
Need to create a cover page for a report you’re writing? You can create a simple, but professional cover page by centering the text both horizontally and vertically. Centering text horizontally on a page is easy, but vertically? That’s also easy and we’ll show you how.

是否需要为正在编写的报告创建封面? 您可以通过将文本水平和垂直居中来创建简单但专业的封面。 在页面上将文本水平居中很容易,但在垂直方向上居中? 这也很容易,我们将向您展示如何操作。

Before you center the text on your title page, you need to separate the cover page from the rest of your report, so only the text on the cover page gets centered vertically. To do this, put the cursor right before the text you want in the new section and insert a “Next Page” section break.

在将文本放在标题页上居中之前,需要将封面与报告的其余部分分开,因此只有封面上的文本才能垂直居中。 为此,请将光标放在新部分中所需文本的前面,然后插入“下一页”分节符。

NOTE: If you have any headers or footers in your report you can omit them from your cover page, while preserving them in the rest of the report, by setting up multiple headers and footers.


Once your cover page is in a separate section from the rest of your report, put the cursor anywhere on the cover page.


Click the “Page Layout” tab.


Click the “Page Setup” button in the lower-right corner of the “Page Setup” section of the “Page Layout” tab.


On the “Page Setup” dialog box, click the “Layout” tab.


In the “Page” section, select “Center” from the “Vertical alignment” drop-down list.


Your cover page text is now centered vertically on the page.


Centering text vertically can also improve the appearance of short documents, such as a business letter or a cover letter, or any other type of short document where the contents do not fill up the entire page.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/240521/how-to-center-text-vertically-on-the-page-in-microsoft-word/


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