Provision在词典中,翻译为:  物质供应,
  The Sansa provisioning technology is split between the Sansa Client and the Sansa Server products. Server enables robust, hardware based provisioning of “assets” either in the factory or in the field known as “post provisioning.” It also allows a very flexible usage model, where an entity having provisioning rights can delegate all/some rights to other entities.
  Provisioning is a term most often used in the telecommunication field. In this capacity, it refers to the configuration of both hardware and software in order to activate telecommunication service for a customer. Provisioning is not equipment. Rather, it consists of commands and controls for specific telecommunication devices.
  The configuration process of provisioning allows the user to access data and technology remotely. The user also has the ability to look up secured data and to grant authorization to a wide range of network applications and databases by utilizing a unique identity process. Provisioning is generally managed and incorporated into departments such as information Technology (IT) and human resources. It gives network administrators the ability to assign technology privileges to employees and contractors of companies, as well to business partners. The software can also be used by a company’s IT department in order to enforce maximum security of system resources.
  Provisioning also assists in monitoring the protection process of access privileges. This security feature is widely used along with hardware resources in products such as computers, pagers, and mobile phones in order to increase security and privacy. With its unique boot image control, provisioning reduces the number of configurations utilized during the transfer of information and, as a result, decreases the amount of abuse to the system.


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