
If you, like many people, picked up an HBO Now account to watch Game of Thrones, your first thought after finishing the series last night might have been “How do I cancel?”

如果您像许多人一样,注册了HBO Now帐户来观看《权力的游戏》,那么昨晚完成系列赛后您的第一个念头可能就是“如何取消?”

Alright, in fairness, your first thought might have been “What the hell was that?” if the general current of social media is any indicator. And as veteran watchers of shows like LOST with long meandering story arcs that end in disgruntled viewership, you have our sympathy if the finale left you unhappy.

好吧,公平地说,您的第一个想法可能是“那是什么鬼?” 社交媒体的总体流行情况是否有任何指标。 作为像LOST这样的节目的资深观看者,他们的故事曲折漫漫,最终导致观众的不满,如果结局让您不满意,您会感到同情。

Whether you ended the series on a high note or you’re still reeling from the ending today, if Game of Thrones was the only HBO programming you were tuned in for, it’s time to cancel. To do so, log into your account at play.hbonow.com and click on the “Settings” link in the upper right corner.

无论您以高调结束系列还是今天结束后仍在紧张中,如果《权力的游戏》是您唯一需要关注的HBO编程,那么该是时候取消了。 为此,请在play.hbonow.com上登录您的帐户,然后单击右上角的“设置”链接。

Within the “Settings” menu, select “Billing Information.”


You’ll see information about your subscription, including when the next billing date the credit card assigned to the account. Toggle the “Auto-Renew On” switch to the off position.

您将看到有关订阅的信息,包括分配给该帐户的信用卡的下一个结算日期。 将“自动更新打开”开关拨到关闭位置。

You’ll be prompted to reconsider. Click “Yes, Turn It Off.”

系统会提示您重新考虑。 单击“是,将其关闭”。

Your billing information will now reflect the expiration date of your account, and the Auto-Renew feature should be turned off.


If your expiration date happens to coincide with the end of the series like ours does, you can make a clean break. If you still have a week or even a month of service left, then there’s always plenty of time to get sucked back in, and binge watch some more HBO content.

如果您的到期日恰好与本系列的结束日期恰好一样,则可以彻底休息一下。 如果您还剩下一周甚至一个月的服务时间,那么总是有足够的时间被吸引回来,狂饮观看更多HBO内容。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/415498/how-to-cancel-your-hbo-now-account/


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