FPGA学习: Verilog刷题记录(14-2)

刷题网站 : HDLBits

第三章 : Circuits

第二节 :Sequential Logic

第一节:Finite State Machines(3)
  • PS/2 packet parser

    • 题目描述:

      The PS/2 mouse protocol sends messages that are three bytes long. However, within a continuous byte stream, it’s not obvious where messages start and end. The only indication is that the first byte of each three byte message always has bit[3]=1 (but bit[3] of the other two bytes may be 1 or 0 depending on data).

      We want a finite state machine that will search for message boundaries when given an input byte stream. The algorithm we’ll use is to discard bytes until we see one with bit[3]=1. We then assume that this is byte 1 of a message, and signal the receipt of a message once all 3 bytes have been received (done).

      The FSM should signal done in the cycle immediately after the third byte of each message was successfully received.

      Some timing diagrams to explain the desired behaviour

    • 题目分析:我们接收到3个字长的数据后就给出done信号,官网也给出了状态转移图直接根据转移图进行书写即可,比较简单

    • 解答:

      module top_module(input clk,input [7:0] in,input reset,    // Synchronous resetoutput done
      ); parameter BYTE1 = 4'b0001 ,BYTE2 = 4'b0010 ,BYTE3 = 4'b0100 ,DONE  = 4'b1000 ;reg  [3:0]  n_state ;reg  [3:0]  c_state ;always @(posedge clk) beginif(reset == 1'b1)c_state <= BYTE1;elsec_state <= n_state;end always @(*) beginif(reset == 1'b1)n_state = BYTE1;else begincase(c_state)BYTE1 : beginif(in[3] == 1'b1)n_state = BYTE2;elsen_state = BYTE1;endBYTE2 : beginn_state = BYTE3;endBYTE3 : beginn_state = DONE;endDONE  : beginif(in[3] == 1'b1)n_state = BYTE2;else   n_state = BYTE1;enddefault : n_state = BYTE1;endcaseendendalways @(posedge clk) beginif (reset == 1'b1)done <= 1'b0;else if (n_state == DONE)done <= 1'b1;elsedone <= 1'b0;endendmodule
  • PS/2 packet parser and datapath

    • 题目描述:See also: PS/2 packet parser.

      Now that you have a state machine that will identify three-byte messages in a PS/2 byte stream, add a datapath that will also output the 24-bit (3 byte) message whenever a packet is received (out_bytes[23:16] is the first byte, out_bytes[15:8] is the second byte, etc.).

      out_bytes needs to be valid whenever the done signal is asserted. You may output anything at other times (i.e., don’t-care).

      For example:

    • 题目分析:在上一题的基础上增加输出正确数据的功能,每当到对应状态而时候就就将对应的数据给到out_byte即可,但是在我绘制其时序图时,发现题目中给的例子,in[3]是不是画错了???,于是我将通过的代码,写到了工程里编写了testbeach,进行查看,波形如下,Testbeach代码我也给了出来,


    • 解答:

      module top_module(input clk,input [7:0] in,input reset,    // Synchronous resetoutput [23:0] out_bytes,output done
      ); parameter BYTE1 = 4'b0001 ,BYTE2 = 4'b0010 ,BYTE3 = 4'b0100 ,DONE  = 4'b1000 ;reg  [3:0]  n_state ;reg  [3:0]  c_state ;always @(posedge clk) beginif(reset == 1'b1)c_state <= BYTE1;elsec_state <= n_state;end always @(*) beginif(reset == 1'b1)n_state = BYTE1;else begincase(c_state)BYTE1 : beginif(in[3] == 1'b1)n_state = BYTE2;elsen_state = BYTE1;endBYTE2 : beginn_state = BYTE3;endBYTE3 : beginn_state = DONE;endDONE  : beginif(in[3] == 1'b1)n_state = BYTE2;else   n_state = BYTE1;enddefault : n_state = BYTE1;endcaseendendalways @(posedge clk) beginif(reset == 1'b1)out_bytes <= 24'd0;else begincase (c_state)BYTE1 : out_bytes[23:16] <= in ;BYTE2 : out_bytes[15:8]  <= in ;BYTE3 : out_bytes[7:0]   <= in ;DONE  : out_bytes[23:16] <= in ;endcaseend        endalways @(posedge clk) beginif (reset == 1'b1)done <= 1'b0;else if (n_state == DONE)done <= 1'b1;elsedone <= 1'b0;endendmodule/*Testbeach*/
      `timescale 1ns/1ps
      module tb_top_module();reg             clk             ;
      reg             reset           ;
      reg     [7:0]   in              ;wire    [23:0]  out_bytes       ;
      wire            done            ;initial beginclk = 1'b0;reset = 1'b1;in  <= 8'h00;#90reset = 1'b0;in <= 8'h08;#20in <= 8'h01;#20in <= 8'h02;#20in <= 8'h38;#20in <= 8'hff;#20in <= 8'hfe;#20in <= 8'h08;#20in <= 8'h03;#20in <= 8'h04;#100$stop;
      endalways #10 clk = ~clk;top_module top_module_inst(.clk           (clk),.in            (in),.reset         (reset),    .out_bytes     (out_bytes),.done          (done)
      ); endmodule
  • Serial receiver

    • 题目描述:In many (older) serial communications protocols, each data byte is sent along with a start bit and a stop bit, to help the receiver delimit bytes from the stream of bits. One common scheme is to use one start bit (0), 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit (1). The line is also at logic 1 when nothing is being transmitted (idle).

      Design a finite state machine that will identify when bytes have been correctly received when given a stream of bits. It needs to identify the start bit, wait for all 8 data bits, then verify that the stop bit was correct. If the stop bit does not appear when expected, the FSM must wait until it finds a stop bit before attempting to receive the next byte.

    • 题目分析:

      ​ 这道题是想要让我们描述如图所示的串行通信协议,给定一个比特流,我们所描述的状态机需要正确的识别何时正确的接收字节,其中需要识别包括 一位起始位,8位有效数据,一位停止位 共10位,当正确检验后,done拉高一个时钟周期。如果接收最后一个停止位时失败则需要等待 in拉高后在重新识别,并且不接收先前的数据。

      ​ 对于这道题,我设计了4个状态,一个空闲状态 IDLE,一个接收10位数据的状态 DATA,一个停止接收的状态 STOP和一个传输出错后的等待状态 WAIT,状态图如下

      ​ 这里定义了一个计数器 count,其作用是用来标记接收数据的个数,因为我这里是将起始位,数据位,停止位一起算上去了,所以是计数到 9时进行一个判断。比较难的其实就是DATA跳转的条件,一开始我并没有 WAIT状态,而是直接利用count=9这个条件进行跳转,显然这样做是错误的,情况没有考虑到位。

      ​ 根据状态图就比较好书写代码了,这里在给出状态机描述的时序图

    • 解答:

      module top_module(input  wire      clk      ,input  wire      in       ,input  wire      reset    ,    // Synchronous resetoutput reg       done
      ); parameter   IDLE  = 4'b0001  ,       //空闲DATA  = 4'b0010  ,       //接收数据STOP  = 4'b0100  ,       //停止接收WAIT  = 4'b1000  ;       //等待reg     [3:0]       n_state  ;       //次态reg     [3:0]       c_state  ;       //现态reg     [3:0]       count    ;       always @(posedge clk) beginif (reset == 1'b1)c_state <= IDLE;elsec_state <= n_state;endalways @(*) beginn_state = 'bx;case (c_state)IDLE : beginif (in == 1'b0)n_state = DATA;elsen_state = IDLE;endDATA : beginif (count == 4'd9 && in == 1'b1)n_state = STOP;else if (count == 4'd9 && in == 1'b0)n_state = WAIT;elsen_state = DATA;endSTOP : beginif (in == 1'b0)n_state = DATA;elsen_state = IDLE;endWAIT : beginif (in == 1'b1)n_state = IDLE;else n_state = WAIT;enddefault : n_state = IDLE;endcaseendalways @(posedge clk) beginif (reset == 1'b1)count <= 4'd0;else if (n_state == DATA)count <= count + 1'b1;else if (count == 4'd9)count <= 4'd0;elsecount <= count;endalways @(posedge clk) beginif (reset == 1'b1)done <= 1'b0;else if (n_state == STOP)done <= 1'b1;elsedone <= 1'b0;endendmodule/*官网解答*/
  • Serial receiver and datapath

    • 题目描述:

      See also: Serial receiver

      Now that you have a finite state machine that can identify when bytes are correctly received in a serial bitstream, add a datapath that will output the correctly-received data byte. out_byte needs to be valid when done is 1, and is don’t-care otherwise.

      Note that the serial protocol sends the least significant bit first.

    • 题目分析:

      ​ 这道题目是上道题的延伸,需要我们将正确接收的字节输出。状态转移图同上题一致没有变化,关键是如何将串行的数据并行输出,官网给出提示是采用移位的方式,如何移位的?怎么移?

      ​ 首先我们需要知道,传数据时先传的高位还是先传的低位,根据题目所给的时序图,可以看出传送数据时先传的低位,后传的高位,所以我们可以采用右移的方式,八位数据,右移八次,即可达到串转并的效果具体看下图

    • 解答:

      module top_module(input  wire      clk      ,input  wire      in       ,input  wire      reset    ,    // Synchronous resetoutput reg [7:0] out_byte ,output reg       done
      ); parameter   IDLE  = 4'b0001  ,       //空闲DATA  = 4'b0010  ,       //接收数据STOP  = 4'b0100  ,       //停止接收WAIT  = 4'b1000  ;       //等待reg     [3:0]       n_state  ;       //次态reg     [3:0]       c_state  ;       //现态reg     [3:0]       count    ;always @(posedge clk) beginif (reset == 1'b1)c_state <= IDLE;elsec_state <= n_state;endalways @(*) beginn_state = 'bx;case (c_state)IDLE : beginif (in == 1'b0)n_state = DATA;elsen_state = IDLE;endDATA : beginif (count == 4'd9 && in == 1'b1)n_state = STOP;else if (count == 4'd9 && in == 1'b0)n_state = WAIT;elsen_state = DATA;endSTOP : beginif (in == 1'b0)n_state = DATA;elsen_state = IDLE;endWAIT : beginif (in == 1'b1)n_state = IDLE;else n_state = WAIT;enddefault : n_state = IDLE;endcaseendalways @(posedge clk) beginif (reset == 1'b1)count <= 4'd0;else if (n_state == DATA)count <= count + 1'b1;else if (count == 4'd9)count <= 4'd0;elsecount <= count;endalways @(posedge clk) beginif (reset == 1'b1)done <= 1'b0;else if (n_state == STOP)done <= 1'b1;elsedone <= 1'b0;endalways @(posedge clk) beginif (reset == 1'b1)out_byte <= 8'd0;else if (n_state == DATA)out_byte <= {in,out_byte[7:1]};elseout_byte <= out_byte;endendmodule
  • Serial receiver with parity checking

    • 题目描述:See also: Serial receiver and datapath

      We want to add parity checking to the serial receiver. Parity checking adds one extra bit after each data byte. We will use odd parity, where the number of 1s in the 9 bits received must be odd. For example, 101001011 satisfies odd parity (there are 5 1s), but 001001011 does not.

      Change your FSM and datapath to perform odd parity checking. Assert the done signal only if a byte is correctly received and its parity check passes. Like the serial receiver FSM, this FSM needs to identify the start bit, wait for all 9 (data and parity) bits, then verify that the stop bit was correct. If the stop bit does not appear when expected, the FSM must wait until it finds a stop bit before attempting to receive the next byte.

      You are provided with the following module that can be used to calculate the parity of the input stream (It’s a TFF with reset). The intended use is that it should be given the input bit stream, and reset at appropriate times so it counts the number of 1 bits in each byte.

      module parity (input clk,input reset,input in,output reg odd);always @(posedge clk)if (reset) odd <= 0;else if (in) odd <= ~odd;endmodule

      Note that the serial protocol sends the least significant bit first, and the parity bit after the 8 data bits.

    • 题目分析:

      Serial receiver系列的最后一题,需要多一个校验位,并且只有当是奇校验和正确接收到数据后才拉高done与输出数据out_byte,题目中也给了一个判断传入数据的1的个数是否为奇数的模块。

      ​ 这道题做了很久,提交了很多次,每次都不成功…弄了很久原先是状态转移的条件没有考虑清楚,后面是输出的条件没有控制好,不过还是不对,检查到最后原来还需要控制好模块的复位…感觉挺坑的

      ​ 尽管如此,还是通过这道题积累了一些经验,本题因为多了一个校验位,所以状态转移的条件有所改变,如下图所示

      ​ 我是这么考虑的,这里无非是多了一个odd判断,所以把oddin一起考虑**(这里指接收完11位数据后),一共4种情况,如图中所示,只要in为0,无论奇校验成不成功都没有用,因为没有接收到正确的停止位,所以直接进入WAIT等待状态。如果in为1了,表示说正确接收到停止位,这个时候再来判断odd**,如果odd为1,说明满足所有的条件,可以进行输出。如果odd为0,表明奇校验没有通过,应当舍去,重新接收,所以回到IDLE状态即可。

      ​ 除此之外需要注意,输出数据时需要多一个count < 9 ** 这个条件,因为有三位不是数据位,如果直接当n_state = DATA**的话,会把校验位也算进去,相当于多移了一次位,这样的数据是不符合要求的。

      ​ 题目中给的模块,我们还需要控制其复位的状态,就是什么时候应当复位。我的考虑是只要次态不是DATA状态表示没有接收数据,这个时候就一直复位,并且要加顶层模块的reset这个条件,两者有一个成立就让parity复位

      ​ 这里附上我绘制的时序图

    • 解答:

      module top_module(input  wire      clk      ,input  wire      in       ,input  wire      reset    ,    // Synchronous resetoutput reg [7:0] out_byte ,output reg       done
      ); parameter   IDLE  = 4'b0001  ,       //空闲DATA  = 4'b0010  ,       //接收数据STOP  = 4'b0100  ,       //停止接收WAIT  = 4'b1000  ;       //等待reg     [3:0]       n_state  ;reg     [3:0]       c_state  ;reg     [3:0]       count    ;wire                odd      ;always @(posedge clk) beginif (reset == 1'b1)c_state <= IDLE;elsec_state <= n_state;endalways @(*) beginn_state = 'bx;case (c_state)IDLE : beginif (in == 1'b0)n_state = DATA;elsen_state = IDLE;endDATA : beginif(count == 4'd10 && in == 1'b1) beginif(odd == 1'b1)n_state = STOP;elsen_state = IDLE;endelse if(count == 4'd10 && in == 1'b0)n_state = WAIT;elsen_state = DATA;endSTOP : beginif (in == 1'b0)n_state = DATA;elsen_state = IDLE;endWAIT : beginif (in == 1'b1)n_state = IDLE;else n_state = WAIT;enddefault : n_state = IDLE;endcaseendalways @(posedge clk) beginif (reset == 1'b1)count <= 4'd0;else if (n_state == DATA)count <= count + 1'b1;else if (count == 4'd10)count <= 4'd0;elsecount <= count;endalways @(posedge clk) beginif (reset == 1'b1)done <= 1'b0;else if (n_state == STOP)done <= 1'b1;elsedone <= 1'b0;endalways @(posedge clk) beginif (reset == 1'b1)out_byte <= 8'd0;else if (n_state == DATA && count < 4'd9)out_byte <= {in,out_byte[7:1]};elseout_byte <= out_byte;endparity parity_inst(clk,(n_state != DATA || reset == 1'b1),in,odd);endmodule
  • Sequence recognition

    • 题目描述:Synchronous HDLC framing involves decoding a continuous bit stream of data to look for bit patterns that indicate the beginning and end of frames (packets). Seeing exactly 6 consecutive 1s (i.e., 01111110) is a “flag” that indicate frame boundaries. To avoid the data stream from accidentally containing “flags”, the sender inserts a zero after every 5 consecutive 1s which the receiver must detect and discard. We also need to signal an error if there are 7 or more consecutive 1s.

      Create a finite state machine to recognize these three sequences:

      • 0111110: Signal a bit needs to be discarded (disc).
      • 01111110: Flag the beginning/end of a frame (flag).
      • 01111111...: Error (7 or more 1s) (err).

      When the FSM is reset, it should be in a state that behaves as though the previous input were 0.

      Here are some example sequences that illustrate the desired operation.

  • 题目分析:官网已经给出了这道题的状态转移图

  • 解答:

    module top_module(input    wire   clk         ,input    wire   reset       ,    // Synchronous resetinput    wire   in          ,output   reg    disc        ,output   reg    flag        ,output   reg    err
    );localparam   NONE    =   4'b0001,ONE     =   4'b0010,TWO     =   4'b0011,THREE   =   4'b0100,FOUR    =   4'b0101,FIVE    =   4'b0110,SIX     =   4'b0111,ERROR   =   4'b1000,DISCARD =   4'b1001,FLAG    =   4'b1010;reg     [3:0]   n_state ;reg     [3:0]   c_state ;always @(posedge clk) beginif (reset == 1'b1)c_state <= NONE;elsec_state <= n_state;endalways @(*) beginn_state = 'bx; case(c_state) NONE    :    n_state = in ? ONE   : NONE    ;ONE     :    n_state = in ? TWO   : NONE    ;TWO     :    n_state = in ? THREE : NONE    ;   THREE   :    n_state = in ? FOUR  : NONE    ;FOUR    :    n_state = in ? FIVE  : NONE    ;FIVE    :    n_state = in ? SIX   : DISCARD ;SIX     :    n_state = in ? ERROR : FLAG    ;ERROR   :    n_state = in ? ERROR : NONE    ;DISCARD :    n_state = in ? ONE   : NONE    ;FLAG    :    n_state = in ? ONE   : NONE    ;default :    n_state = NONE;endcaseendalways @(posedge clk) beginif (reset == 1'b1)disc <= 1'b0;else if (n_state == DISCARD)  disc <= 1'b1;elsedisc <= 1'b0;endalways @(posedge clk) beginif (reset == 1'b1)flag <= 1'b0;else if(n_state == FLAG)flag <= 1'b1;elseflag <= 1'b0;endalways @(posedge clk) beginif (reset == 1'b1)err <= 1'b0;else if (n_state == ERROR)err <= 1'b1;elseerr <= 1'b0; endendmodule

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  19. python并发编程_《Python》并发编程
  20. 7-2 列出连通集 (25 分)


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