程序根据用户输入的体重和身高计算出一个人的体重指数。但是,输入“metric”或“imperial”并按enter键后,程序将关闭。前三个打印功能工作正常,之后的任何内容都不会在我按下回车键后出现。我该怎么解决?print('\t\t\t BMI Calculator')

print('\t\t\t By Abdinasir Hussein')

print('\n Hello, this is a BMI Calculator!')

input('Do you wish to enter metric units or imperial units: ')

while input == 'metric':

height = float(input('Please enter your height input meters(decimals): '))

weight = int(input('Please enter your weight input kg: '))

bmi = weight/(height*height)

if bmi <= 18.5:

print('Your BMI is', bmi,'which means you are underweight.')

elif bmi > 18.5 and bmi < 25:

print('Your BMI is', bmi,'which means you are normal.')

elif bmi > 25 and bmi < 30:

print('your BMI is', bmi,'overweight.')

elif bmi > 30:

print('Your BMI is', bmi,'which means you are obese.')


print('There is an error with your input')

print('Please check you have entered whole numbers\n'

'and decimals were asked.')

while input == 'imperial':

height = int(input('Please enter your height input inputches(whole number): '))

weight = int(input('Please enter your weight input pounds(whole number): '))

bmi = (weight*703)/(height*height)

if bmi <= 18.5:

print('Your BMI is', bmi,'which means you are underweight.')

elif bmi > 18.5 and bmi < 25:

print('Your BMI is', bmi,'which means you are normal.')

elif bmi > 25 and bmi < 30:

print('Your BMI is', bmi,'which means you are overweight')

elif bmi > 30:

print('Your BMI is', bmi,'which means you are obese.')


print('There is an error with your input')

print('Please check you have entered whole numbers\n'

'and decimals were asked.')

input('\n\nPlease press enter to exit.')

我现在已经更改了,但是如何编辑此块:input = input('Do you wish to enter metric units or imperial units: ')

if input == 'metric':

height = float(input('Please enter your height input meters(decimals): '))

weight = int(input('Please enter your weight input kg: '))

bmi = weight/(height*height)

if bmi <= 18.5:

print('Your BMI is', bmi,'which means you are underweight.')

elif bmi > 18.5 and bmi < 25:

print('Your BMI is', bmi,'which means you are normal.')

elif bmi > 25 and bmi < 30:

print('your BMI is', bmi,'overweight.')

elif bmi > 30:

print('Your BMI is', bmi,'which means you are obese.')


print('There is an error with you inputput')

print('Please check you have entered whole numbers\n'

'and decimals where asked.')

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