
Let’s face it, we’ve all been there. Maybe you are still stuck in tutorial hell and are reaching out to find ways you can get out. Life seems peaceful when you’re in there, but somewhere in your mind, you realize that you’re stuck in a loop. Days & weeks pass by quickly, one video after another, one tutorial after another until you realize that this is what hell feels like. You’re numb to the outside world, enjoying the pseudo-bliss in Tutorial Hell.

面对现实吧,我们都去过那里。 也许您仍然陷于教程地狱中,并且正在寻找可以摆脱困境的方法。 当您在那里时,生活似乎很平静,但是在您的脑海中,您意识到自己陷入了困境。 几天又几周很快过去,一个接一个的视频,一个接一个的教程,直到您意识到这就是地狱的感觉。 您对外界麻木,在Tutorial Hell中享受伪幸福。



Ok, that went on to be darker than I thought. Lemme explain.

好吧,那比我想的还要黑暗。 莱姆解释。

什么是教程地狱? (What is Tutorial Hell?)

Tutorial hell is a phase in which a lot of new programmers are stuck in. With a lot of awesome tutorials and courses available online at a cheaper rate than ever before, knowledge has become increasingly available to anyone and everyone.


Beginner Programmers are always on the lookout for a tutorial or course that will teach them a new programming language or concept in a simple manner. They want to ‘sort of’ know things by following what the instructor says and seem to be unable to achieve anything new without the need for a tutorial or course.

初级程序员总是在寻找可以通过简单的方式教给他们新的编程语言或概念的教程或课程。 他们希望通过遵循讲师的话来“了解”各种事物,并且似乎在不需要教程或课程的情况下无法取得新的成就。

如何知道您是否处于教程地狱? (How to know if you’re in Tutorial Hell?)

Imagine this. You just finished a tutorial and followed everything the instructor said and did. Now, its time to make good use of this knowledge and build something of your own. You create a new project and start to think about writing some code on your own.

想象一下。 您刚刚完成了一个教程,并按照讲师的所作所为进行了所有操作。 现在,该利用这些知识来构建自己的东西了。 您创建了一个新项目,并开始考虑自己编写一些代码。

This is when you are overwhelmed with the sheer pressure of doing something on your own. You aren’t sure what to do or how to start. That’s when you start your next tutorial & the next thing you know you’ve taken 83 courses and tutorials but you still don’t know where to end.

这是当您不堪自己独自做某事的巨大压力时。 您不确定该怎么做或如何开始。 那是当您开始下一个教程和下一件事时,您知道已经学习了83门课程和教程,但是仍然不知道从哪里结束。

Dwight knows it.

为什么教程地狱首先存在! (Why does tutorial hell exist in the first place!?)

Simply put, tutorials seem like a safe house. They provide you with a sense of learning and accomplishment. Tutorials give you measurable progress.

简而言之,教程似乎是一个安全的地方。 他们为您提供学习和成就感。 教程为您提供了可衡量的进步。

Oh Wow! A 9 hour tutorial on mastering ReactJS! Great, you can learn ReactJS in just about a day! However, when you start your own project after having done the 9-hour tutorial, it seems you don’t know enough. So what do you do?

哇! 9小时的精通ReactJS教程! 太好了,您可以在大约一天的时间内学习ReactJS! 但是,当您完成9小时的教程后开始自己的项目时,您似乎还不够了解。 所以你会怎么做?

Yep, another tutorial.


As you may have probably guessed, I am a huge fan of the Office.

Tutorial hell keeps you feeling alive (sort of). Tutorials are risk-free.

教程地狱让您感觉还活着(有点)。 教程是无风险的。

Hey John, are you ready to start your project yet?


I’m learning a new language! It’s awesome!

我正在学习一门新语言! 这很棒!

Oh, carry on then.


You follow the calm voice of your instructor, you do as they say. Even if you go wrong at some point, they already linked the code in the description or notes. Let’s copy-paste and ta-da! All’s well.


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