
先说结论:方差分析(或者用Kruskal Wallis)、秩和检验、Holm's method一定要做。



(1)方差分析(Analysis Of Variance,ANOVA)——推荐1






(3)秩和检验( Wilcoxon rank sum test)——推荐2




(4)邦费罗尼校正(Bonferroni Correction)


(5)霍尔姆方法(Holm’s Sequential Bonferroni Procedure,Holm’s method)——推荐3


二、Holm's method详解



  • Target alpha level = overall alpha level (usually .05),
  • n = number of tests.


Question: Use the Holm-Bonferroni method to test the following four hypotheses and their associated p-values at an alpha level of .05:

  • H1 = 0.01.
  • H2 = 0.04
  • H3 = 0.03
  • H4 = 0.005

Note: we already know the p-values associated with each hypothesis. If you don’t know the p-values, run a test for each hypothesis before attempting to adjust FWER using the Holm-Bonferroni method. (使用之前,先计算p值)

Step 1: Order the p-values from smallest to greatest:  (p值从小到大排序)

  • H4 = 0.005
  • H1 = 0.01
  • H3 = 0.03
  • H2 = 0.04

Step 2: Work the Holm-Bonferroni formula for the first rank: (对第一个rank运行Holm-Bonferroni公式)
HB = Target α / (n – rank + 1)
HB = .05 / (4 – 1 + 1) = .05 / 4 = .0125.

Step 3: Compare the first-ranked (smallest) p-value from Step 1 to the alpha level calculated in Step 2:
Smallest p-value, in Step 1 (H4 = 0.005) < Alpha level in Step 2 (.0125).
If the p-value is smaller, reject the null hypothesis for this individual test.  (p值小于alpha,表明有显著差异)

The p-value of .005 is less than .0125, so the null hypothesis for H4 is rejected.  (第一步的最小p值和第二步的alpha值比较,前者小于后者,则拒绝空假设)

Step 4: Repeat the HB formula for the second rank (重复上述步骤给第二个rank)
HB = Target α / (n – rank + 1)
HB = .05 / (4 – 2 + 1) = .05 / 3 = .0167

Step 5: Compare the result from the HB formula in Step 4 to the second-ranked p-value:  
Second ranked p-value, in Step 1 (H1 = 0.01) < Alpha level in Step 2 (.0167).
The p-value of .01 is less than .0167, so the null hypothesis for H1 is rejected as well.

Step 6: Repeat the HB formula for the third rank.(重复上述步骤给第三个rank)
HB = Target α / (n – rank + 1)
HB = .05 / (4 – 3 + 1) = .05 / 2 = .025

Step 7: Compare the result from the HB formula in Step 6 to the third-ranked p-value: 
Third ranked p-value, in Step 1 (H3 = 0.03) > Alpha level in Step 6 (.025).
The p-value of .03 is greater than .025, so the null hypothesis for H3 is not rejected.

The testing stops when you reach the first non-rejected hypothesis. All subsequent hypotheses are non-significant (i.e. not rejected).   (当找到第一个不拒绝的假设时,步骤终止;所有后续假设失效)

Holm, S. 1979. A simple sequential rejective multiple test procedure. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 6:65-70


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# Import standard packages
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import pandas as pd
import os# Other required packages
from statsmodels.stats.multicomp import (pairwise_tukeyhsd,MultiComparison)
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
from statsmodels.stats.anova import anova_lm#数据excel名
group_medical=list(df.StressReduction[(df.Treatment=="medical")])multiComp = MultiComparison(df['StressReduction'], df['Treatment'])def Holm_Bonferroni(multiComp):''' Instead of the Tukey's test, we can do pairwise t-test通过均分a=0.05,矫正a,得到更小a'''# First, with the "Holm" correctionrtp = multiComp.allpairtest(stats.ttest_rel, method='Holm')print((rtp[0]))# and then with the Bonferroni correctionprint((multiComp.allpairtest(stats.ttest_rel, method='b')[0]))# Any value, for testing the program for correct executioncheckVal = rtp[1][0][0,0]return checkValHolm_Bonferroni(multiComp)

代码来自:https://www.cnblogs.com/webRobot/p/6912257.html , (作者:python_education)


1. M个算法,每个运行N次得到数据集怎么称呼?

microarray data,微阵列数据。每个算法运行N次运行结果为一行(或一列)。

gene list,基因列表。每条基因是一个算法运行N次的结果。

2. 为什么要用Holm’s method

详见 多重检验中p-value的校正

Multiple testing corrections adjust p-values derived from multiple statistical tests to correct for occurrence of false positives. In microarray data analysis, false positives are genes that are found to be statistically different between conditions, but are not in reality.

以Bonferroni correction 为例:

The p-value of each gene is multiplied by the number of genes in the gene list (一个算法重复运行多次得到的一组数据叫做一个基因,每次运行得到基因上的一个基因项). If the
corrected p-value is still below the error rate, the gene will be significant:
Corrected P-value= p-value * n (number of genes in test) <0.05
As a consequence, if testing 1000 genes at a time, the highest accepted individual pvalue
is 0.00005, making the correction very stringent. With a Family-wise error rate
of 0.05 (i.e., the probability of at least one error in the family), the expected number
of false positives will be 0.05.

3. 为什么p值小于0.05很重要?



例如: 不同的供应区域是否会对商品单价产生统计显著效果?我们做如下假设:



如果 p_value > α,我们不能拒绝零假设,表明不同供应区域之间的单价并没有显著差异。


if p<0.05:print('There is a significant difference.')
else:print('No significant difference.')

另一篇参考文献:http://www.iikx.com/news/statistics/3567.html ,从中可得出,当后续p值被截胡、失去比较机会时,默认是接受空假设,即没有显著差异。


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