

每次可以给一个任意的后缀里的所有数 + i +i +i





d = [ a 2 − a 1 , a 3 − a 2 , . . . , a n − a n − 1 ] d = [a_2-a_1,a_3-a_2,...,a_n-a_{n-1}] d=[a2​−a1​,a3​−a2​,...,an​−an−1​]


由 d i = a i + 1 − a i , i ∈ [ 1 , n − 1 ] d_i = a_{i+1}-a_{i} ,i\in[1,n-1] di​=ai+1​−ai​,i∈[1,n−1]
显然 d i ≥ − a i d_i \ge -a_i di​≥−ai​
那么我们可以对位置 i + 1 i+1 i+1开始的后缀 + a i +a_i +ai​.
由于每个 a i a_i ai​都是唯一的,所以可以构造出非递减序列。

最后输出的时候,注意 i = n i=n i=n时,就另 a n s [ a [ i ] ] = n ans[a[i]] = n ans[a[i]]=n即可。


package com.hgs.codeforces.contest.globalround.contest23.c2;/*** @author youtsuha* @version 1.0* Create by 2022/10/16 14:13*/
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class Main {static FastScanner cin;static PrintWriter cout;private static void init()throws IOException {cin = new FastScanner(System.in);cout = new PrintWriter(System.out);}private static void close(){cout.close();}private static void sol()throws IOException {int n = cin.nextInt();int a[] = new int[n];for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++ ) {int p = cin.nextInt();p--;a[p] = (i + 1) + 1;}for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++ ) cout.print(Math.min(a[i],n) + " ");cout.println();}public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {init();int tt = cin.nextInt();while(tt -- > 0)sol();close();}
class FastScanner {BufferedReader br;StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer("");public FastScanner(InputStream s) {br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s));}public FastScanner(String s) throws FileNotFoundException {br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(s)));}public String next() throws IOException {while (!st.hasMoreTokens()){try {st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine());} catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}return st.nextToken();}public int nextInt() throws IOException {return Integer.parseInt(next());}public long nextLong() throws IOException {return Long.parseLong(next());}public double nextDouble() throws IOException {return Double.parseDouble(next());}

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