS设备随附的非常方便的助手。 通过语音命令,您可以让Siri几乎完成您通常在手机或平板电脑上可以做的所有事情。 在本文中,我们将展示如何使Siri发挥作用,以使您的iOS体验更加轻松快捷。

如何使用Siri? (How do I use Siri?)

By default, you can get to Siri by holding down the home button on your iPhone or iPad.  Once Siri pops up, you can release the home button and say your command.

默认情况下,您可以通过按住iPhone或iPad上的主页按钮来进入Siri。 弹出Siri后,您可以释放主页按钮并说出命令。

Photo from


You can configure the settings for Siri by going to Settings > General > Siri.  In this menu, you can customize the language, voice gender, voice feedback, your information, and raise to speak.

您可以通过转到设置>常规> Siri来配置Siri的设置。 在此菜单中,您可以自定义语言,语音性别,语音反馈,您的信息并讲话。

  • Language and voice gender are pretty self-explanatory.语言和语音性别非常不言自明。
  • Voice feedback dictates whether or not Siri talks to you out loud always, or just when you are using a hands-free device.  If you’re going to be speaking into your phone anyway, there’s probably not much reason to disable it from speaking back to you.  Most people will just want to leave this setting at the default.语音反馈指示Siri是否始终与您大声对话,或者仅在使用免提设备时与您对话。 如果您还是要对着电话讲话,可能没有太多理由禁止它对您讲话。 大多数人只想将此设置保留为默认设置。
  • My info lets you choose a contact from your phone that contains all of your information.  If you don’t already have a contact of yourself, open up the contacts app and make one.  This isn’t an essential thing to do, but it is required if you want to be able to say “take me home,” and get routing directions from Siri.  It also allows Siri to call you by your name – or a nickname, if you configure that.我的信息可让您从手机中选择包含所有信息的联系人。 如果您还没有自己的联系人,请打开联系人应用程序并创建一个。 这不是必须要做的事情,但是如果您想说“带我回家”并从Siri获取路线指示,则需要这样做。 它还允许Siri以您的名字或昵称(如果您配置的话)给您打电话。
  • Raise to speak is an alternative way to access Siri; with it enabled, you can just raise your phone to your ear as if you are answering a phone call from someone.  Siri will be on the other end and you can say your command as if you’re still just talking to someone on the phone.说话是另一种访问Siri的方式。 启用此功能后,您只需将手机抬起耳即可,就好像您正在接听某人的电话一样。 Siri将在另一端,您可以说出您的命令,就像您仍在与电话上的某人说话一样。

我可以要求Siri做什么? (What can I ask Siri to do?)

You can ask Siri to do just about anything, and you don’t need to be overly specific about what you say.  For example, you can say things like “Give my mom a call,” instead of “Make a phone call to my mother.”  Speaking casually or formally, Siri knows what you mean.  On the list of commands below, keep in mind there are quite a few ways to say each one.  Don’t get hung up on any of the wording, just read this to learn of Siri’s various functions.

您可以要求Siri几乎做任何事情,而您不必对自己的言论过于具体。 例如,您可以说诸如“给我妈妈打个电话”之类的话,而不是“给我妈妈打个电话”之类的话。 随意地或正式地讲,Siri知道您的意思。 请记住,在下面的命令列表中,有很多方法可以说每个命令。 不要迷上任何措辞,只需阅读这篇文章即可了解Siri的各种功能。

Establishing relationships


Siri is smart, but it only knows what you tell it.  If you want to speak more casually to Siri, educate it!  A perfect example is letting it know who your significant other is.  Siri wants to be educated, and will ask you questions if you forget to tell it something that it needs to know to perform the commands you ask.

Siri很聪明,但它只知道您说的是什么。 如果您想更随意地与Siri对话,请对其进行教育! 一个完美的例子是让它知道您的重要他人是谁。 Siri希望受过教育,如果您忘记告诉它执行命令所需要的知识,它将询问您一些问题。



Siri can be used for all of your communication needs.  It will even read text messages and emails to you, and then you can use Siri to reply to them.  Some examples include:

Siri可以满足您的所有通信需求。 它甚至会阅读短信和电子邮件给您,然后您可以使用Siri进行回复。 一些示例包括:

  • “Call Mom.”“叫妈妈。”
  • “FaceTime Mom.”“ FaceTime妈妈。”
  • “Send Mom a text message that says I love you.”“给妈妈发一条短信,说我爱你。”
  • “Send Mom an email that says I love Siri more.”“给妈妈发送一封电子邮件,说我更爱Siri。”
  • “Read me that last message.”“读给我最后一封邮件。”
  • “Tell my wife that I will be home for dinner.”“告诉我的妻子,我将回家吃晚饭。”
  • “Reply I’m on my way now.”“回答我现在正在路上。”



This is one of those features where you don’t know what you did before you had it.  I guess you had to actually… remember stuff on your own!  Well, forget that (pun intended), because now you have Siri.

这是其中的功能之一,您在拥有这些功能之前就不知道自己做了什么。 我猜您实际上必须……自己记住东西! 好吧,忘了那个(双关语),因为现在有了Siri。

  • “Remind me at 6 o’clock to take out the trash.”“提醒我六点钟取出垃圾。”
  • “Remind me on May 25th to wish my mom happy birthday.”“提醒我5月25日祝妈妈生日快乐。”

If you have your addresses set up properly (remember, Siri needs educated):


  • “Remind me to check my oil when I get home.”“提醒我到家时要检查一下油。”
  • “Remind me to email Jim the budget report when I get to work on Thursday.”“提醒我星期四上班时将预算报告通过电子邮件发送给吉姆。”

As long as you specified a date/time or place for your reminder, your iOS device will display a pop up and play a sound to remind you of whatever you asked it to.


Take notes


If you need to jot something down, whether it’s a quick idea that came to you while you were in the middle of something or tomorrow’s grocery list, let Siri take a note of it.


  • “Add bananas to my groceries note.”“在我的食品杂货中加香蕉。”
  • “Take a note: I owe Brent $20.”“记下:我欠布伦特20美元。”
  • “Bring up my ideas note.”“提出我的想法笔记。”



It’s a lot easier to just tell Siri where you need to go instead of typing it in.


  • “Take me to 123 Main St. Myrtle Beach.”“带我去圣默特尔海滩123号。”
  • “Take me home.”“带我回家。”
  • “I need driving directions to the office.”“我需要去办公室的行车路线。”
  • “Take me to Ocean Street Café.”“带我去海洋街咖啡馆。”

If you have the Find My Friends app set up:


  • “Take me to Dave.”“带我去戴夫。”
  • “I need walking directions to my mom’s location.”“我需要步行路线到妈妈的位置。”

If you want to see the distance or best route between two locations:


  • “Take me from Santa Monica to Los Angeles.”“带我从圣莫尼卡到洛杉矶。”



There’s no reason to fiddle with an alarm clock when you can just tell Siri to wake you up at a certain time.


  • “Wake me up at 8 AM tomorrow.”“明天早上8点叫醒我。”
  • “Wake me up in three hours.”“三个小时后叫醒我。”
  • “Set an alarm for 10 AM.”“将闹钟设置为上午10点。”
  • “Turn off my alarms.”“关闭我的闹钟。”



You just put some cookies in the oven; I hope you can remember to take them back out in 12 minutes.

您只是在烤箱里放了一些饼干; 希望您能记得在12分钟内将其撤回。

  • “Set the timer for 12 minutes.”“将计时器设置为12分钟。”
  • “Pause/Resume/Stop/Reset the timer.”“暂停/恢复/停止/重置计时器。”



Siri integrates with the calendar app to set up appointments and meetings.


  • “Set up a meeting with my boss at 9 AM.”“早上9点与老板开会。”
  • “Make an appointment with Terry for Thursday at noon.”“与特里约会,星期四中午。”
  • “I have a meeting with the board at 10 tomorrow.”“我明天10点与董事会开会。”
  • “Do I have any meetings this week? / How busy am I this week?”“这周我有会议吗? /我这星期有多忙?”
  • “Push my meeting with the board back to 1 PM.”“将与董事会的会议推迟到下午1点。”
  • “Cancel my meetings tomorrow.”“明天取消我的会议。”


Siri can utilize the Find My Friends app if you have it, as well as your contact list.


  • “Where’s Jerry at?”“杰瑞在哪儿?”
  • “Do I have any friends in Chicago right now?”“我现在在芝加哥有朋友吗?”

Or to pull up some contact information:


  • “Show me all the people that work at How-to Geek.”“向我展示所有在How-to Geek工作的人。”
  • “What’s Tom’s email address?”“汤姆的电子邮件地址是什么?”

Social networking


Other than posting to Facebook and Twitter, Siri is relatively limited on the social networking front.  Then again, there’s not much else to do on those sites anyway.

除了发布到Facebook和Twitter之外,Siri在社交网络方面相对有限。 再说一次,在这些站点上没有什么可做的了。

  • “Write on my wall ‘Does anyone want to see a movie tonight?'”“在我的墙上写着'今晚有人要看电影吗?'”
  • “Tweet this new computer is awesome hashtag geek”“推说这台新电脑是很棒的标签怪胎”
  • “What’s trending on Twitter?”“ Twitter上的趋势如何?”

Searching the web


Siri can use a few different search engines to bring up results on whatever it is you’re trying to find.  If you don’t specify, it will default to Bing (unless you change that setting yourself).

Siri可以使用几种不同的搜索引擎来提供关于您要查找的内容的结果。 如果未指定,它将默认为Bing(除非您自己更改该设置)。

  • “Search Google for Windows 8.”“在Google中搜索Windows8。”
  • “Bing iPhone cases.”“给iPhone外壳加冰块。”
  • “Search for pictures of Spongebob.”“搜索海绵宝宝的图片。”



Use Siri to keep up with the scores and statistics of college and national sports teams.


  • “Who won the Browns game last Sunday?”“上周日谁赢得了布朗队的比赛?”
  • “Show me the number of RBIs for the Boston Red Sox.”“告诉我波士顿红袜队的打点员人数。”
  • “How are the Florida Gators doing this season?”“佛罗里达鳄鱼队本赛季表现如何?”
  • “Give me the stats for Derek Jeter.”“请提供Derek Jeter的统计信息。”



You can ask Siri pretty much anything about the weather – temperature, forecast, wind, sunrise, etc.  Here are a few examples:


  • “Is it going to rain in Chicago this week?”“这周芝加哥要下雨吗?”
  • “What’s the high for this week?”“这周的最高价是多少?”
  • “How windy is it today?”“今天风很大吗?”
  • “Check the forecast for St. Louis.”“检查圣路易斯的天气预报。”



Siri can pull up information on any movie, new or old, and retrieve movie times.


  • “What movies are playing near me today?”“今天我附近正在看什么电影?”
  • “Show me films that had Jim Carrey in them.”“给我看其中有吉姆·卡里的电影。”

If you ask a question that prompts an opinionated response, it will base the answer off of Rotten Tomatoes reviews.


  • “What are the best movies out now?”“现在最好的电影是什么?”
  • “Is that new Tom Hanks movie any good?”“那部新的汤姆·汉克斯电影好吗?”



Siri can bring up directions, phone numbers, and information about any restaurant you want.


  • “I’m in the mood for Chinese food.”“我很想吃中国菜。”
  • “What are the best seafood restaurants around here?”“这附近最好的海鲜餐厅是什么?”

If you have the OpenTable app installed, you can also use Siri to make dinner reservations.


  • “I need a table for four in Chicago this Saturday.”“这个星期六我需要在芝加哥四个人的桌子。”
  • “Reserve me a table at Macaroni Grill tonight.”“今晚在通心粉烧烤店为我保留一张桌子。”

Music and videos


This is particularly handy when you want to hear a certain song or artist and you have a lot of songs that you don’t want to spend time looking through.


  • “Play my oldies playlist.”“播放我的老歌播放列表。”
  • “Play Fireflies by Owl City.”“玩猫头鹰城的萤火虫。”
  • “Shuffle all songs.”“随机播放所有歌曲。”
  • “Play/pause/skip”“播放/暂停/跳过”

Check texts, emails, missed calls, and voicemails


Siri can check any part of your communication history.


  • “Read me that text message I just received.”“读给我我刚收到的短信。”
  • “Any new emails today?”“今天有新邮件吗?”
  • “Do I have any missed calls?”“我有未接电话吗?”
  • “Play my last voicemail.”“播放我的最后一封语音邮件。”



Siri can answer pretty much any stock-related question you may have.


  • “How is the Dow doing today?”“陶氏今天表现如何?”
  • “What is Apple’s stock price?”“苹果的股价是多少?”
  • “What did Apple close at today?”“苹果今天关掉什么?”

Calculations and random facts


Siri uses WolframAlpha to perform mathematical functions and queries their database for answers to random questions.  If it doesn’t find a suitable answer, it will fall back on Wikipedia.  If that doesn’t have it either, it will do a Bing search.

Siri使用WolframAlpha执行数学功能,并在其数据库中查询随机问题的答案。 如果找不到合适的答案,它将退回到Wikipedia。 如果也没有,它将进行Bing搜索。

  • “What is 6824 divided by 8?”“ 6824除以8是多少?”
  • “What is a 16% tip on a $38 bill?”“ 38美元的钞票有16%的小费是什么?”
  • “How big is Chicago?”“芝加哥有多大?”
  • “When did America become a country?”“美国何时成为一个国家?”
  • “When did Ben Franklin die?”  (does a Wikipedia search)“本·富兰克林什么时候死的?” (进行维基百科搜索)
  • “When was the iPhone released?”  (does a Bing search)“ iPhone何时发布?” (进行Bing搜索)



Siri can’t adjust all of your phone’s settings, but it can do quite a few.  These aren’t all of them, so if you are wondering about a particular one, just try it.

Siri无法调整手机的所有设置,但可以完成很多设置。 这些还不是全部,所以如果您想知道某个特定的产品,请尝试一下。

  • “Turn off Voice Over.”“关闭旁白。”
  • “Turn on airplane mode.”“打开飞行模式。”
  • “Turn off Bluetooth.”“关闭蓝牙。”
  • “Do not disturb.”“请勿打扰。”

Opening apps


Siri can open any of your apps for you.


  • “Open Google Earth.”“打开Goog​​le Earth。”
  • “Launch my notes.”“启动我的笔记。”
  • “Play Temple Run.”“玩神庙逃亡。”

那就是一切吗? (So is that everything?)

There is more that you can do with Siri than what you see on this list, and Apple is always adding new features.  There are also quite a few Easter eggs in Siri, so a lot of times it can provide great comic relief.  Post in the forums about any other commands you like to use, whether you use them for productivity or comic relief.

使用Siri可以做的比在此列表中看到的要多。Apple一直在添加新功能。 Siri中也有很多复活节彩蛋,因此很多时候它可以提供很好的漫画效果。 在论坛上发布有关您要使用的其他任何命令的信息,无论您是使用它们来提高工作效率还是减轻漫画负担。




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