核心错误描述:unreadable: could not read string len protocol error E08 during memory read for packet $m191,58

日志报错:panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0xa44045]

debug 发现结构体字段值全是:unreadable: could not read string len protocol error E08 during memory read for packet $m191,58
于是我改成了传结构体对象,可以解决。当我又改回传指针想复现错误时,发现又好了!!!!复现都复现不出了,服了 。就又改为传指针继续跑了。
哪位佬知道原因的,麻烦告知下~ 三克油

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