
5.2.1 General

NOTE 3: A DL PDR can be provisioned with a UE IP address together with a Framed-Route or a Framed-IPv6-Rotue either in the PDI IE or in the Create Traffic EndpointIE; in such case, the PDR is matched if the packet matches either the UE IP address or the Framed-Route (Framed-IPv6-Route).

注3:DL PDR可以在PDI IE或Createe Traffic Endpoint IE中提供UE IP地址以及Framed-Route或Framed-IPv6-Route;在这种情况下,如果分组匹配UE IP地址或Framed-Route(Framed-IPv6-Route),则PDR匹配。

5.2.1A.4 Application detection with PFD

When the UP function attempts to detect the traffic pertaining to an application by using the application's PFDs (see subclause clause and 8.2.39), the UP function shall consider:

- the application is detected if the incoming traffic matches at least one of PFD Contents;

- the one PFD Contents is matched if the incoming traffic matches every property contained in the corresponding PFD Contents IE; the incoming traffic matches one property (i.e. flow description, URL and Domain Name/Domain Name Protocol) if it matches at least one value of a property in the same PFD Contents IEproperty.

-如果入向流量匹配对应PFD Contents IE中包含的每个属性,则匹配一个PFD Contents;如果入向流量至少与属性的一个值匹配,则它与一个属性(即流描述、URL和Domain Name/Domain Name Protocol)匹配。

5.5.3 F-TEID allocation in the UP function

Upon receiving a request to remove a PDR or a Traffic Endpoint Endpoint, or to delete an PFCP session, the UP function shall free the F-TEID(s) that was assigned to the PDRPDR if there is no more PDR with the same F-TEID, to the Traffic Endpoint or to the PFCP Session.


5.7.3 Lawful Interception in 5GC

Requirements for support of Lawful Interception with SMF and UPF are specified in subclauses clauses6.2.3 of 3GPP TS 33.127 [47].

User plane packets shall be forwarded from the UPF to the MDF3 by encapsulating the user plane packets using GTP-U encapsulation (see 3GPP TS 29.281 [3]).

. The SMF shall instruct the UPF to duplicate the packets to be intercepted and to forward them to the MDF3 as specified in subclause 5.2.3.

For forwarding data from the UPF to the MDF3, the SMF shall set the DUPL flag in the Apply Action and set the Duplicating Parameters in the FAR, associated to the PDRs of the traffic to be intercepted, with the Destination Interface "LI Function" and set to perform GTP-U encapsulation and to forward the packets to a GTP-u F-TEID uniquely assigned in the MDF3 PFCP protocol is not used for the traffic to be intercepted. The MDF3 shall then identify the intercepted traffic by the F-TEID Lawful Interception in the header of the encapsulating GTP-U packet5GC.

3GPP TS 33.127[47]第6.2.3条规定了支持SMF和UPF合法监听的要求。PFCP协议不用于5GC中的合法拦截。The SUPI, PEI and/or GPSI may be provided in the user ID to the UPF.

5.16 Framed Routing

Framed routing allows to support a an IP network behind a UE, such that a set range of IP addresses or IPv6 prefixes are is reachable over a single PDU session, e.g. for enterprise connectivity. Framed routes are the IP routes behind the UE. The UPF advertizes relevant IP routes to receive packets destined to these destination IP addresses or IPv6 prefixes and to forward these packets over the PDU session. See clause 5.6.14 of 3GPP TS 23.501 [28], IETF RFC 2865 [37], IETF RFC 3162 [38]) and the Framed-Route, Framed-Routing and Framed-IPv6-Route AVPs specified in 3GPP TS 29.061 [39] and 3GPP TS 29.561 [49].

Framed routing is defined only for PDN connections and PDU sessions of the IP type (IPv4, IPv6, IPv4v6).


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