
什么是会议? (What is an unconference? )

An unconference is a conference-like gathering whose organization excludes or avoids one or more aspects of a traditional conference, such as a formal program before the event. The many BarCamps conducted around the world are good examples of successful unconferences.

非会议是一种类似于会议的聚会,其组织排除或避免了传统会议的一个或多个方面,例如活动前的正式计划。 在世界各地进行的许多BarCamp都是成功举行会议的很好的例子。

In many ways, an unconference is easier to run than a traditional conference. Some say the “un” refers to unorganized, but be assured, there’s still a lot to do!

在许多方面,非会议比传统会议更容易举行。 有人说“联合国”是指无组织的,但请放心,还有很多事情要做!

为什么要举行不公开会议? (Why run an unconference? )

There are already user group meetings and there are plenty of conferences, so why run another event?


User groups are a small group of people that listen to a talk or two and have a beer before heading home. Conferences have a couple of hundred people that listen to 20 or more talks, have a bevy each night, and then head home.

用户群是一小群人,听一两个讲话,然后在回家之前喝啤酒。 会议有数百个人,他们听20个或更多的演讲,每晚迷恋一次,然后回家。

Conferences have a low impact on attendees, who might find only 10% of the talks of much value. User groups, conversely, tend to have a high impact on attendees; with only two talks taking place the attendees will likely be interested in at least one of them (to be motivated to attend), hence a 50% success rate.

会议对与会者的影响很小,他们可能只发现10%的演讲很有价值。 相反,用户组往往会对参加者产生很大的影响。 如果仅进行两个演讲,则与会者可能会对其中至少一个感兴趣(有动机参加),因此成功率达到50%。

For networking opportunities, conferences offer greater scope; it’s often impossible to talk to everyone during a conference. User groups, on the other hand, are usually limited for networking as 80% of attendees are typically regulars.

对于交流机会,会议提供了更大的范围; 在会议期间与所有人交谈通常是不可能的。 另一方面,由于80%的参与者通常是常客,因此用户组通常无法联网。

The mix of speakers for user groups comprise the new and experienced, with talks being interactive and audience participation high. Conferences have mostly experienced speakers and talks are typically less interactive, with a couple of questions at the end of the presentation.

用户群体的演讲者包括新手和经验丰富的用户,演讲互动性强,观众参与度高。 会议通常由经验丰富的演讲者组成,演讲通常较少互动,在演讲结束时有几个问题。

User groups are about the sharing of knowledge, experience, and ideas between people. Conferences are about bestowing knowledge, experience, and ideas upon the audience.

用户组是关于人与人之间知识,经验和想法的共享。 会议的目的是向观众传递知识,经验和思想。

User group attendees are active. Conference attendees are passive.

用户组与会者处于活动状态。 会议与会者是被动的。

So where’s the middle ground? Let’s say you need an event where you can meet everyone, but still expect to see a fair few new faces. You want more than two talks and you want to have a say in what those talks are. You’re after active participation and interaction, where those who typically stay silent at conferences feel encouraged to join in. You want to learn from the group, and share your learnings with them.

那么中间立场在哪里? 假设您需要一个可以与所有人见面的活动,但仍然希望看到一些新面Kong。 您想要两个以上的对话,并且想要在这些对话中有发言权。 您正在积极参与和互动之后,通常在会议上保持沉默的人会被鼓励加入。您想向小组学习,并与他们分享您的经验。

What you need is a two-day user group meeting. An unconference.

您需要举行为期两天的用户组会议。 一次会议。

I decided to run the first Australian BarCamp because it sounded like a great event, the type of event I’d love to attend. Whatever your reason, it must be solid enough to keep you going through the stressful times leading up to the event itself.

我决定运行第一个澳大利亚BarCamp,因为这听起来像是一个很棒的活动,我很想参加。 无论您出于什么原因,它都必须足够扎实,以使您度过导致事件本身的压力时刻。

涵盖范围... (What to Cover …)

The beauty of unconferences is that there’s no need to call for papers, review submissions, plan a schedule (yet), or reject people because you’ve run out of space. The talk schedule is defined on day one of the unconference.

不开会的好处在于,由于空间不足,不需要征集论文,审查提交的书本,尚未计划时间表或拒绝其他人。 谈话时间表是在非会议的第一天定义的。

You’ll need to define the topics well enough for people to know whether or not to come though, and the granularity at which you define these topics depends on the number of participants you wish to have.


BarCampMelbourne has always been about business and technology, and we typically have 70-100 people wanting to participate. If we wanted to run a smaller event, we might narrow the field down. It’s a fine balancing act.

BarCampMelbourne一直致力于业务和技术,我们通常有70-100人希望参加。 如果我们想举办一个较小的活动,我们可以缩小范围。 这是一种很好的平衡行为。

但是我只对举办非技术性的非会议感兴趣…… (But I’m only really interested in running a non-technical unconference …)

No problem – there have been unconferences on many subjects such as food and wine, mobile and email marketing, library speakers and trainers, and even fashion!

没问题–在许多主题上都没有会议,例如食品和葡萄酒 , 手机和电子邮件营销, 图书馆发言人和培训师 ,甚至时尚 !

那我从哪里开始呢? (So where do I start?)

There’s no point running an unconference if no one is likely to come, so before you start looking for sponsors and a venue, or working out how much this is all going to cost, find out what interest there is in your area.


Remember that the distance people will travel for an unconference is likely to be less than they would for a big conference, but further than for a user group meeting.


If you’re thinking of running an unconference, chances are you have some contacts in the area of interest, via mailing lists, forums, and user groups. Contact everyone in these groups, but be careful to stick to the rules though; some list owners reject advertising for such events, in my experience.

如果您正在考虑召开不公开会议,则很可能通过邮件列表,论坛和用户组在感兴趣的领域中拥有一些联系方式。 请与这些组中的每个人联系,但请务必遵守规则; 根据我的经验,某些列表所有者拒绝为此类事件做广告。

Before you do, create a mailing list for people to join. There are plenty of free mailing list providers available to choose from (Google Groups, for example). Remember to create an announce list for those that just want updates, and a team list for discussion with anyone that wants to help organize the event.

在执行此操作之前,请创建一个供人们加入的邮件列表。 有许多免费的邮件列表提供程序可供选择(例如Google网上论坛 )。 请记住为那些只想要更新的人创建一个公告列表,并为与任何希望帮助组织活动的人进行讨论的团队列表创建一个。

You’ll probably also benefit from having a simple web site to tell people more about the event. A quick and easy solution is to create a free wiki with a group like Wikia.

您可以从拥有一个简单的网站来告诉人们有关该事件的更多信息中受益。 一种快速简便的解决方案是使用Wikia这样的组创建免费的Wiki。

Of course, if you want to spend the time making this a little more feature-full, you could implement your own systems. BarCampMelbourne uses Mailman and WordPress, plus the BuddyPress plugin for WordPress.

当然,如果您想花些时间使它具有更多的功能,则可以实现自己的系统。 BarCampMelbourne使用Mailman和WordPress ,以及用于WordPress的BuddyPress插件 。

So now you have your home on the Internet, encourage people to sign up to the announcement list. This will give you an idea of how many people want to come.

因此,现在您可以在Internet上拥有家了,鼓励人们注册公告列表。 这将使您了解要来多少人。

寻求帮助! (Seek Help!)

I’ll be honest with you. If this is the first unconference you’ve run, you’ll probably do most of the work yourself. I’d love for you to prove me wrong, and perhaps the conference model is now well enough understood that others will jump at the chance to help, but be prepared to run the show by yourself at first. But hang in there – it is feasible, I’m living proof and still doing it, so it must be worthwhile!

我会对你诚实。 如果这是您第一次参加会议,那么您可能将自己完成大部分工作。 我希望您能证明我的想法是错误的,也许现在会议模型已经足够了解,其他人会抓住机会提供帮助,但首先要准备好亲自主持表演。 但是请留在那儿–可行,我正在证明自己并且仍然在做,所以它一定值得!

寻找场地 (Find a Venue)

You’ll still need to make some assumptions about turnout, so when looking for a venue, find a place that can easily scale from 10 to 50 participants. Good places to approach include:

您仍然需要对投票率做出一些假设,因此在寻找场地时,请找到一个可以轻松将参与者从10人扩大到50人的场所。 处理的好地方包括:

  • Camps (the types you went to for school or summer camps). These are particularly suitable as they solve the accommodation issue and typically have a lot of space. Plan to go out of school holiday season.营地(您去过学校或夏令营的类型)。 这些解决方案特别适合,因为它们解决了住宿问题,并且通常具有很大的空间。 计划休假。
  • Offices. Find a company that shares the interest of the unconference’s topic and see if it’s willing to open its doors for a weekend. It’s unlikely that it will let you stay overnight, as it probably will be without contents and liability insurance, as well as needing staff to be available out of hours. Perhaps try your own boss – an insider has a much better chance of making this happen.办公室。 寻找一家与会议主题感兴趣的公司,看看它是否愿意在周末开放。 它不太可能让您过夜,因为它可能没有内容保险和责任保险,并且需要工作人员下班。 也许尝试自己的老板-内部人士更有可能实现这一目标。
  • Community and city halls. Most local councils will have a list of halls that you can book through them that are available at competitive prices. You might even be able to access them for free if it’s for a community, not-for-profit event.社区和市政厅。 大多数地方议会都会有一个大厅清单,您可以通过大厅预订这些大厅,价格有竞争力。 如果是社区非盈利性活动,您甚至可以免费访问它们。

If your venue lacks overnight accommodation for participants, consider finding a nearby caravan park or youth hostel that you can book en masse. This will keep participants together for the duration of the event and allow discussions to continue late into the night.

如果您的场地缺乏参与者的通宵住宿,请考虑寻找附近的大篷车公园或青年旅馆,您可以集体预订。 这将使参与者在活动期间保持团结,并允许讨论持续到深夜。

Make sure that whichever venue you select offers public liability insurance, so there’s one less important item to worry about.


寻找赞助商 (Find Sponsors)

Once you have your general topic, web presence, mailing lists, venue, and a rough idea of attendance, you can work out how much this event is going to cost. Remember you also have to feed the masses, and the type of catering you choose will affect the cost. You can easily assume that a two-day event with four meals (lunch, dinner, breakfast, and lunch again) will cost US$50 per head to cater for.

掌握了一般主题,网站状态,邮件列表,地点和出席人数的大致概念后,您就可以计算出该活动的费用。 请记住,您还必须养活大众,选择的餐饮类型将影响成本。 您可以轻松地假设为期两天的活动,包括四餐(午餐,晚餐,早餐和午餐),每人需要花费50美元。

Take this magic total cost and divide it by about $400. This figure is how many sponsors you need.

以这个不可思议的总成本除以大约$ 400。 这个数字就是您需要多少个赞助商。

Why $400? If you can entice one company to sponsor the whole deal, that would be great, but it could also bias the conference towards the sponsor’s stipulations. Ask for too little and you’ll need to find dozens of sponsors.

为什么要$ 400? 如果您能吸引一家公司赞助整个交易,那将是不错的选择,但也可能使会议偏向赞助商的规定。 要求太少,您将需要找到数十个赞助商。

In my experience, you’ll often find enough sponsors willing to provide $100 to $500, and 10 of those have covered our costs.

根据我的经验,您经常会发现有足够的赞助商愿意提供$ 100至$ 500,其中有10个已经支付了我们的费用。

Of course you still have to make it worthwhile to the sponsor. Most will happily hand over their cash and ask for little in return; they see the value of supporting the community, but it’s only fair that they receive a reward in return for their support.

当然,您仍然必须使它对赞助商有价值。 大多数人会高兴地交出现金,要求很少的回报; 他们看到了支持社区的价值,但是公平的是,他们会得到回报,以换取他们的支持。

Design some sponsorship plans with value increasing in line with cost. For example:

设计一些赞助计划,使其价值随成本增加。 例如:

$100 package:

$ 100礼包:

  • your logo on our web site您在我们网站上的徽标

$250 package:


  • your logo on our web site您在我们网站上的徽标
  • ability to distribute goodies at the event在活动中分发礼物的能力
  • named and thanked at the event在活动中表示感谢

$500 package:


  • your logo on our web site您在我们网站上的徽标
  • ability to distribute goodies at the event在活动中分发礼物的能力
  • named and thanked at the event在活动中表示感谢
  • ability to put up posters/placards/poster-boards promoting your organization能够张贴海报/标语牌/海报板以促进您的组织

It’s important to be specific, to avoid confusion or resentment later on. Keep the sponsors happy, and they’ll be back next time.

重要的是要具体,以免日后造成混乱或不满。 让赞助商感到高兴,他们下次会回来。

活动前 (Before the Event)

What’s missing? What do you need to make this event successful? You have your venue, participants, sponsors, and food sorted.

少了什么东西? 要使此活动成功,您需要什么? 您已对场地,参与者,赞助商和食物进行了分类。

互联网 (Internet Access)

If you’re running a technical unconference, you’ll probably want to make sure you have Internet access.


There are again many options, the easiest of which is a venue that comes with a broadband connection. Remember to find out if they have a wireless network though; you might need to bring your own equipment otherwise.

仍然有很多选择,其中最简单的是带有宽带连接的场地。 记住要找出他们是否有无线网络。 否则,您可能需要携带自己的设备。

If there’s no Internet access on site, you can talk to your local ISP to see if they’d be willing to sponsor the event by providing connectivity for the weekend. The cost of connecting, supplying for two days, and disconnecting is likely to run to about $300, but give them the same privileges as a top value sponsorship.

如果站点上没有Internet访问,则可以与本地ISP交谈,以了解他们是否愿意通过在周末提供连接来赞助该活动。 连接,供电两天以及断开连接的成本可能高达300美元左右,但赋予他们与顶级赞助商相同的特权。

By the way, being sans Internet access is fine; your event might actually work better without it, but make sure participants are aware of this so that any presentations that rely on access can be updated to work offline.

顺便说一句,没有Internet访问是可以的。 如果没有它,您的活动实际上可能会更好地工作,但是请确保参与者意识到这一点,以便所有依赖访问的演示都可以更新为脱机工作。

书桌,椅子,屏幕,投影仪 (Desks, Chairs, Screens, Projectors)

Participants will want to sit down at a desk for their laptops or notebooks. Presenters will probably need a form of projector, and a blank wall to project onto. Does the venue have sufficient facilities, or will you need to bring your own?

参与者将需要坐在办公桌旁坐着笔记本电脑。 演示者可能需要一种投影仪和一堵空白墙来投影。 场地是否有足够的设施,或者您需要自带?

Projectors can quite readily be sought from participants – just send out a request a few weeks before the event and ask for volunteers – and white walls or sheets can make great impromptu projection surfaces. Just make sure you know where the sun shines and project onto shaded areas so that participants can see the screen!

可以很容易地从参与者那里寻求投影仪-在活动开始前几个星期就发出请求,并征募志愿者-白色的墙壁或床单可以使即兴的投影表面变得更好。 只要确保您知道太阳照在哪里,然后投射到阴影区域上,以便参与者可以看到屏幕即可!

挂绳,笔,便签 (Lanyards, pens, sticky notes)

People will need name badges and pens to write their names on those badges. Fat markers are ideal so that the name is legible from more than 10cm away. Masking tape, sticky address labels, or lanyards are all appropriate as name badges.

人们将需要姓名徽章和钢笔才能在这些徽章上写下自己的名字。 脂肪标记是理想的选择,因此该名称在超过10厘米的地方都清晰可见。 美纹纸,粘性地址标签或挂绳都适合作为名称徽章。

TIP: Many attendees will have attended conferences before and so have a handful of lanyards or badges at home. Send an email to the announce list asking people to bring spare lanyards and badge holders with them for recycling. There’s no need to spend money on them then!

提示:许多与会者之前都曾参加过会议,因此在家中有一些挂绳或徽章。 向公告列表发送电子邮件,要求人们随身携带备用的挂绳和徽章持有者以进行回收。 那就不用花钱了!

The scheduling session – planning who talks when – is best done on sticky notes.


报名 (Registrations)

So you have a list of interested people on the announce list already, but remember to make contact with all the original lists to remind the members about the event. Once the event has a venue and date, people will take it more seriously and you’ll probably receive some more sign-ups.

因此,您已经在公告列表中列出了感兴趣的人,但是请记住与所有原始列表进行联系,以提醒成员有关该事件的信息。 活动的地点和日期一旦确定,人们就会更加重视它,您可能还会收到更多报名。

How to take registrations is up to you, but the simplest method is via a wiki page on the Internet that asks people to add their name to the end of a list (and to remove their names if they change their minds). Delegates are then taken from top to bottom to create the list of participants, until the maximum venue capacity is reached.

如何进行注册取决于您,但是最简单的方法是通过Internet上的Wiki页面,该页面要求人们将其姓名添加到列表的末尾(如果改变主意,则删除其姓名)。 然后从上到下派代表以创建参与者列表,直到达到最大场地容纳人数为止。

注册付款 (Registration Payment)

Hang on a minute! I thought unconferences were free?

等一下 我以为没有会议是免费的?

Well, yes, normally. There are two reasons you’ll want to have some form of payment facility though. You’ve probably heard the old adage that people will place greater value in an event that costs $10 than one that is free. You can use that to your advantage.

好吧,是的,通常。 不过,您有两种付款方式的理由有两个。 您可能已经听过一句古老的谚语,即人们花费10美元购买一项活动,将比免费获得更大的价值。 您可以利用它来发挥自己的优势。

What I learned early on is that many registered people leave their name on the list, even if they’re unable to attend. It’s too much hassle to go back and remove a name. They might only decide a couple of days prior that they won’t go because they’ve had a hard week.

我很早就了解到,即使他们无法参加,许多注册人员也会在名单上留下他们的名字。 回去删除名字太麻烦了。 他们可能只决定在几天前决定离开,因为他们度过了艰难的一周。

To alleviate this problem I started charging for registrations, with a promise of a full refund on arrival.


The second reason you might want to charge is to cover costs in the event you’re unable to secure sufficient sponsorship. If you do take this route, as we did for the last event, you can promise to return all of the registration fee, less a proportionate amount of funds required to break even.

您可能要收取的第二个原因是,如果您无法获得足够的赞助,则要承担费用。 如果您像上次活动那样采取这种方式,则可以保证退回所有注册费,减去收支平衡所需的一定比例的资金。

第一天 (Day 1)

Wow – it’s all happening. You’ve stuck by your belief that this is achievable and people are actually turning up! It’s quite a feeling, I’ll tell you.

哇,这一切都在发生。 您一直坚信这是可以实现的,而且实际上人们正在出现! 我会告诉你,这是一种感觉。

In keeping with the unorganization of the event, have a pile of name badges or lanyards and a fat marker. As people arrive they can fill out a card, place it in the holder, and attach the lanyard. No need for you to do that!

为了与活动的井井有条保持一致,请准备一堆名字徽章或挂绳和一个粗笔。 当人们到达时,他们可以填写一张卡片,将其放入支架中,然后系上挂绳。 无需您这样做!

They then move onto the pile of sticky notes, and enter their name and talk title. There’s another job saved!

然后,他们移至一堆便笺上,并输入姓名和谈话标题。 还有另一份工作!

活动期间 (During the Event)

Even if you organized this unconference by yourself there’s no need for you to run the show alone. Ask for helpers during registration. Helpers can assist by ensuring schedules run to time and introducing presenters.

即使您自己组织了这次非会议,也无需独自运行该节目。 在注册过程中寻求帮助。 助手可以通过确保时间表按时运行并介绍演示者来提供帮助。

However much you try to keep talks on schedule, they will run over. Inexperienced presenters will need more time than they imagine, discussions will draw the presentation out, and socializing during breaks will slow the proceedings down.

无论您尝试按时进行多长时间的讨论,它们都会结束。 经验不足的演示者将需要比他们想象的更多的时间,讨论将使演示文稿搁浅,并且在休息时间进行社交将使会议进程变慢。

Unlike traditional conferences, don’t worry too much about this slippage; instead, encourage the interaction. Implement a flexible schedule (I have the schedule online and update it as delays occur) and allow for an extra 30 or 60 minutes at the end of each day.

与传统会议不同,不必担心这种滑移。 相反,鼓励互动。 实施灵活的时间表(我可以在线获取时间表并在出现延迟时进行更新),并在每天结束时多留出30或60分钟的时间。

结语 (Wrapping Up)

This is where following the conference model works well. Gather all participants together in the largest presentation area and give a short closing speech.

这是遵循会议模型的良好方式。 在最大的演示区中聚集所有参与者,并做简短的闭幕演讲。

Thank all the participants and helpers, and of course the sponsors. If you have prizes to give away, this is the time to do it. Perhaps you can have a “best presentation” award. I also ask for all lanyards to be returned and have a random name badge pulled to win a prize; this is a great way to stock up on your badge holders for the next event!

感谢所有的参与者和帮助者,当然还有赞助者。 如果您有奖品要付出,那就是时候了。 也许您可以获得“最佳演示”奖。 我还要求退还所有的挂绳,并拉出随机的名字徽章以赢得奖品; 这是为下次活动储备徽章持有人的好方法!

Invite people to sign up to the announcement and discussion lists. Give participants a rough idea of when the next event will take place – next year, 6 months – and ask for volunteers to help with organization.

邀请人们注册公告和讨论列表。 让参加者大致了解下一次活动何时举行(明年6个月),并请志愿者帮助组织。

More importantly, this is the time when you ask everyone to pitch in and help pack up. There are cables to be rolled, tables to be placed back in their original location, the kitchen area to clean, projectors to be packed away, and more. Participation keeps going long after you step down.

更重要的是,这是您要求所有人介入并帮助收拾东西的时候。 有待轧制的电缆,可以放回原处的桌子,需要清洁的厨房区域,可以收起投影仪的物品等等。 下台后,参与会持续很长时间。

在事件发生后 (After the Event)

Once you’re all cleared up and ready to leave, you’ll have a few remaining pieces of administrivia to perform. Firstly, you and any other unorganisers should already have planned to come together to discuss the event and how it went. This should be a relaxing debriefing session to allow the adrenaline to subside, while being soon enough after the event that you still have thoughts fresh in your mind.

清理完毕并准备好离开后,您将需要执行一些剩余的管理员操作。 首先,您和其他任何未组织者都应该已经计划在一起讨论此次活动及其进行方式。 这应该是一个轻松的汇报会议,以使肾上腺素平息下来,同时在事件发生后尽快让您产生新的想法。

You’ll also want to create thank-you letters or certificates of appreciation for all of your supporters and sponsors. Include a separate letter detailing the events at the unconference, its successes and key outcomes, and the date of the next event if known. While I dislike printing unnecessarily, a well-presented, dead-tree certificate is a nice touch: it feels more real, and the sponsor might even put it on display, creating a little extra advertising for you and making it more likely that they’ll support you again next time.

您还需要为所有支持者和赞助者创建感谢信或感谢状。 包括一封单独的信函,详细说明未召开会议的事件,其成功和关键成果以及下一次事件的日期(如果已知)。 尽管我不喜欢不必要的打印,但是呈现得很好的死树证书是一种不错的感觉:它感觉更真实,而且赞助商甚至可以展示它,为您制作一些额外的广告,并更有可能使他们下次会再支持您的。

It goes without saying that you should send an email to the unconference discussion list thanking everyone for making the event so successful, asking presenters to make their presentation available online (with slideshare, for example), and discussing the next event. It’s also a great time to repeat your request for volunteer organizers for the next event.

不用说,您应该向非会议讨论列表发送电子邮件,感谢大家使活动如此成功,要求演讲者在线上发表他们的演讲(例如,使用slideshare ),并讨论下一个活动。 现在也是重复下一次活动的志愿者组织者要求的好时机。

下一个事件 (The Next Event)

Yes, there will be one. Despite the hard work required to make this one happen, the moments of despair when you considered giving up, the fact you hardly listened to any talks because you were making sure everything was still going to plan, and the realization after the event that unorganization still is about organization, the urge, or pressure from participants, to run another event will be irresistible.

是的,会有一个。 尽管要实现这一目标需要付出艰苦的努力,在您考虑放弃时感到绝望的时刻,由于您确保一切仍在计划中而几乎没有听过任何谈话,并且在事件发生后仍然意识到无组织对于组织而言,举办另一场比赛的冲动或压力是不可抗拒的。

My advice – unless this event was such a roaring success that you found a dozen people willing to help with the next – wait a year. This will give you enough time to be proud of what you achieved, have a break, think about the next event, plan for the next event, find sponsors and a venue, and send the word out again. I find I’m unable to even start thinking about another unconference for at least three months.

我的建议-等待一年,除非此活动取得了巨大的成功,以至于您发现很多人愿意为下一个提供帮助。 这将使您有足够的时间为自己所取得的成就感到自豪,休息一下,考虑下一场比赛,为下一场比赛做计划,寻找赞助商和场地,然后再说一次。 我发现至少三个月来,我什至无法开始考虑另一个会议。

面对不确定性应对 (Coping in the Face of Uncertainty)

I’ve mentioned this already, and I’ll mention it again. You will feel uncertain at times. You’ll consider sticking your head under the pillow and pretending you hadn’t started all of this. Here are some suggestions on how to cope with these moments– (some are a reflexive form of blackmail, which tend to work well for me):

我已经提到了这一点,我将再次提及。 您有时会感到不确定。 您将考虑将头枕在枕头下,并假装您还没有开始所有这一切。 这里有一些有关如何应对这些时刻的建议(一些是反思性的勒索形式,对我来说往往很有效):

  • Announce the event early and spread the word; it’s hard to back down when 50 people want to go.尽早宣布活动并进行宣传; 当50个人想离开时,很难退缩。
  • Find a venue and pay the deposit out of your own pocket; now you need a way to repay yourself.寻找场地并自掏腰包支付押金; 现在您需要一种回报自己的方式。
  • Start an announcement mailing list or a blog for the event, post frequent updates, and never check the number of subscribers; this will encourage you to keep momentum.启动事件的公告邮件列表或博客,发布频繁的更新,并且从不检查订户数量; 这会鼓励您保持动力。
  • Open registrations as soon as you have a venue and take a $10 deposit for a spot; you now have an obligation to follow through.拥有场地后立即开放注册,并为景点支付10美元的押金; 您现在有义务遵循。
最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

If you’ve read this and are still considering running your own unconference, I wish you all the very best. It’s quite possibly the most noticeably rewarding community activity you’ll take part in, and I’d be unsurprised if you’re still organizing sequels in years to come.

如果您已阅读此书,并且仍在考虑召开自己的会议,祝您一切顺利。 这很可能是您将参加的最有意义的社区活动,如果您在未来几年仍在组织续集,我也不会感到惊讶。

BarCamps in Melbourne are now a twice-yearly occurrence, and the reason I have continued to run them is because I receive a huge buzz from people’s energy during the event, and the groups and activities that follow on from them. Unconferences are far from being an isolated event and BarCampMelbourne has spawned a number of smaller interest groups that continue to this day.

墨尔本的BarCamps现在每年两次,而我之所以继续经营它们,是因为在活动期间,我从人们的精力以及随之而来的团体和活动中获得了巨大的轰动。 非正式会议绝非孤立的事件,BarCampMelbourne催生了许多较小的利益集团,直到今天。

If I might provide one last piece of advice, it is to accept help when it’s offered, and if you’re in luck you’ll find gems. BarCampMelbourne is lucky enough to have a person on the organizing team who’s process-oriented and meticulous about detail, and no matter how often we remind her it’s an unconference, she’s unable to stop organizing.

如果我可以提供最后的建议,那就是在提供帮助时接受帮助,如果运气好的话,您会发现很多宝石。 BarCampMelbourne非常幸运,能够在组织团队中拥有一个以过程为导向且对细节一丝不苟的人,而且无论我们多久提醒她一次会议,她都无法停止组织。

免责声明 (Disclaimer)

I’ve only used a selection of the services referred to in this article, so I’m unable to personally recommend all of them. When choosing providers of these services, look into data ownership and licensing terms, and make sure you’re comfortable using those services.

我只使用了本文中提到的一些服务,因此我无法亲自推荐所有这些服务。 在选择这些服务的提供商时,请查看数据所有权和许可条款,并确保您习惯使用这些服务。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/running-your-own-unconference-2/



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