
OpenBSD founder Theo de Raadt has gone on the record in an interview with Forbes Magazine, slashing at Linux and Linus Torvald’s oversight of the OS as low in quality.

OpenBSD的创始人Theo de Raadt在接受《福布斯》杂志采访时记录了这一记录 ,大幅度削减了Linux,而Linus Torvald对OS的监督质量低下。

Raadt also does not care for the likes of IBM, HP, Sun and others garnering profits from the free contributions of the open source community without giving more back. There may be some substance to that – though those companies and some others did make positive moves in indemnifying customers and releasing a certain level of patents for free usage.

Raadt也不关心IBM,HP,Sun等公司,它们从开源社区的免费捐助中获得了利润,却没有付出更多。 尽管其中有些公司和其他一些公司确实做出了积极的举动,以保护客户并免费提供一定水平的专利,但其中可能有一些实质内容。

It would be good to perhaps see more investments in the open source community in some broad consortuim manner to perhaps improve the amount of research availble on open source trends, usage patterns, return on investment, etc. However, we do need to remember that these companies do commit staff to work on Linux projects during paid work hours as part of the contributions back to the community.


I have spent so much time in multi-platform environments that I do not get quite as religious as others may about Linux versus OpenBSD versus Windows versus other Unix variants and so on. However, being a heavy OS X user both personally and server side – I am quite fond of the BSD Unix underpinnings of OpenBSD, OS X and Solaris. Especially from a security perspective.

我在多平台环境中花费了很多时间,以至于我对Linux,OpenBSD,Windows,其他Unix变体等等的了解不那么虔诚。 但是,无论是个人还是服务器方面,OS X都是大量用户–我非常喜欢OpenBSD,OS X和Solaris的BSD Unix基础。 尤其是从安全角度来看。

The primary OS I work with in business is Linux and OS X, and remain a fan of both. I do not have the same perception of a messy system with poor quality control, nor do I see Linux as am assembly of “cheap, little hacks” as Raadt also commented.

我在业务中使用的主要操作系统是Linux和OS X,并且仍然是两者的拥护者。 我对质量控制不佳的凌乱系统没有相同的看法,也没有像Raadt所说的那样将Linux视为“廉价,小巧的工具”的集合。

One point Raadt makes rings somewhat familiar to discussions we have had in Open Sourcery on the commercialization and integration of Linux into the technology mainstream. If some in the Linux community spent less time hating Microsoft and more time building the argument for open source, assembling solid research and writing great code in Linux and applications – we may be a few steps further than we are today.

有一点Raadt使人们对我们在开源中关于Linux商业化和将Linux集成到技术主流中的讨论有些熟悉。 如果Linux社区中的某些人花更少的时间憎恨Microsoft,而花更多的时间为开放源代码争论,进行扎实的研究并在Linux和应用程序中编写出色的代码,那么我们可能会比今天更进一步。

This also spills over into the news that the Gentoo Linux founder and former chief architect Daniel Robbins has taken employment with Microsoft to help the company better understand open source as a community, as a business and also its deployment and integration in business.

Gentoo Linux的创始人和前首席架构师Daniel Robbins已受聘于Microsoft,以帮助该公司更好地理解开源作为社区,企业及其在企业中的部署和集成,这也波及到了新闻。

Not necessarily a total shock, to me at least. Open source project participants need to eat too. I earn a portion of my money in a proprietary world.

至少对我来说,不一定是完全震惊。 开源项目参与者也需要吃饭。 我在专有世界中赚了一部分钱。

While there may be some conspiritorial ring to it – I think it is largely due to Microsoft seeing bits and pieces of market share go to Linux. Also, many business customers who have adopted Linux into mixed environments may finally be pressing Microsoft to learn how to deploy along side it. There is also the fact that Microsoft has been toying with open source by releasing tidbits of its own code into the open source community and exploring how it might also leverage community participation.

尽管可能存在一些阴谋论环,但我认为这主要是由于Microsoft看到Linux占有一点点市场份额。 同样,许多已经将Linux引入混合环境的商业客户最终可能会向Microsoft施加压力,以学习如何与Linux一起部署。 还有一个事实是,Microsoft一直在通过向开放源代码社区发布其自己的代码小窍门并探索其如何利用社区参与来与开放源代码打交道。

As we all know – there are fairly sizable numbers of open source projects available on Windows – and if Microsoft sees a market for participating alongside us in open source – it will do so whether we like it or not.





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